The Nature and Types of Advertising - Marketing Campaign Planning - ثالث ثانوي

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

Advertising and Public Relations

Advertisers use visual messages to communicate information about products or services.

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

What factors do advertisers consider when deciding what to include in their advertisements

CHAPTER LESSONS The Nature and Types of Advertising

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

MARKETING MATTERS Advertising is any paid one-way communication which is delivered through a mass medium, such as television, radio, newspapers, or social media

How much advertising do you come into contact with every day'

The Nature and Types of Advertising

KEY TERMS Institutional advertising

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

The Nature of Advertising

How do businesses decide where to place the advertising that they create for their products or services

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

Organizations use advertising to reach a variety of audiences ranging from small specific groups, such as parents of newborn babies, to extremely large groups, such as athletic footwear buyer

What makes it possible for advertisers to personalize advertising messages for different target markets

How does a salesperson's perception of a brand influence their performance at work

What does advertising have a significant effect on

Different Types of Advertising

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

advocacy advertising

Recycling is one form of socially approved behavior that advocacy advertising might try to promote. What other socially approved behaviors might it be used for

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

MARKETING SCENARIO Helping Saudis to Become Electric Vehicle Pioneers

What type of advertising did the company use to promote its new vehicles

Why did the manufacturer need to educate consumers in its target market about their products. What would have happened if they hadn't done this

How will the vehicles with the new upgrade be superior to the vehicle manufacturers' previous models

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

Competitive advertising

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

native advertising

What are the benefits of native advertising considered to be

What is the difference between reminder advertising and reinforcement advertising

How does competitive advertising promote a product, service, or brand

In what situation is institutional advertising referred to as advocacy advertising

What does pioneer advertising focus on doing

What are usually the aims of institutional advertising

6.1 The Nature and Types of Advertising

What is comparative advertising and for which types of prod- ucts is it typically used

What enables advertisers to personalize advertising messages to specific segments

Make Academic Connections Writing

Connect to the Real World You work for an advertising agency. Your agency has been given a new assignment