Public Relations - Marketing Campaign Planning - ثالث ثانوي

6.3 Public Relations

Public Relations

MARKETING MATTERS The effort to 1) create awareness and positive impressions of a product or service among consumers, and 2) deal with any circumstances that might harm this positive impressi

Write your own definition of public relations based on your existing knowledge of it.

6.3 Public Relations

The Nature of Public Relations

6.3 Public Relations

Although PR can make people aware of a company’s products, brands

What is the aim of the public relations efforts for Saudi Vision 2030

What examples of these activities do you know of

6.3 Public Relations

Explain the relationship between PR and the media based on what you have learned so far

In your opinion, who is PR most important or most useful to: companies, high-profile individuals, or non profit organizations? Explain your answer

Look back at the definition of PR that you wrote at the start of this chapter. What changes would you make to it now

The Tools of Public Relations

Corporate Materials

6.3 Public Relations

MARKETING SCENARIO The Cellphone Company Warning Young People About the Problems of Using Their Phones Too Much

What effects can strategies like this have on the company that executes them and on consumers

Why did the company use this particular public relations strategy

What happens at the second type of public relations effort that the company made

What two methods did the cellphone service provider use to draw attention to the issue that it wants to raise awareness of

6.3 Public Relations

Event Sponsorship and Brand Ambassadors

Think of an event you have attended or watched that was sponsored by a company or organization. How was this sponsorship visible and what impact did it have on your purchase decisions?

6.3 Public Relations


How much attention do you think media agencies pay to the press releases they receive? Might they find some releases more interesting than others

6.3 Public Relations

feature article

6.3 Public Relations

What do you think usually happens at a press conference and in what order

press conference

6.3 Public Relations

Although public relations employees usually encourage the media to air publicity releases at certain times

What can PR employees or agencies not control with regard to the publicity they release to the media

What usually happens at a press conference

What is the definition of a press release

What is the aim of publicity

How do companies usually use brand ambassadors? What benefits do both parties usually receive from this arrangementجديد 86

What are three examples of corporate materials that a company or organization might use for the purposes of PR

6.3 Public Relations

Evaluate the Effectiveness of Public Relations

Publicity-based Public Relations

6.3 Public Relations

Unexpected Unfavorable Publicity

6.3 Public Relations

Protecting a Company’s Image

6.3 Public Relations

Digital media has enhanced the ability of companies and organizations to communicate with key stakeholders and develop dialogues on current issues

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that reacting quickly and being honest about any mistakes the company or organization has made is the best way to deal with negative public relatio

What can counting the number of media exposures to publicity-based PR tell the people responsible for it? What information about consumers is not possible to learn from doing this

Why is it so important that the people who are responsible for public relations activities evaluate their effectiveness

6.3 Public Relations

How can public relations be used to respond to negative publicity about a company or its products

What can public relations employees do to maximize the chances of media outlets deciding to air the information that they want to communicate to the public

What is the most important objective of public relations

Make Academic Connections Writing

Connect to the Real World You are a PR consultant. A company that has recently been exposed for making false claims about its products in the media has asked for your help to deal with the si