Chapter Assessment - Marketing Campaign Planning - ثالث ثانوي

Chapter 2 Assessment

Explain the statement, "Effective marketing information reduces the risk in decision making

Explain the statement, "Effective marketing information reduces the risk in decision making

Why do you think a company would want to gather information about its competition

You are a marketing manager who works in a market with intense competition for your company's products. What would be your strategy for increasing sales

Provide two examples of both direct and indirect competition, explaining how they are differentiated

What is extensive decision making, and when do consumers typically use it

What is extensive decision making, and when do consumers typically use it

How does personality influence buying behavior? Give an example that relates to either attitude, self-concept, or lifestyle in answering this question

Think of a major purchase you think you will make in the next year or so. How will you apply the information search step of the five-step consumer decision-making process to this purchase

Think of a major purchase you think you will make in the next year or so. How will you apply the information search step of the five-step consumer decision-making process to this purchase

Choose one of the three types of buying motives discussed in the chapter. With this buying motive in mind, describe how you used it to make a recent purchase

Differentiate consumer needs and wants. Use examples in explaining your answer

Name and describe the two types of consumers that marketers need to understand

Chapter 2 Assessment

Match the terms listed with the definitions Business consumers

Chapter 2 Assessment

Match the terms listed with the definitions Limited decision making

Some products are sold to both business consumers and final consumers

Chapter 2 Assessment

Marketers try to attract your attention with advertisements that address meaningful buying motives

You are the manager of a new clothes store that is opening in three days

Chapter 2 Assessment

Using online news sites, find a corporate announcement of a new product or service

The type of competition a company faces affects the type of marketing strategy it will use

Chapter 2 Assessment

In order to learn more about customers, many organizations use customer feedback cards like the one shown below for a restaurant

Chapter 2 Assessment

An important part of the marketing research process is analyzing the data after it has been collected

Chapter 2 Assessment

You are a consultant advising a company founder that wants to open a clothes store selling low-price clothes items for men, women, and children in your city