Event Financing - Event Management - ثالث ثانوي

Chapter 6 Event Financing, Budgeting, & Revenue Maximization

Chapter 6 Event Financing, Budgeting, & Revenue Maximization

6.1 Event Financing

LEAP Technical Conference 2023 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


6.1 Event Financing

As events need to be financially viable, detailed research must be undertaken into expenses such as venue hiring and staffing

How might a technology-centered event finance its technological needs

6.1 Event Financing

Once you have completed this lesson, you should be able to Explain the financial objectives of events

KEY TERMS Profit margin

6.1 Event Financing

Event Financial Objectives

Why do individuals, businesses, and governments finance events

6.1 Event Financing

Financial Objective: Profit

Short-term Profit

Long-term Profit


6.1 Event Financing

Negative Profit

Financial Objective: Revenue

Revenue Growth

Revenue Maximization

Financial Objective: Costs

6.1 Event Financing

Minimizing costs by purchasing the lowest-cost option may reduce the initial cost of purchase

Financial Objective: Cash Flow

Why is it important to keep a close eye on the costs of events

Event Financing

6.1 Event Financing

Decisions have to be made on how the events should be paid for, and more importantly, who is responsible for paying any bills. Often

Where would the financing for a wedding come from

6.1 Event Financing

Savings or Retained Profits



6.1 Event Financing


Bank Loans

Why do different events use different methods of financing?

6.1 Event Financing

Factors Affecting Event Financing Requirements

Why do many venues charge more for weddings than for other events

6.1 Event Financing


6.1 Event Financing

Internal factors

External factors

6.1 Event Financing

Management Fees


Why is planning the financial requirements of an event difficult

6.1 Event Financing

Maintaining Financial Records

The Importance of Financial Planning

Monitoring Event Costs

6.1 Event Financing

Monitoring Revenue Streams

Calculating Ticket and Merchandizing Sales

Monitoring Cash Flow

Implementing Fraud and Control Systems

6.1 Event Financing

Why should event planners ensure there are effective financial management policies in place

Meeting Legal, Zakat, and Tax Obligations

Event Management Skills

Explain how you would decide how much of a provision for emergency rain covers and umbrellas would need to be included in the budget. What would happen with unsold stock

6.1 Event Financing

Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following: 1. Which of the following is NOT a financial objective

Why is having a contingency fund essential for an event manager

How does monitoring cash flow help in the financial planning of an event