Evaluating Options - Business Decision Making - ثاني ثانوي

3: Evaluating Options

Evaluating Options

TABLE 2-3: Evaluating options do’s and don’ts

Choose an evaluation method

Select the criteria

3: Evaluating Options

Weigh your criteria

Rate the alternatives

FIGURE 2-4: Ranking and weighting alternatives

3: Evaluating Options

FIGURE 2-5: Analytical hierarchy matrix

Make a decision

Practice evaluating options by selecting an option and then explaining why you selected it. Complete the following steps. 1. Get ready

Now you try it

3: Evaluating Options

TABLE 1: Comparing options

TABLE 2: Ranking and weighting options

Cost, time, and usefulness are examples of:

. Which of the following should you not do before making a decision? a. Weigh the criteri