Retiring Debt - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

7.6 Retiring Debt

7.6 Retiring Debt

Retiring debt

7.6 Retiring Debt

Call feature

7.6a Calling the Debt

7.6b Government Securities

7.6 Retiring Debt

develops an annual borrowing plan for Saudi Arabia to address debt

7.6c National Debt

National debt

7.6 Retiring Debt

have very high debt-to-GDP ratios. In 2020, Greece’s ratio was over

Many bonds have a call feature, which permits the firm to retire the bonds prior to maturity.

If interest rates rise after a bond has been issued, it may be advantageous for the company to call the bond.

Bonds may be retired prior to maturity by (1) repurchases, (2) new issue, (3) a call feature:

The call feature permits the issuer to redeem a bond prior to maturity.

The total debt is less important than its proportion to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).