Financial Markets - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

2.1 Financial Markets

Financial Markets

Financial markets perform two exceedingly important functions.

What are the benefits of having a single currency in a country?

2.1 Financial Markets

2.1a The Role of Money

FIGURE 2.2 Currency Conversion



2.1 Financial Markets

While you may store value in these nonmonetary assets,

Measures of the Supply of Money


Money supply



2.1 Financial Markets

FIGURE 2.3 Comparison of M-1 and M-2 Measures of Money Supply

2.1b The Role of Interest Rates

2.1 Financial Markets

Debt, and hence interest rates, is often classified

The Term Structure of Interest Rates

Term structure of interest rates

Yield curve

2.1 Financial Markets

FIGURE 2.4 Example of a Positively Sloped Yield Curve

FIGURE 2.5 Example of a Negatively Sloped Yield Curve

2.1 Financial Markets

FI G U R E 2.6 Example of a Flat Yield Curve

2.1c Financial Markets and the Transfer of Savings

2.1 Financial Markets

When somebody spends their income, the funds