Risk - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

6.1 Risk


6.1a Types of Risk


Economic risk

Pure risk

Speculative risk

6.1 Risk

Why Do Individuals and Businesses Take Risks?

What risks might a business encounter?

6.1 Risk

Risks Sources or Causes

Controllable and Uncontrollable Risk

6.1b Uncontrollable Business Risks

Natural risks

Human risks

Controllable risks

Uncontrollable risks

6.1 Risk

FIGURE 6.1 Uncontrollable Business Risks

Economic Risk

Geographic Risks

6.1 Risk

What type of geographic risk might a business be subject to?

Cultural Risk

6.1 Risk

Political-Legal Risk

6.1c Controllable Business Risks

6.1 Risk

A pure risk is a situation with an opportunity for a future financial gain.

A risk is a situation with the possibility of either financial loss or gain.

Government regulations of business can create a risk.