Financial Intermediaries - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Financial Intermediaries

As has been discussed, one purpose of financial markets

2.2a The Investment Bank

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Why is investment often essential to help a business grow?

Thus, syndication makes possible both the sale

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Instead of supporting the price, the underwriters

2.2b The Indirect Transfer Through Financial Intermediaries

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

the saver had lent the funds directly to the ultimate users

2.2c Commercial Banks

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Most loans to firms and households are

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

While Figure 2.8 shows the various sources of funds available

2.2d Other Financial Intermediaries

Insurance Companies

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

FIGURE 2.9 Some Types of Insurance Available in Saudi Arabia

Pension Plans

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

2.2e Money Market Mutual Funds and Money Market Instruments

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Even though most mutual funds are not financial intermediaries,

Money market mutual fund

Commercial paper

Repurchase agreement (repo)

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Banker’s acceptances are short-term promissory notes guaranteed

Banker’s acceptances

2.2f Competition for Funds

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

Why is the source of funds important to every financial intermediary?

From the standpoint of the borrowers,

2.2 Financial Intermediaries

As this discussion implies, financial intermediaries compete with each other for funds.

The first sale of common stock for a company is referred to as an initial public offering (IPO).

Financial intermediaries, such as commercial banks,

A sale of a security in which the seller agrees to buy back (repurchase)