The Mechanics of Investing in Securities - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

4.2 The Mechanics of Investing in Securities

Key Terms Market order

4.2a Brokerage Mechanics

4.2 The Mechanics of Investing in Securities

Order Types:

Orders Validity:

Market order

Limit order

Day order

Good-till-canceled order

4.2 The Mechanics of Investing in Securities

FIGURE 4.3 Online Brokerage Order

4.2b Trading on the Saudi Exchange

Good-till-date order

4.2 The Mechanics of Investing in Securities

A broker and a market maker (the securities dealer) perform the

The major transaction fee for a brokerage firm is the

An order placed to be filled in one day is called a day order.

An investor placing a market order is assured of receiving