Regulation of Financial Institutions - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

2.3 Regulation of Financial Institutions

Regulation of Financial Institutions

Commercial banks and other savings banks are subject

2.3a Reserves

Required reserves

2.3 Regulation of Financial Institutions

The amount of the reserve requirement varies with the type of account.

Excess reserves

Correspondent bank

2.3 Regulation of Financial Institutions

In addition to the required reserves, commercial banks also hold secondary

Secondary reserves

FI G U R E 2.11 The Saudi Central Bank’s official reserves assets in March 2022 (in million Riyal)

2.3 Regulation of Financial Institutions

Funds kept in reserve against a commercial bank’s deposit liabilities are called required reserves.

A commercial bank is not allowed to use excess reserves to lend to borrowers.

In Saudi Arabia, both commercial and development banks are regulated by the: