CHAPTER SUMMARY - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي



CHAPTER 3 SUMMARY ⚫Vital signs are important indicators of health states of the body. The main vital signs are temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and pain. •Temperature is a measurement of the balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body. It can be measured orally, rectally, aurally (in the ear), temporally, and between folds of skin, such as the axillary or groin area. . • Pulse is the pressure of the blood felt against the wall of an artery as the heart contracts or beats. It can be measured at various body sites, but the most common site is the radial pulse, at the wrist. An apical pulse is taken at the apex of the heart by listening to the heart with a stethoscope. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What is hyperthermia and why is it dangerous? ⚫ Blood oxygen levels can be measured with pulse oximeters. Respiration refers to the breathing process. Each respiration consists of an inspiration (breathing in) and an expiration (breathing out). ⚫ Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the arterial walls when the heart contracts or relaxes. Two measurements are noted: systolic and diastolic. •Pain is an unpleasant sensation that is perceived by the nervous system when illness or injury occurs. Pain can be acute or chronic and is assessed using a pain scale or a list of descriptive words. 2. What is pain and how can it be assessed? 3. Define each of the following: oral; axillary; aural. 68 CHAPTER 3 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 E44 PATHWA:50 S2 HLTH 58 68 18/01/2023 14:30



What is hyperthermia and why is it dangerous?

What is pain and how can it be assessed

Define each of the following: oral; axillary; aural

وزارة التعليم 4. What three factors must be noted about every pulse? 5. Why is an apical pulse taken? 6. How is hypoxia defined when measured on a pulse oximeter? 7. Define each of the following: bradycardia, arrhythmia; dyspnea; tachypnea; rales. 8. How does systolic pressure differ from diastolic pressure? What are the normal levels for each? Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS 002 $2 HLTH 58 res VITAL SIGNS 69 | 18001223 14:30


What three factors must be noted about every pulse?

Why is an apical pulse taken?

How is hypoxia defined when measured on a pulse oximeter?

Define each of the following: bradycardia, arrhythmia; dyspnea; tachypnea; rales

How does systolic pressure differ from diastolic pressure? What are the normal levels for each

9. What factors influence blood pressure readings? 10. Differentiate between hypertension and hypotension, and list the causes of each. CRITICAL THINKING 1. Describe why the assessment of vital signs is important. 2. What factors increase your pulse rate? What could you do to lower your pulse rate? 70 CHAPTER 3 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44 BATHWAREVO SPHITH SA 20 18/01/2023 14:30


What factors influence blood pressure readings?

Differentiate between hypertension and hypotension, and list the causes of each

Describe why the assessment of vital signs is important

What factors increase your pulse rate? What could you do to lower your pulse rate

وزارة التعليم 3. Using the Internet, research different types of thermometer. Write a presentation for the class about choosing a thermometer. 4. How can a patient express the degree of pain they are in? What tools can you use to help them? ACTIVITIES 1. With a partner, create a spreadsheet listing the adult normal range for oral, axillary, and rectal temperature; pulse; respirations; systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 2. Working in pairs, find your partner's radial pulse and count the beats. Make a note of the result. Now ask your partner to walk quickly round the room (or run if that is possible). Take their pulse again, and compare this number with the resting pulse rate. Now swap roles. Was the pulse rate faster after the exercise? If so, why? 3. Working in a small group, make a list of as many descriptive words for pain as you can think of. Can you make your list longer than the other groups in your class? Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS 002 52 HLTH 58 71 VITAL SIGNS 71 | 18012023 14:30


Using the Internet, research different types of thermometer. Write a presentation for the class about choosing a thermometer

How can a patient express the degree of pain they are in? What tools can you use to help them?

With a partner, create a spreadsheet listing the adult normal range for oral, axillary, and rectal temperature; pulse; respirations; systolic and diastolic blood pressure