MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي
Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 6 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY M Comm Case Study Investigation Khalid went to the ER with his father and brother Mohammed when Mohammed fell out of a tree and broke his arm. While waiting for discharge papers, they were given a copy of chart notes to take to their regular doctor. Their father took one look and could not understand the note at all! Luckily, Khalid had taken medical terminology and could interpret the information. Here is what it said: "Mohammed, a 12 yo male presents c/o Rt arm pain and HA. Lateral x-ray show Colles Fx of the Rt distal radius. BP 120/80, P 100, R 22, afebrile. Casted Rt arm, RICE recommended, ASA for HA and Vicodin I tab every 4 hours as required for pain. Pt activity ad lib. See GP in 3 days." At the end of this chapter, you will be asked to transcribe and communicate what is written. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Define prefixes, suffixes, and word roots selected from a list of words. •Identify basic medical abbreviations selected from a standard list. •Transcribe and communicate medical terms correctly. KEY TERMS abbreviations eponyms prefix suffix وزارة التعليم Ministry of 9.6 CHAPTER 6 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 96 word roots 14/10/2022 10:14

Case Study Investigation
Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 6 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY M Comm Case Study Investigation Khalid went to the ER with his father and brother Mohammed when Mohammed fell out of a tree and broke his arm. While waiting for discharge papers, they were given a copy of chart notes to take to their regular doctor. Their father took one look and could not understand the note at all! Luckily, Khalid had taken medical terminology and could interpret the information. Here is what it said: "Mohammed, a 12 yo male presents c/o Rt arm pain and HA. Lateral x-ray show Colles Fx of the Rt distal radius. BP 120/80, P 100, R 22, afebrile. Casted Rt arm, RICE recommended, ASA for HA and Vicodin I tab every 4 hours as required for pain. Pt activity ad lib. See GP in 3 days." At the end of this chapter, you will be asked to transcribe and communicate what is written. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Define prefixes, suffixes, and word roots selected from a list of words. •Identify basic medical abbreviations selected from a standard list. •Transcribe and communicate medical terms correctly. KEY TERMS abbreviations eponyms prefix suffix وزارة التعليم Ministry of 9.6 CHAPTER 6 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 96 word roots 14/10/2022 10:14

وزارة التعليم Mines 98 CHAPTER 6 2022 1644 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 98 FIGURE 6-3 A Colles fracture of the wrist is named after Abraham Colles, who first described this kind of fracture in 1814. Eponyms are terms that are named after people, places, or things. They are usually used to identify the individual who identified or discovered a sub- stance, disease, or structure. An eponymous individual is someone who uses his or her name to describe something. Common uses for eponyms in medi- cine include naming: ⚫ Anatomical parts: Achilles tendon, Adam's apple, Eustachian tube ⚫ Diagnostic tests: Coombs test, Papanicolaou (Pap) test, Ishihara plates, Wright's stain ⚫ Diseases: Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, Parkinson's disease ⚫ Fractures: Colles' fracture (Figure 6-3), Hill-Sachs fracture, hang-man's fracture ⚫ Instruments or medical devices: Adson forceps, Auvard speculum, Allis clamp ⚫ Medical signs: Babinski sign, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, Korotkoff sounds ⚫ Medical treatments: Heimlich maneuver, Kegel exercises, Brandt-Daroff maneuver ⚫ Microorganisms: Listeria, Escherichia coli, Norwalk virus Surgeries: Trendelenburg operation, Whipple's procedure, Syme's amputation By using basic prefixes, suffixes, and word roots and being aware of eponyms, you will frequently be able to interpret the meaning of a word even when you have never before encountered the word. A list of common prefixes, suffixes, and word roots is shown in Table 6-1. An example of a medical term using the word part and the meaning of the medical term is also provided. In addi- tion, the prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for parts of the human body are shown in Figure 6-4. 14/10/2022 10:14

A Colles fracture of the wrist is named after Abraham Colles, who first described this kind of fracture in 1814.
(ophthalm/o; ocul/o) eye- (blephar/o) eyelid (nas/o; rhin/o) nose- (or/o; stomat/o) mouth- (pharyng/o) throat- (esophag/o) esophagus- -head (cephal/o) -skull (crani/o) -brain (cerebr/o; encephal/o) -spinal cord (myel/o) -neck (cervic/o) -thyroid gland (thyroid/o) (trache/o) windpipe: trachea- (pneum/o; pneumon/o) lung- (thorac/o) chest- (card/io) heart- (my/o; muscul/o) muscle- -joint (arthr/o) bone (oste/o) rib cross section (cost/o) -armpit (axill/o) (cholecyst/o) gallbladder- (phren/o) diaphragm- (hepat/o) liver (col/o) large intestine (enter/o) small intestine -spleen (splen/o) stomach (gastr/o) pancreas (pancreat/o) -fat (adip/o; lip/o; steat/o) (appendic/o) vermiform appendix (derm/o; dermat/o) skin- FIGURE 6-4 The prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for parts of the human body. وزارة التعليم Minique Educcion 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 99 rectum (rect/o; proct/o) -urinary bladder (cyst/o) MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 99 | 14/10/2022 10:14

The prefixes, suffixes, and word roots for parts of the human body.
TABLE 6-1 Some Common Word Parts Word Part Meaning Medical Term Meaning A a-, an- ab- without, lack of from, away a/pnea. without or lack of breathing ab/duct to move away from the body -ac, -ic pertaining to (about) cardi/ac pertaining to the heart ad- to, toward, near ad/duct to move toward the body -al like, similar, pertaining to (about) neur/al pertaining to a nerve alges-(i, ia) pain algesi/meter -algia pain my/algia instrument for measuring pain muscle pain ante- (ro) before, in front of, ahead of ante/partum before labor or childbirth anti- against anti/bacterial against bacteria -asis condition of chole/lithi/asis condition of stones in the gallbladder B bi- (s) twice, double, both bi/lateral two sides bio- life bio/logy study of science of life brachy- short brachy/dactyl/ic brady- slow brady/cardia C cardi- (a,o) pertaining to (about) heart cardi/ologist -cele, -coele swelling, tumor, cavity, hernia meningo/cele chem- (o) drug, chemical chemo/therapy -cide causing death. circum- around, about germi/cide circum/duction condition of having short fingers slow heart rate physician who studies and treats heart disease swelling or tumor of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord treatment with drugs or chemicals causing death to germs movement in a circular motion -cise cut ex/cise cut out co- (n) with, together co/chromato/ graphy contra- against, counter contra/stimulant cryo- cold crypt-(0) hidden, obscure cryo/therapy crypto/genic identifying a substance by comparing color hues with a known substance against a stimulant treatment with cold obscure or unknown origin D dextr-(1, 0) to the right dextro/ocular right eye di- (plo) dia- double, twice diplo/blast/ic through, between, part dia/dermal dis- (ti, to) separation, away from dis/infect dors-(i,o) to the back, back dors/al difficult, painful, bad dys/urial pertaining to two germ/embryonic cells cutting through the skin to separate or free from infection pertaining to the back difficult or painful urination condition of being without teeth dys- E e-(c) without ec- (ti, to) outside, external e/dentu/lous ecto/genous capable of developing away from the host -ectasis expansion, dilation, stretching bronchiectasis -ectomy surgical removal of hyster/ectomy dilation or expansion of air tubes in lungs surgical removal of the uterus endo- within, innermost endo/crine epi- erythro- upon, over, upper epi/gastric secrete within above the stomach red erythro/cyte red (blood) cell -esis condition of par/esis condition of paralysis eu- well, easy, normal eu/pnea normal respiration or breathing ex (p) qutside of, beyond exo/path/ic disease that originates outside the body وزارة التعليم Mines 100 CHAPTER 6 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 100 (continues) 14/10/2022 10:14

Some Common Word Parts
TABLE 6-1 Word Parts (continued) Word Part Meaning Medical Term fore- in front of fore/arm -form having the form of, shape uni/form -fuge driving away, expelling centrifuge G -genesis development, production, creation fibro/genesis -genous kind, type exo/genous -graph diagram, instrument for recording electro/cardio/graph H hem- (a, ato, o) blood hemat/ology hemi- half hemi/plegia Meaning the front part of the arm one shape or form driving away from the center the development of fibrous tissue outside kind or type instrument for recording electrical activity in the heart study of the blood paralysis on half of the body herni- rupture hernio/plasty surgical repair of a rupture hetero- other, unlike, different hetero/genous hom- (eo, o) same, like homeo/stasis different kind or type maintaining a constant level hydro- water hydro/therapy water treatment hyper- excessive, high, over, increased, more than normal. hyper/tension high blood pressure hypo- decreased, deficient, low, under, hypo/tension low blood pressure less than normal I -ic, -ac pertaining to thorac/ic idio- peculiar to an individual, self-originating idio/pathic pertaining to the chest disease arising by itself or from an unknown cause sound waves below the frequency of the human ear between the ribs infra- beneath, below inter- between, among intra- within, into, inside infra/sonic inter/costal intra/ven/ous into a vein iso- equal, alike, same iso/chromatic -itis inflammation, inflammation of pharyngitis constant or same color inflammation of the throat. K -kinesis, -kinetic motion dys/kinetic difficult movement latero- (al) side -logy study of, science of -lys (is, o) destruction, dissolving of ambi/lateral bio/logy both sides thrombo/lysis M macro- large mal- med-(i,io) bad, abnormal, disordered, poor middle, midline macro/cyte mal/nutrition medio/carpal -megaly, mega- large, enlarged cardio/megaly study or science of life destruction or dissolving of clots large cell poor nutrition in the middle of or between the two rows of carpals (wrist bones) enlarged heart mes-(0) middle, midline -metry measurement micro- small mono- one, single N пео- ° new olig- (0) ...ology few, less than normal, small study of, science of olig/uria less than normal (amounts of) urine hemat/ology study of blood meso/cephal/ic condition of having a head of medium proportions audio/metry micro/scope measurement of hearing acuity instrument to examine small things mono/cyte single cell neo/natal newborn (infant) وزارة التعليم Ministig of Eduction 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 101 (continues) MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 101 | 14/10/2022 10:14

Word Parts (continued)
TABLE 6-1 Word Parts (continued) Word Part Meaning -oma tumor, a swelling -otomy cutting into carcin/oma crani/otomy P pan- all, complete, entire pan/arter/itis Medical Term Meaning cancerous tumor cutting into the skull inflammation of all layers of an artery para- near, beside, beyond, abnormal, para/plegia paralysis of the lower half of the body lower half of the body path- (ia, o, y) disease, abnormal condition path/ology study of disease per- through, by, excessive per/axillary through the axilla or armpit peri- around peri/cardi/al -plasty surgical correction or repair chondro/plasty pertaining to area around the heart surgical repair of cartilage poly- many, much poly/uria much urine (more than normal amounts) post- after, behind post/operative after an operation pre- before, in front of pre/operative before an operation pro- in front of, forward pro/cephalic in front of the head Q quad-(ra, ri) four quadra/plegia paralysis of four extremities (arms and legs) R retro- backward, in back, behind retro/lingual occurring behind or near the base of the tongue S -scopy observation -sect steno- cut contracted, narrow procto/scopy bi/sect steno/sis sub- less, under, below sup-(er, ra) above, upon, over, higher in position sub/lingual supra/thorac/ic sym-, syn- joined, fused, together syn/dactyl examination of the rectum to cut into two parts condition of narrowing under the tongue pertaining to the area in the upper part of the chest two or more digits (fingers or toes) joined together T tach-(o, y) rapid, fast tachy/cardia fast or rapid heart rate tetra- four tetra/paresis therm-(o, y) heat therm/algesia weakness or paralysis of all four limbs sensitive to heat -tox (ic) poison cyto/toxic cell poison trans- across, over, beyond trans/neural tri- three tri/angle -trophy nutrition, growth, development a/trophy U ultra- beyond, excess uni- one ultra/sonic unilocular one eye across a nerve three angles without nutrition (wasting away) beyond sound waves vas- (0) vessel, duct vascul- (0) blood vessel ven-(a) vein ventro- to the front, abdomen vaso/neur/otic vascul-itis ven/ous ventr/al pertaining to blood vessels and nerves inflammation of a blood vessel pertaining to vein pertaining to the front X xeno- strange, abnormal, foreign xer- (0) Z dry xeno/genetic xero/derma وزارة التعليم Canimal Minst 102 CHAPTER 6 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 102 derived or originating from a foreign species dry skin zo/ology study of animals 14/10/2022 10:14

Word Parts (continued)
checkpoint Replace the words in italics with the correct medical term. Sara has a fast heart rate and fast respiration rate, and her skin is blue. Her lungs are clear, but she is complaining of cranial pain. She feels like she is going to vomit from the pain. Sara is 1 day after a surgical fixation of her nose. Her doctor recommends slow breathing. 6:2 USING MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations are shortened forms of words, usually just letters. Common examples are AM, which means morning, and PM, which means afternoon or evening. Abbreviations are used in all health care careers. Sometimes they are used by themselves. At other times, several abbreviations are combined to give orders or directions. Consider the following statement: NPO 8 pm, To Lab for CBC, BUN, and FBS This example shows short forms for giving directions. The statement is inter- preted as follows: nothing by mouth after eight o'clock in the evening, to the laboratory for a complete blood count, blood urea nitrogen, and fasting blood sugar. As you can see, it is much quicker to write using abbreviations than it is to write the corresponding detailed messages, although clarity of meaning is still very important. Table 6-2 contains some of the most commonly used abbreviations. Different abbreviations may be used in different facilities and in different parts of the country. It is the responsibility of health care providers to learn the meanings of the abbreviations used in the agencies where they are employed. It is important to note that some abbreviations and symbols are no longer used because they are prone to causing errors. Health care team members must use only the abbreviations or symbols approved by the facility in which they are employed. In addition, extreme care must be used while writing abbreviations and symbols so they are legible and readily understood. It is also important to note that texting abbreviations are not allowed on legal documents in a health care facility. For example, b4 is not acceptable for "before" and UR is not acceptable for "you are." وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH SB.indb 103 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 103 | 14/10/2022 10:14

Replace the words in italics with the correct medical term.
TABLE 6-2 Abbreviations ADHD ad lib attention deficit hyperactivity disorder q every as desired qh every hour ASA aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) q4h BP blood pressure R BMI body mass index RICE °C degrees Celsius (Centigrade) Rt cal calorie TSH CBC complete blood count UTI every 4 hours respiration rest, ice, compression, and elevation. right thyroid-stimulating hormone urinary tract infection CBR complete bed rest UV ultraviolet CHF congestive heart failure. VS vital signs c/o complains of WBC white blood cell CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation WHO World Health Organization CXR chest x-ray or radiograph XR x-ray D/C, dc, disc discontinue, discharge ylo, you years old DM diabetes mellitus DOB Dr doctor ECG, EKG ED EHR EMR ENT ER ESR et, etiol date of birth electrocardiogram emergency department electronic health record electronic medical record ear, nose, throat emergency room erythrocyte sedimentation rate etiology (cause of disease) endotracheal tube examination excision exploratory, expiration NOTE: There is a growing trend toward eliminating periods from most abbreviations. Although the table does not show periods, you may work in an agency that chooses to use them. When in doubt, follow the policy of your agency. general practitioner Headache ETT Ex, exam Exc Exp ext extract, extraction, external °F degrees Fahrenheit FBS fasting blood sugar Fx, Fr fracture GP HA MRI Na NPO NSAIDS NVD 02 oxygen Ob, Obs obstetrics OP PET P pt magnetic resonance image sodium nothing by mouth nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea outpatient. positron emission tomography pulse patient checkpoint Read the paragraph below. pt is admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of pancreatitis, dysphagia, and gastralgia. Symptoms include NVD and a severe HA. The Dr orders an abdominal MRI, CBC, NPO except for clear liquids, and CBR. Interpret all these medical abbreviations and terms to determine the patient's condition and plan of treatment. Case Study Investigation Conclusion How did taking medical terminology allow Khalid to help his family? What information from the chart could Khalid explain to his father? Can you decipher the "medical code?" After you studied this chapter, were you able to translate Khalid's brother's chart notes? وزارة التعليم Minst 104 CHAPTER 6 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 104 14/10/2022 10:14

TABLE 6–2 Abbreviations
Read the paragraph below.
Case Study Investigation Conclusion