COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي
Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 9 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE Technology Case Study Investigation Mohammed is a team member of technology support at the University Hospital System. Nuha is a nurse in an intensive care unit (ICU). Nuha has a new patient that has come up from the emergency room (ER). She is having trouble pulling up the patient's ER intake report, radiology and lab results, and the medication and dietary orders. Nuha calls the help desk and Mohammed answers. After giving Nuha some instructions and running a preliminary diagnostic check, Mohammed determines that he will need to come to the ICU to teach Nuha how to access the patient information and to make sure there are no other problems. While he is there, Mohammed will also update the computer and install a shielding security screen. At the end of this chapter, you will be asked about troubleshooting and patient confidentiality as it relates to computer technology. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Describe the areas in health care where computer and technology applications are currently being used. ⚫Describe a situation showing how at least six different health care personnel in a health care facility use computers and technology as information systems. • Identify at least four diagnostic tools that use computers and technology. ⚫ Describe at least six treatments using computers and technology. • Discuss how computers and technology are used for health science education and research. • Illustrate how computers and technology have improved health care communication. KEY TERMS computer-assisted instruction exercise stress test computed tomography (CT) diagnosis hearing assistive technology image-guided surgery echocardiogram lasers electrocardiogram (ECG) electronic health record (EHR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) radiation therapy robotic surgery telemedicine ultrasound وزارة التعليم Ministry of $48aticCHAPTER 9 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 148 14/10/2022 10:15

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
Case Study Investigation
9:1 INTRODUCTION Computers and technology are used in many different areas: ⚫ Information systems: equipment inventories, electronic health records (EHRs), laboratory reports, operating room and personnel scheduling, and general records; two common systems in use are hospital information systems (HIS) and medical information systems (MIS). ⚫ Diagnostic testing: performing medical laboratory analyses, and scan- ning or viewing body parts by computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound. Treatment: lasers, robotic surgery, image-guided surgery, cancer treat- ment, dispensing medications, and rehabilitation. ⚫ Patient monitoring: monitors are used for cardiac, critical care, neuro- logical, neonatal, and surgical patients. ⚫ Educational tools: computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for health person- nel, virtual learning, patient simulator manikins, and web conferences. Research: statistical analysis of data. ⚫ Communication: use of intranet to communicate with other health care personnel in the same agency or other agencies, insurance companies, financial institutions, research networks, and patients using electronic mail, telemedicine, and telepharmacies. A working knowledge of computers and an under- standing of technology is sometimes called com- puter literacy. Computer literacy also means feeling comfortable using a computer for your job needs. Different types of computers are used in health care, from a microcomputer, such as a handheld tablet, or smartphone, to a laptop in a compact case (Figure 9-1) to a personal computer, which can sit on a desktop, to a very large mainframe computer. checkpoint 1. Name four (4) areas in health care where computers and technology applications are used. 2. Define computer literacy. وزارة التعليم Minister Eductition 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 149 FIGURE 9-1 Microcomputers include handheld tablets. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 149 | 14/10/2022 10:15

Name four (4) areas in health care where computers and technology applications are used.
9:2 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Today's health care providers use computers and technology to manage infor- mation in every health care facility. Computers are used for: ⚫ Word processing: This includes writing letters, memos, reports, policies, and procedures, creating patient care plans, and documenting care on a patient's record. ⚫ Compiling databases: This includes creating information records for patients and employees. The database may contain contact information such as name, address, telephone, e-mail address, and medical history. A database allows a user to locate records quickly, compile statistics and reports, enter additional information and changes readily, and store information more efficiently than paper files. Most databases that con- tain patient records are access limited or password protected to maintain patient confidentiality. ⚫ Creating and transferring electronic health records: An electronic health record (EHR) is a computerized version of a patient's medical information that may include statistical data, diagnoses, medical history, treatments, medications taken, tests performed, and any other informa- tion that could be included in a patient's paper record. FIGURE 9-2 A pharmacist can scan a bar code on a medication to maintain an inventory, place an order, or balta patient account. وزارة التعليم Mens 150 CHAPTER 9 ⚫ Scheduling: Recording appointments for patients and creating work schedules for employees. Maintaining financial records: This includes processing charges, billing patients, recording payments, completing insurance forms, main- taining accounts, and calculating payrolls for employees. . Maintaining inventories and ordering sup- plies: Inventory maintenance includes ordering and tracking supplies and equipment, as well as coding supplies with bar codes for billing pur- poses (Figure 9-2). ⚫ Developing spreadsheets: A spreadsheet allows the user to create budgets, develop statistical reports, analyze finances, and project future needs. Some of the different health care providers who use computers and technology to record the patient's information include: Health information technician (admitting officer or clerk): obtains the patient's name, age, 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 150 14/10/2022 10:15

and all other vital information to enter, process, and store in the computer's memory; establishes an electronic database so that the information about the patient can be retrieved whenever it is needed; creates an electronic health record (EHR) for the patient or retrieves the patient's EHR from a health information exchange. Physician: enters the findings of the initial admitting physical examina- tion; orders the patient's medications from the pharmacy; orders labo- ratory tests, orders an electrocardiogram or radiographs; and specifies dietary restrictions. ⚫ Pharmacist: checks the database regularly for new orders, supplies the nursing departments with ordered medications, warns about drug inter- actions, and monitors pharmacy inventory. ⚫ Dietitian: checks dietary restrictions and creates a spreadsheet to show a nutritional analysis of prescribed diets. ⚫ Laboratory technician: checks the database for new or revised orders; records the results of tests and procedures in the patient's EHR. ⚫ Environmental service worker (central/sterile supply/service techni- cian): maintains an inventory of all supplies in the facility, orders supplies, and provides information for billing supplies. After each health care provider inputs information into the patient's record, the information is then immediately accessible to medical, nursing, and allied health teams. Because patient care plans are electronic records, they can be eas- ily updated. This decreases the time health care providers spend on paperwork and away from patient care. Eventually, this will lead to a "paperless" patient record, and only an electronic health record (EHR) will be used. All information will be stored in a computer database and sent electronically to insurance com- panies, pharmacies, and other health care facilities that require the information. Massive filing systems with tons of paper charts will no longer be necessary. Safeguards have to be installed in the computers and networks, and to protect the privacy of patient information. Legal Confidentiality of patient information must be strictly enforced by means of access codes, special passwords, or fingerprints (Figure 9-3). Computer users use the required access code to enter or retrieve information. Only autho- rized users are given access to the system. Health care providers must keep their required access code confidential to protect themselves and the patient. A contingency backup plan is always essential when computers are used. At times, a computer must be shut down for reprogramming or adding additional or new software. At other times, power or computer failure will shut down the computer system. When FIGURE 9-3 Fingerprints are often used as an identi- the computer is not functioning, manual recording fying factor for computer access. Lui وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educcion 2022-1444 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 151 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 151 14/10/2022 10:15

all other vital information to enter, process
وزارة التعليم Minst 152 CHAPTER 9 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 152 of all information is required and an alternative plan must be used to avoid los- ing essential information. Most facilities make frequent or continuous backups of the data onto external hard drives, disks, flash drives, secure clouds, or off-site servers to prevent a loss of information when computer failure occurs. checkpoint What is an EHR? 9:3 DIAGNOSTICS A major goal of health care and medicine is determining exactly what is wrong with the patient, or making a diagnosis. The first step in the process is taking a medical history and doing a physical examination. Based on these findings, several tests may be ordered to diagnose or rule out disease. Several computer-related technological diagnostic tests have had a real impact on patient care. These diagnostic aids or specialized technological tools are quite varied. They may be invasive, such as a blood test where a syringe is inserted into a vein and blood is removed, or noninvasive, such as an imaging procedure where no opening into the body is required. MEDICAL LABORATORY TESTS Most laboratories rely heavily on computerized analyzers for both blood and urine analysis. These instruments can analyze a drop of serum, blood, urine, or body fluid placed on a slide or in special tubes at rates of 50 to more than 2,000 specimens per hour. Such systems are also reliable for clinical chemistry evaluations, and many analyzers can perform hundreds of different tests. CARDIAC TESTS Computers and technology have also revolutionized cardiac care. Examples include: ⚫ Electrocardiogram (ECG): a computerized interpretation system of the electrical activity of a patient's heart; assists in diagnosing heart disease. ⚫ Exercise stress test: an ECG runs while the patient is exercising (Figure 9-4); usually involves walking a treadmill or riding an exercise bike until a target heart rate is reached; the function of the patient's heart during activity. ⚫ Echocardiogram: uses technology to direct ultrahigh-frequency sound waves through the chest wall and into the heart; a computer then converts the reflection of the waves into an image of the heart. 14/10/2022 10:15

At other times, power or computer failure will shut down the computer system
What is an EHR?
IMAGING TECHNOLOGY Medical imaging using technology and computers has allowed for better diagnosis and treatment. Examples of imaging devices include: Computed tomography (CT): Introduced in 1972, this noninvasive, computer-assisted x-ray (Figure 9-5A) permits physicians to see clear, cross-sectional views of both bone and body tissues and to find abnormalities such as tumors or bleeding (Figure 9-5B). These days, newer, low-dose CT scans are in use. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This computerized, body-scanning method uses nuclear magnetic resonance instead of x-ray radiation. The patient is placed in a large cir- cular magnet, which measures the activity of hydrogen atoms within the body (Figure 9-6A). A computer translates that activity into cross-sectional images of the body (Figure 9-6B). For example, MRI allows physicians to see blood moving through veins and arteries, and to see an inflamed joint shrink in response to medication. Because of the strong magnetic field in the MRI scanner, patients with pace- makers or metal implants usually cannot have an MRI scan. Ultrasound: This is a noninvasive scanning method that uses high-frequency sound waves that bounce back as an echo when they hit different tissues and organs inside the body. A computer then uses the sound wave signals to create a picture of the body part. Ultrasound can be used to detect tumors, locate aneurysms and blood vessel abnormalities, and examine the shape and size of internal organs. During pregnancy, when radiation can harm the fetus, ultrasound is used to detect multiple preg- nancies and to determine the size, position, sex, and even abnormalities of the fetus (Figure 9-7A). A more recent development is three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound (Figure 9-7B) which creates a 3-D colored picture of the infant in the uterus. Physicians use the 3-D ultrasound to detect birth defects that are not always visible on a standard وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 FIGURE 9-4 Computers are used to perform stress tests to evaluate the function of a patient's heart during exercise. (A) (B) FIGURE 9-5 (A) A computed tomography (CT) scan- ner uses a pencil-thin beam of radiation to create clear, cross-sectional views of both bone and body tissues. (B) This CT scan shows bleeding in the right hemisphere of the brain. COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 153 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 153 14/10/2022 10:15

(A) (B) sonogram and to determine the severity of a birth defect. The newest ultrasound is a 4-D ultrasound that actually creates a live video similar to a movie. It allows physicians to study the motion of various moving organs in the body. ⚫ Dental digital radiography: A small electronic sensor is placed in the patient's mouth. The sensor uses imaging techniques to transfer the image to a computer monitor where it can be seen immediately. Because the patient is exposed to less radiation than a conventional radiograph, it is safer for the patient. SUMMARY Computers and technology have made diagnosing diseases easier and more precise. Manual laboratory tests and simple radiographs have been replaced by more exacting tests or imaging techniques. As tech- nology improves, new techniques and diagnostic tests will be developed. checkpoint List five (5) diagnostic tools that use computers and technology. FSE(18) TE 1100 41.7 TRE 2500 ROM 20 NOA SCAN 0344 TH: 405 ES FIGURE 9-6 (A) For magnetic resonance imag- ing (MRI), the patient is placed in the center of a large magnet that measures the activity of hydro- gen ions inside the body and creates an image of the body. (B) This MRI scan shows a herniated (slipped) disc between the fifth lumbar and first sacral (L5/S1) vertebrae in the spine. وزارة التعليم Min 154 CHAPTER 9 2022-1444 9:4 TREATMENT Advances in technology and computers have enhanced the treatment for many diseases and conditions. Lasers are light beams that can be focused precisely. Laser scalpels used in surgery focus light beam and make an incision at a constant depth because the light beam gives off the same amount of energy every second. The laser light beam heats the targeted cells until they burst open. At the same time, the heat in the beam cauterizes, or seals off, smaller blood vessels such as those in the skin. This results in less bleeding at the surgical site. One of the most common uses for lasers is reshap- ing the cornea of the eye to correct vision defects (Figure 9-8). Lasers are also used to remove warts, moles, birthmarks, scars, and even tattoos. They can be used by cosmetic surgeons to remove skin wrinkles, hair, dilated blood vessels, and other blemishes. GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 154 14/10/2022 10:15

(Figure 9–7B)
List five (5) diagnostic tools that use computers and technology.
(A) For magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the patient is placed in the center of a large magnet that measures the activity of hydrogen ions inside the body and creates an image of the body
Robotic surgery uses a computer-controlled device with mechanical arms that attach to surgical instru- ments. The surgeon operates a telemanipulator, a device similar to a joystick, to perform the move- ments that the robot carries out. Robotic surgery is more precise, tissues and organs experience less trauma, and recovery is faster. In image-guided surgery the surgeon uses images to guide or direct the surgery (Figure 9-9). Before the surgery, CT or MRI images are taken of the surgical area. and converted into three-dimensional (3-D) images that show precise details of the organs and tissues. The images allow the surgeon to create a precise plan for the surgery: where to make the inci- sion, how deep the incision should be, critical areas to be avoided, instruments needed, and, in some cases, determine whether or not the surgery will be beneficial. During the surgery, the 3-D images are projected on the screen so that the surgeon can see the path of the instruments, identify the surgical area, avoid critical areas, make minute adjustments to achieve the best results, and prevent damage to healthy tissues and organs. Radiation therapy uses high-energy particles to decrease the size of tumors and treat cancer by destroying most of the cancer cells to improve the quality of a person's life. Ultrasound is used by physical therapists and chi- ropractors as a form of deep heat therapy. When applied to soft tissues and joints, the sound waves use heat and gentle massage to reduce swelling, increase blood flow, and decrease pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. Ultrasound is also used to enhance the absorption of drugs through the skin, promote gene therapy to tissues, and direct chemotherapy to tumors. Hearing assistive technology has provided many enhancements for people with hearing impair- (A) (B) FIGURE 9-7 (A) Ultrasound is used during pregnancy to determine the size, position, sex, and even abnor- malities of the fetus. (B) This ultrasound scan shows a fetus at 22 weeks. FIGURE 9-8 Lasers are used to reshape the cornea ments. For example, cochlear implants and hearing of the eye to correct vision defects. aids that are more effective have been developed using computers and technology. checkpoint 4. List two (2) ways lasers are used in the medical field. 2. How are robots used in treatment? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 155 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 155 | 14/10/2022 10:15

Robotic surgery
FIGURE 9-9 Image-guided surgery allows the sur- geon to see a three-dimensional image of the opera- tive site during the procedure. 91 38 FIGURE 9-10 Pulse oximeters measure the oxygen level in the 9:5 PATIENT MONITORING Patient monitors measure and display vital signs such as pulse (Figure 9-10), blood pressure, respi- ratory rate, and heart rhythms. They are used in critical care units, cardiac care, emergency care, surgery, and many other areas (Figure 9-11). The monitors record information from sensors placed on or in the patient's body. Specific information, such as an abnormal heart rhythm, can also be printed for a hard-copy record or transferred to a patient's electronic record. Some monitors also measure pulmonary blood pressure or intracranial pressure (pressure inside the skull against the brain). Obstetrical departments use fetal heart monitors to check the heart rate of the infant any time during the pregnancy. Infants born prematurely are placed in incubators that constantly monitor temperature, humidity, oxygen levels, and many other factors to provide the infant with optimal conditions for survival. Some incubators even have comput- er-controlled photo (light) therapy for infants with jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes (Figure 9-12). Wearable monitors or sensors consist of a device that can be worn on the body, such as a wrist band or strip that adheres to a body part. These sensors can be used to monitor fitness, blood pressure, heart rhythms, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, gait and posture, chemical balance, and stress. Some monitors alert the wearer to the body's response to exercise, the amount of exercise obtained, or even an abnormal reading such as a high blood pressure or blood sugar level. Others are used to transmit information obtained to health care providers for interpretation. GPS (global positioning satellites) technology is being used to monitor patients who have dementia and Alzheimer's disease. A wrist or ankle bracelet is used to track and find these individuals if they wander away. وزارة التعليم Minst 156 CHAPTER 9 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 156 checkpoint List three (3) ways technology assists medical providers in monitoring patients. 14/10/2022 10:15

List two (2) ways lasers are used in the medical field.
9:6 EDUCATION Research has shown that computer-based learning decreases time on the task and increases achieve- ment and retention of knowledge. 100/50 (62) 69 100 106/63 1790 45/22 130 display vital signs such as pulse, blood pressure, and heart Photography Lad Computer-assisted instruction is educational computer programming designed for individual- ized use. It is user paced, user friendly, and proceeds in an orderly, organized fashion from topic to topic. It may use video, animated graphics, color, and sound. It may be a drill-and-practice program for FIGURE 9-11 Monitors are used to measure and learning to calculate medication doses, or it may take the form of a tutorial for learning concepts about the heart. In addition, it can be a simulation that allows the learner to do a clinical procedure, such as taking a patient's blood pressure or drawing blood from a vein (venipuncture), while sitting in front of the computer. Computer programs have even been developed to allow a user to perform a simulated physical examination or operation on a patient. New technology has produced patient simulator manikins that provide lifelike learning experiences for health care providers. Actual emergency situa- tions are created to allow health care providers to learn how to "treat" the patient. Depending on the treatment provided, the manikin is programmed to react in a positive or negative manner (Figure 9-13). The simulation programs and manikins have become more specific as technology has improved. We now have infant simulators, pregnant manikins that deliver a baby, surgical manikins that can have surgery and even "die" if the anesthesia is incorrect, and manikins that can be monitored, intubated, and receive CPR. Instructors can change the man- ikin response based on the actions of the student to provide an even more individualized experience. This provides instant feedback to the learner and prepares the learner to treat patients more effec- tively. Research has shown that this technology greatly enhances learning and retention. Patient-education software is available for the patient who has osteoarthritis (inflammation of the joints), obesity (overweight), and many other diseases Software is even available to teach peo- ple how to manage stress. FIGURE 9-12 Some infant incubators use computer technology to provide photo (light) therapy for infants with jaundice. FIGURE 9-13 A simulator manikin can be monitored and programmed to react in a positive or negative manner when treated. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Eduction 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 157 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 157 | 14/10/2022 10:15

List three (3) ways technology assists medical providers in monitoring patients.
Monitors are used to measure and display vital signs such as pulse, blood pressure, and heart rhythms
Some infant incubators use computer technology to provide photo (light) therapy for infants with jaundice.
A simulator manikin can be monitored and programmed to react in a positive or negative manner when treated.
وزارة التعليم Minst 158 CHAPTER 9 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 158 Technology has even improved the availability and storage of knowledge. Books and entire reference libraries can be downloaded onto wireless devices, decreasing the need for massive libraries holding volumes of books. Internet search engines can identify vast amounts of information about any given topic. Many health care providers use the Internet to obtain continuing education units (CEUs) or to complete college courses to advance in their professions. Refresher courses to prepare for licensure are also available for many health care careers. In addition, many tests for licensure are now taken on computers. This allows for immediate grading of the licensure examination. Examples include the licensure tests for registered nurses and physicians. checkpoint List two (2) ways education can be improved because of better technology. 9:7 RESEARCH Today, health care research without the use of computers is almost nonex- istent. The Internet is used by almost every health care team member. It is important to ensure that any information obtained is from reliable sources. A major source used to help health care providers analyze statistics and obtain information is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) database, MEDLINE. The main topics covered by MEDLINE are bio-medicine and health, includ- ing all areas of life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, biophysics, and bioengineering. Free access to the MEDLINE database is available at PubMed ( At this site, there are over 30 million citations for biomedical literature with more added on a daily basis. PubMed has easy- to-follow directions to search for topics by subject, author names, title words or phrases, or journal names. MedlinePlus ( is another service offered by the NLM. It provides consumer-oriented health information. It combines information from the NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), other government agencies, and health-related organizations. MedlinePlus contains health topics, a medical encyclopedia containing information about diseases and wellness issues, a medical dictionary, drug information, herbal and dietary supplement information, health news and press releases, directories of health care providers, videos of surgeries and medical procedures, tutorials that use animation and sound to explain medical conditions and procedures, a service that links patients or providers in electronic health record (EHR) systems to related information in MedlinePlus, and even a mobile site to provide infor- mation to mobile Internet users. It is an excellent source of information for research. Another useful resource is the Saudi Digital Library (SDL) (https:// The aims of the library are to make available local and interna- tional digital information sources, including books, journals, theses and other publications, to serve the scientific and academic communities. 14/10/2022 10:15

Patient-education software is available for the patient who has osteoarthritis
List two (2) ways education can be improved because of better technology.
FIGURE 9-14 Robots can be used in research to fill pipettes with the correct amount of Gray Research using computer technology is being conducted for almost every disease, infection, or abnormal health condition that exists. Examples include genetic diseases, heart conditions, diabetes, arthritis, patient management sys- tems, and speech recognition patterns. Information acquired during research is frequently organized into large databases and shared with other researchers throughout the world. This process, known as bioinformatics, allows for rapid scientific progress through the sharing of information. In addition, the high speeds and increased capabilities of computers allow scientific researchers to analyze huge amounts of data and run statistical analyses quickly and accu- rately. They are also able to run simulations and build electronic models to facilitate research. Technologies such as imaging devices, lasers, and robotics have also enhanced research, especially in bio-technology. For example, robots can be used in laboratory experiments to decrease the need for manual labor (Figure 9-14). checkpoint List two (2) ways research is facilitated because of advances in technology and computer use. 9:8 COMMUNICATION Computers have enhanced communication for health care providers in multi- ::ple ways: Examples include electronic mail, telemedicine, telepharmacies, and virtual communities. وزارة التعليم Ministry of EducaION 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 159 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 159 | 14/10/2022 10:15

It is an excellent source of information for research
List two (2) ways research is facilitated because of advances in technology and computer use.
وزارة التعليم Minst 160 CHAPTER 9 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 160 Electronic mail, or e-mail, allows health care providers to quickly send messages, memos, announcements, reports, and other data to one or more persons. Telemedicine involves the use of video, audio, and computer systems to provide medical or health care services. For example, radiographs or electro- cardiograms can be transmitted electronically from one physician to another for consultation. Telemedicine also allows patients to communicate with phy- sicians or health care specialists at a distance, transmit medical information to a physician, or be monitored by health care professionals. Electronic health records (EHRS) have also simplified communication between different health care providers. Previously if medical records EHR had to be transferred between physicians or health care agencies, they were faxed, mailed, or manually carried by the patient. Now EHRs con- taining all of a patient's medical information can be electronically transferred to any other health care facility or provider. Even though technology and computers have enhanced the communica- tion options for health care personnel and facilities, it is essential to remem- ber that professional standards must be observed at all times while using these technologies. Safeguards must be used to ensure the privacy of patient information. checkpoint What is telemedicine? What might Mohammed advise Nuha to do before he sends a staff member to her floor? What confidentiality concerns must they be aware of before they access this patient files? 14/10/2022 10:15

What is telemedicine?
Case Study Investigation Conclusion
Issues in Health Care Telemedicine The World Health Organization (WHO) defines telemedicine as "healing from a distance." Tele-medicine gives people the opportunity to get expert medical treatment without going to a clinic (Figure 9-15). Using telemedicine, people can receive a diagnosis, learn their treatment options, and get a prescription. Health care providers can even monitor readings from medical devices remotely to monitor patients' conditions. There are three common types of telemedicine: Interactive medicine: physicians and patients communicate in real-time Remote patient monitoring: allows caregivers to monitor patients who use mobile medical equipment to collect data on things like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and so on • Store and forward: providers can share a patient's health information with other health care professionals or specialists Telemedicine isn't appropriate for emergency situations like a heart attack or broken bones that require x-rays and casts. Anything that requires immediate, hands-on care should be handled in person. However, telemedicine is very useful for simple issues. For instance, if a patient suspects that a cut may be infected, they can schedule a virtual consultation with a health care provider to discuss their symptoms. If a patient is on vacation and thinks that they are coming down with strep throat, they can communicate with a physician. It is helpful for a variety of other health issues including psychotherapy and dermatology, which offers consultations of moles, rashes, and so on. In 2020, as the COVID-19 virus started wreaking havoc with the health care system, telemedicine was used to help caregivers respond to the needs of people who had contracted the virus as well as people who needed to touch base with their providers for other health issues. Telemedicine made a very positive contribution to health care during the pandemic and was used in a variety of ways. FIGURE 9-15 Doctors can now use smartphones, laptops and tablets to communicate with patients. There were three main roles for telehealth technologies during the COVID-19 crisis: To screen patients remotely rather than having them visit the practice or hospital. Keeping infected. individuals out of hospitals and doctors' offices, the health care system could lower the risk of transmission to other patients and health care staff. To help provide routine care for patients with chronic diseases who are at high risk if exposed to the virus. Providers and their staff were at increased risk for contracting COVID-19 due to their continuous exposure to infected patients. Once tested and confirmed, these providers were quarantined and technologies in place, quarantined providers had the option to continue to see patients. Telemedicine also can reduce health care costs. It can increase efficiency of care delivery, cut the cost of transporting patients, and can keep patients out of the hospital. In fact, one study showed that telemedicine care had 19 percent savings over inpatient care. It seems that telemedicine is here to stay and grow as a useful health care tool. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH SB.indb 161 COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH CARE 161 | 14/10/2022 10:15
