PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي
- Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 5 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK Case Study Investigation Nuha has just finished respiratory therapy college and is applying for her first job at Community Hospital. She has interned there for the past 10 months. Nuha wants to be prepared for her interview. She will have her résumé and references ready, but is worried about doing and saying the right thing during the actual interview. At the end of this chapter, you will be asked how Nuha can optimize her chances of landing this job and starting her career. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Identify at least five skills that employers consider to be essential for job retention. Write a cover letter or letter of introduction and prepare a résumé containing all necessary information and meeting professional standards. • Demonstrate how to complete a job application form that meets standards of neatness and accuracy. •Demonstrate how to participate in a job interview meeting professional standards. • Determine gross and net income, and calculate a personal budget for a one-month period. KEY TERMS budget deductions externships fixed expenses gross income income internships 114 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 DESIRMIONERS.CC SHITH 58th 124 net income résumé variable expenses 18012023 14:30

Case Study Investigation
LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to Identify at least five skills that employers consider to be essential for job retention
KEY TERMS budget
وزارة التعليم 5:1 DEVELOPING JOB-KEEPING SKILLS PREPARING FOR A JOB When you have completed your health science education, you will be ready to obtain a position in health care. Two things that may help you prepare for a health care position are internships and externships, which are work experiences that offer you the opportunity to gain experience in your chosen field. Externships may be required as a part of a health science education program. They are usually set up and managed by the department of the college that is responsible for training. An externship is usually unpaid, but it will allow you to go to a health care facility to observe and/or per- form the skills you have learned. It is important that you make every effort to work to the best of your ability during your externships because employers frequently select future employees from externs. Internships usually come toward the end of a health science program and can serve as a "bridge" between the training program and profes- sional life. An internship may be paid, unpaid, or partially paid. An intern is supervised, but the intern is usually allowed to apply the knowledge and skills learned in an actual work situation. Again, employers often hire the best interns after their internships are completed. When looking for a job, make sure you do all of the following: ⚫ Assess your strengths and weaknesses to help determine the type of job for which you would be best suited. If you have completed an externship or internship, use those experiences to help determine the positions that allow you to excel. ⚫Determine the type of job you would like, the hours you are available to work, the location or area where you would like to work, potential health care agency employers, and positions you are qualified to hold. ⚫ Develop a positive attitude-be proud of what you have accomplished and be prepared to discuss your achievements. ⚫ Do a job search, prepare a letter of introduction and résumé, complete all information for your portfolio, and prepare for a job interview. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD EMPLOYEE To obtain and keep a job, you must develop certain characteristics to be a good employee. Employers envision new employees improving over time. Employees must always strive toward personal development and meeting employer expectations. Some of those expectations include being loyal and flexible, and having integrity. Employers also expect every employee to understand the Minor Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 115 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 115 | 18/01/2023 14:30

116 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Minsisting or Eductory 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 116 organizational structure and to follow the chain of command. Questions and problems can be resolved in a quick and efficient manner if the correct person is consulted. Effective decision-making is the mark of a well-educated, experi- enced, and valued employee. It is essential that you develop good job-keeping skills to be successful in a health care career. Being aware of and striving to achieve the qualities needed for employment are as important as acquiring the knowledge and skills required in your chosen health care profession. Comm Job-keeping skills include: ⚫ Use correct grammar at all times, in the written and spoken word, as you may be judged on how well you communicate with patients and colleagues. Because you will be completing legal written records for health care, the use of correct spelling, punc- tuation, and sentence structure is also essential. Use a dictionary to check spelling, or use the spell-check tool on a computer. ⚫ Report to work on time and when scheduled. Because many health care facilities provide care 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and often 24 hours a day, an employee who is frequently late or absent can cause a major disruption in the provision of patient care. Absenteeism (fre- quently missing work) may result in losing your job. . Be prepared to work hard. Observe all legal and ethical responsibil- ities. Follow the policies and procedures of your health care facility. Be willing to learn new procedures and techniques, but always ask for help if you are unsure of what to do. Try to use your initiative and do jobs that you see need doing. ⚫ Practice teamwork. Because health care typically involves a team of different professionals working together to provide patient care, it is important to be willing to work with others. If you are willing to help others when they need help, they will likely be willing to help you. ⚫ Promote a positive attitude. By being positive, you create a good impression and encourage the same attitude in others. Every job has some bad points that are easy to criticize. However, this leads to a negative attitude and may create poor morale in everyone. Try to concentrate on the good aspects of your job and the rewards it can provide, and you will get more satisfaction from your efforts. ⚫ Accept responsibility for your actions. Although it can be difficult, it is essential to take responsibility for mistakes. If you make a mistake, report it to your supervisor, and make every effort to correct the error. Honesty is essential in health care. Not accepting responsibility for your actions is dishonest. It is often a reason for dismissal and can prevent you from obtaining another position. 18/01/2023 14:30

Use correct grammar at all times
وزارة التعليم Missing Emucion 2022-1444 . Be willing to learn. Health care changes constantly because of advances in technology and research. Always be willing to learn new things and adapt to change. Participating in staff-development pro- grams (Figure 5-1); taking courses at technical schools, colleges, or online; attending special seminars or meetings; reading professional journals; and asking questions of other qualified individuals are all ways to improve your knowledge and skills. To keep a job, it is important to develop the qualities employers need in their employees. Be courteous, responsible, enthusiastic, cooperative, reli- able, punctual, and efficient. Demonstrating these personal qualities can result in job advancement, increased salary, and personal satisfaction. FIGURE 5-1 Participating in staff-development programs is one way to improve your knowledge and skills. RESIGNING FROM A JOB As you progress through your career, there will most likely come a time when you will need to resign from your current position. There are many reasons for needing to resign, and these include: ⚫ A job offer with better hours, more pay, better benefits, more educa- tional and advancement opportunities, or better job security. . A job offer that allows you to use more of your education and skills or is in a specialized area in which you are interested, such as pediatrics or obstetrics. ⚫ Personal reasons, such as marriage, moving, illness, or pregnancy. It is always best to have a new position before resigning from a current position. If you do not, make sure that you have adequate funds to live on GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 117 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 117 | 18/01/2023 14:30

programs (Figure 14–1); taking courses at technical schools, colleges, or online
118 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Maising or Edicion 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 118 until you have a new position. Handle your resignation in a professional manner. Make sure you treat your current employer well because you may need to rely on them for a reference. When resigning: Always give notice. . Make sure the first person you tell is your supervisor or the person in charge-it is not a good idea to let them hear the news from your other team members. ⚫ Be positive about your reasons for leaving and emphasize how your current position has benefited you. • Work to the best of your ability until your resignation date. Make sure you complete all open assignments and leave detailed progress reports for your supervisor and team members. Offer to train your replacement. Ask for a letter of recommendation to put in your portfolio. When resigning, a letter of resignation must be submitted and must include: ⚫ The date you are submitting your resignation letter. Your supervisor or the person in charge of your department; copies of the letter should be given to any other people who should be notified in your health care facility. ⚫The date from which the resignation is effective. ⚫ The reason for leaving-keep this brief and positive. ⚫ A note thanking them for giving you the opportunity to work at their health care facility-be sure to end the letter on a positive note. ⚫ Your signature. In the event that you are fired or laid off: ⚫ Stay positive, no matter how difficult. . Do not blame others-look for the reason within yourself, and learn from the experience. In future interviews, you can tell potential employers how you learned from your error. Accept responsibility for whatever caused you to be fired. ⚫ Do not criticize the health care facility to others. Do not make any statements or express any opinions that you may later regret. ⚫ Ask the employer if a letter of resignation would be accepted instead of being fired. It looks better to future employers if you resigned instead of being fired. If the employer agrees, be sure to thank them. 18/01/2023 14:30

When resigning Always give notice
وزارة التعليم Before you leave, make sure you have contact information for key super- visors and other team members who you want to keep as part of your net- work of contacts. Be sure to thank them for having had the opportunity to work with them. Throughout your health care career, you may need to call on former colleagues and employers for consultations, recommenda- tions, advice, and help. The health care world is very interconnected, so it is important you make your career decisions with respect and dignity. checkpoint 1. List five job-keeping skills. 2. When you are resigning your position, who is the first person you should tell? WRITING A COVER LETTER AND PREPARING A RÉSUMÉ Before you look for a job, evaluate your interests and abilities. Decide what type of job you would like. Make sure you obtain the education needed to perform the job. There are many different sources for finding job openings. Some of them include: ⚫ Trusted job search websites. Job listings posted by health care facilities on their websites. Job fairs sponsored by schools, employment agencies, or health care facilities. .Recommendations from practicum shadowing clinical sites, extern- ships, and internships. Personal networking: supervisors, mentors, and acquaintances. Joining professional social networking sites such as www.linkedin. com. These sites allow you to search for available jobs and network with other health care professionals. You are also able to "follow" health care agencies you are interested in to see when they have new job openings available. Advertisements in newspapers. Recommendations from friends and relatives. ⚫ School counselors or bulletin boards. ⚫Employment agencies. ⚫ Professional organizations: check their websites or contact the local organizations. Mousting Emicinon 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 119 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 119 | 18/01/2023 14:30

Throughout your health care career, you may need to call on former colleagues and employers for consultations, recommendations, advice, and help
List five job-keeping skills
120 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Ministojo Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 120 Once you have identified possible places of employment, prepare to apply for the position. In most cases, this involves writing a cover letter or letter of introduction, and a résumé. COVER LETTER OR LETTER OF INTRODUCTION The purpose of a cover letter or letter of introduction is to obtain an inter- view. You must create a good impression in the letter so that the employer will be interested in hiring you. In many cases, you will be responding to a job advertised either on the Internet or through other sources. However, a résumé (also called a curriculum vitae or CV) may be sent to potential employers, even though they have not advertised a job opportunity. A cover letter or letter of introduction should accompany all résumés. The letter should be completed on a computer and printed on good-qual- ity paper that is white or light in color. It must be neat, complete, and written according to correct form for letters. Care must be taken to ensure that the spelling and punctuation are correct. Remember, this letter is the employer's first impression of you. If possible, the letter should be addressed to the correct individual. If you know the name of the agency or company, call to obtain this Comm information or try to locate it on their website. Be sure you obtain the correct spelling of the person's name as well as the person's cor- rect title. If you are responding to a box number, follow the instructions in the advertisement or posting. Another possibility is to address the letter to the director of human resources or the head of a particular department. The letter usually contains three or four paragraphs. The contents of each paragraph are described as follows: Paragraph 1: State your purpose for writing, and express interest in the position for which you are applying. If you are responding to an advertisement or posting, state the name and date of the publication or posting site. If you were referred by another individual, give this person's name and title. Paragraph 2: State why you believe you are qualified for the position. You might also state why you want to work for this par- ticular employer. Information should be brief because most of the information will be included on your résumé. Paragraph 3: State that a résumé is included or attached if you are submitting your cover letter and résumé online. You may also want to draw the employer's attention to one or two important features on your résumé. If you are not including a résumé, state that one is available on request. Whenever possible, it is best to include a résumé. 18/01/2023 14:30

وزارة التعليم Paragraph 4: Close the letter with a request for an interview. Be sure to state clearly how the employer can contact you for addi- tional information. Include a telephone number, e-mail address, and the times you will be available to respond to a telephone call. When including an e-mail address, it is very important that you create a professional e-mail account name that has your first name, last name, and no nicknames or slang. Outlook and Google offer free e-mail accounts. Finally, include a sentence thanking the potential employer for considering your application. Figure 5-2 shows a sample cover letter to serve as a guide to writing a good letter. However, remember this is only one guide. Letters must be varied to suit each circumstance. Nasser Al-Ahmed 2332 Ali ibn Abi Talib St. Almanar Riyadh, 13348 June 3, 20-- Mr. Prospective Employer Director of Human Resources Health Care Facility King Salman Rd. Alrawdah Dammam, 32256 Dear Mr. Employer Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. In response to your advertisement in the оп of 20 I would like to apply for the position I recently graduated from I majored in and feel I am well qualified for this position. I enjoy working with people and have a sincere interest in additional training in My résumé is enclosed. I have also enclosed a specific list of skills that I mastered during my school experience. I feel that previous positions noted on the résumé have provided me with a good basis for meeting your job requirements. Thank you for considering my application. I would appreciate a personal interview at your earliest convenience to discuss my qualifications. Please contact me at the above address or via e-mail at I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Nasser Al-Ahmed FIGURE 5-2 A sample cover letter. Manustojor Em.cupion 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 121 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 121 | 18/01/2023 14:30

Figure 14–2 shows a sample cover letter to serve as a guide to writing a good letter
122 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Ministojo Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 122 RÉSUMÉ A résumé is a record of information about an individual. It is a thorough yet concise summary of an individual's education, skills, accomplish- ments, and work experience. It is used to provide an employer with basic information that details your qualifications as an employee. At the same time, a good résumé will help you clarify your job objective and be better prepared for a job interview. A résumé should be prepared on a computer using a word-processing program so that it can be easily changed or updated, and it should be attractive in appearance. Like a cover letter, a résumé creates an impres- sion on the employer. Information should be presented in an organized fashion. At the same time, the résumé should be concise and pertinent. Good-quality paper that is white or light in color, correct spelling and punctuation, straight, even margins, and an attractive style are essential. It is also a good idea to prepare a digital copy of your résumé so it can be attached to an e-mail without changing its formatting or design. Résumé format can vary. Review sample sources and find a style that you feel best presents your information. A one-page résumé is usually sufficient. Parts of a résumé can also vary. Some of the most important parts that should be included are shown in Figure 5-3 and are described as follows: • ⚫ Personal identification (your name, address, telephone number including the area code, and/or e-mail address). ⚫ Employment objective, job desired, or career goal (title of the position for which you are applying). ⚫ Educational background (name and address of your high school, and any special courses if they relate to the job position). ⚫ Skills (special knowledge, computer, technology, and work skills you have that can be used in the job you are seeking). ⚫ Work or employment experience (previous positions of employment, starting with the most recent position, including the name and address of the employer, dates employed, your job title, and a brief description of your duties). . Other activities (organizations of which you are a member, offices held, community service, special awards received, volunteer work, hobbies, special interests, and other similar facts). ⚫ Credentials (certification, if relevant). ⚫References (always be sure you have an individual's permission before using that person as a reference). 18/01/2023 14:30

Honesty is always the best policy, and this is particularly true regarding résumés. Never give information that you think will look good but is exaggerated or only partly true. Inaccurate or false information can cost you a job. Before preparing your résumé, list all of the information you wish to include. Then select the format that best presents this information. وزارة التعليم Nasser Al-Ahmed 2332 Ali Ibn Abi Talib St., Almanar Riyadh, 13348 +966 55 012 3456 CAREER GOAL: EDUCATION: SKILLS: WORK EXPERIENCE: ACTIVITIES: PERSONAL TRAITS: Position as a dental assistant in general practice with a goal of becoming a certified dental assistant Best Technical School, Riyadh Graduated in June 2022 Majored in Dental Assistant Program for two years Identification of teeth, charting conditions of the tooth, mixing dental cements and bases, pouring models and custom trays, preparing anaesthetic syringe, setting up basic dental trays, sterilizing of instruments, developing and mounting radio- graphs, typing business letters, completing insurance forms Dental lab assistant, Smile Dental Lab Products, Al Orouba Road, Riyadh Employed September 2021 to present as dental lab assistant, proficient in models, custom trays, and prosthetic devices Salesperson, Dawa Pharmacy, Grand Mall, Riyadh Employed June 2020 to August 2021. Experience in custom relations, inventory, register, and sales promotion Volunteer worker during dental health week; hobbies include football, swimming, and reading Dependable, considerate of others, willing to learn, adaptable to new situations, respectful and honest, adept at dental terminology, able to perform a variety of dental skills References on request FIGURE 5-3 A sample résumé. Ministry or Emicution 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 123 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 123 | 18/01/2023 14:30

Before preparing your résumé, list all of the information you wish to include
124 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Ministinjor Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 124 CAREER PASSPORT OR PORTFOLIO A career passport or portfolio is a professional way to highlight your knowledge, abilities, and skills as you prepare for employment or extended education. It allows you to present yourself in an organized and efficient manner when you interview for schools or employment. Final content will vary for each individual, but most career passports or portfolios will con- tain the following types of information: Introductory letter: a brief synopsis of yourself including your back- ground, education, and future goals. ⚫ Résumé. ⚫Skill list and competency level: a list of skills you have mastered and the level of competency for each skill. ⚫Letter(s) of recommendation: letters of recommendation from your instructors, guidance counselors, supervisors in clinical areas, or agencies where you perform volunteer work. . Copies of work-based learning evaluations and documentation of hours. ⚫ Credentials: copies of a school transcript or a recent grade card, and copies of any certificates, such as CPR certification or first aid certification. ⚫ Service projects: documentation of service learning or community service and any associated credentials or recognition you may have been awarded for that effort. Organize the information in a neat binder, portfolio, or computer file. Use tab dividers or electronic folders to separate it into organized sections. Make sure that you use correct grammar and punctuation on all written information. The effort you put into creating a professional portfolio or passport will be beneficial when you have this document ready to present during a school or job interview. It is also a good idea to keep an electronic version of your portfolio for easy updates, so you have a back-up of all the information in case anything happens to your portfolio, or in case an employer asks you to send your résumé and portfolio for them to review before your interview. checkpoint 1. How many paragraphs should be included in a cover letter or letter of introduction? 2. How should your résumé be prepared? 18/01/2023 14:30

How many paragraphs should be included in a cover letter or letter of introduction
وزارة التعليم Ministin or Eductition 2022-1444 5:3 COMPLETING JOB APPLICATION FORMS Even though you provide each potential employer with a résumé, most employers still require you to complete an application form. Application forms are used by employers to collect specific information. Forms vary from employer to employer, but most request similar information. Before completing any application form, it is essential that you first read the entire form. Note areas where certain information is to be placed. Read instructions that state how the form is to be completed. Some forms request that the applicant complete the application in handwritten form, but most now provide the application in a computerized format to be completed on a computer and either printed out or submitted electron- ically by e-mail. Some employers will send you the application form before your inter- view so you have time to fill it out and print it or submit it electronically (unless they require you to do it in handwritten form). If they do not send it to you in advance, make sure you have all the required information with you when you go for a job interview. Basic rules for completing a job application form include: Comm Fill out each item neatly and completely. • Do not leave any areas blank. Put "none" or "NA" (meaning "not applicable") when the item requested does not apply to you. • Ensure that addresses include all the required information. Watch spelling and punctuation. Always use a spell-checker when completing an application on a computer. Errors will not impress the potential employer. . Complete the form in the manner requested (on a computer or hand- written). Use a blue pen if handwritten. If the application is not available electronically, scan the application into a computer word program, key in all information, check for accuracy, and then print the completed application form. Use a spell- checker. This method allows for easy correction of errors. . Make sure all information is legible. ⚫ Do not write in spaces that state "office use only" or "do not write below this line". Employers often judge how well you follow directions by your reaction to these sections. • Ensure all information is correct and truthful. Remember, material can be checked and verified. A simple half-truth can cost you a job. GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 125 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 125 | 18/01/2023 14:30

126 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Manising or Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 128 ⚫Proofread your completed application. Check for completeness, spell- ing, proper answers to questions, and any errors. ⚫ If references are requested, be sure to include all information, such as title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Before using anyone's name as a reference, it is best to obtain that person's permis- sion. Be prepared to provide reference information when you go for a job interview. Most sources suggest listing at least three references on a separate sheet of the same type of paper used for the résumé. Even though questions vary on different forms, some basic information is usually requested on all of them. You could save this information on your smartphone so you have easy access to it while filling out an application. Remember that employers use application forms as a screening method. To avoid being eliminated from consideration for a position of employ- ment, be sure that your application creates a favorable impression. checkpoint 1. If you fill out an application on paper, what color ink should you use? 2. How many references should you have? 5:4 PARTICIPATING IN A JOB INTERVIEW A job interview is what you are seeking when you send a cover letter or letter of introduction and a résumé. You must prepare for an interview just as hard as you did when composing your résumé. A poor interview can mean a lost job. A job interview is usually the last step before getting or being denied a particular position of employment. Usually, you have been screened by the potential employer and selected for an interview as a result of your résumé and application form. Keep in mind that most employers now also check an applicant's social media accounts, such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, in the prescreening process, so it is very important to make sure your social media accounts reflect a professional image. A potential employer will not be impressed by pictures of you smoking or acting inappropriately. Make sure you clean up your social media accounts before applying for a job. To the employer, the interview serves at least two main purposes: .Provides the opportunity to evaluate you in person, obtain additional information, and ascertain whether you meet the job qualifications. Allows the employer to tell you about the position in more detail. Careful preparation is needed before going to an interview. Be sure you have all the required information. Your résumé and completed applica- 18/01/2023 14:30

Proofread your completed application
If you fill out an application on paper, what color ink should you use?
وزارة التعليم Maising or Emico 2022-1444 tion form (if it was given to you in advance) must be ready. If you have completed a career passport or portfolio, be sure to take it to the interview. If possible, find out about the position and the agency offering the job. In this way, you will be more aware of the agency's needs. Be sure of the scheduled date and time of the interview. Know the name of the individual you must contact and the exact place of the interview. Write this information down and take it with you or save it on your smart- phone for easy access. It is best to arrive 5-10 minutes early for your interview. Late arrival could mean a lost job. Allow for traffic, trains blocking the road, and other complications that might interfere with your arriving on time. Do not bring any friends or relatives to the interview with you. Before your interview starts, turn off all mobile devices. During the interview, observe all of the following points: ⚫ Greet the interviewer by name when you are introduced. Introduce yourself and smile. ⚫ Remain standing until the interviewer asks you to sit. Be aware of your posture and sit straight. . Use correct grammar, and avoid using slang words. Speak slowly and clearly; do not mumble. . Be polite and practice good manners. • Maintain eye contact. Avoid looking at the floor, ceiling, or away from the interviewer (Figure 5-4). Looking at the middle of the interview- er's forehead or at the tip of the interviewer's nose can help when you are nervous and experiencing difficulty with direct eye contact. FIGURE 5-4 Avoid looking at the floor, ceiling, or away from the interviewer. GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 127 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 127 | 18/01/2023 14:30

application form (if it was given to you in advance) must be ready. If you have completed a career passport or portfolio
128 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Mintojo Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 128 Listen closely to the interviewer. Do not interrupt in the middle of a sentence. Allow the interviewer to take the lead. ⚫ Answer all questions thoroughly, but do not go into long, drawn-out explanations. Make sure your answers show how you are qualified for the job. Smile, but avoid excessive laughter or giggling. ⚫ Be yourself. Do not try to assume a different personality or different mannerisms; doing so will only increase your nervousness. Be enthusiastic and display your positive attitude. ⚫ Never discuss personal problems, finances, or other situations in an effort to get the job. This usually has a negative effect on the interviewer. . Do not criticize former employers or degrade them in any way. Answer all questions truthfully to the best of your ability. ⚫ Think before you respond. Try to organize the information you present. . Be proud of yourself, to a degree. You have skills and are trained. Make sure the interviewer is aware of this. However, be sure to show a willingness to learn and to gain additional knowledge. . Do not immediately question the employer about salary, fringe ben- efits, insurance, and other similar items. This information is usually mentioned before the end of the interview. If the employer asks whether you have any questions, have one prepared. Ask about the job description or responsibilities, the type of uniform required, potential for career growth, continuing education or in-service programs, and job orientation. These types of questions indicate a sincere interest in the job rather than a "What's in it for me?" attitude. ⚫ Do not expect a definite answer at the end of the interview. The inter- viewer will usually tell you that they will contact you. Thank the interviewer for the interview as you leave. Smile, be polite, and exit with confidence. • Never try to extend the interview if the interviewer indicates that they are ready to end it. ⚫ After the interview, it is best to send a follow-up note, letter, or e-mail to thank the employer for the interview. You may indicate that you are still interested in the position. You may also state that you are avail- able for further questioning. When an employer is evaluating several applicants, a thank-you note is sometimes the deciding factor in who gets the job. 18/01/2023 14:30

Listen closely to the interviewer
وزارة التعليم You may be asked many different questions during an interview, so it is impossible to prepare all answers ahead of time. However, it is wise to think about some potential questions and your responses to them. The following is a suggested list of questions to review. Additional questions may be found in any book on job interviews. Tell me a little about yourself. (Note: Stick to job-related information.) . What are your strong points/weak points? (Note: Be sure to turn a weakness into a positive point. For example, say, "One of my weak- nesses is poor spelling, but I use a dictionary or spell-checker to check spelling and try to learn to spell 10 new words each week.") . Why do you feel you are qualified for this position? What jobs have you held in the past? Why did you leave those jobs? (Note: Avoid criticizing former employers.) . What school activities are you involved in? What kind of work interests you? Why do you want to work here? . What skills do you have that would be of value? What is your attitude toward work? What do you want to know about this job opening? ⚫ What were your favorite subjects in school and why? What does success mean to you? How do you manage your time? What is your image of the ideal job? How skilled are you with computers? . What are the three most important things to you in a job? ⚫ Do you prefer to work alone or with others? Why? How many days of school did you miss last year? What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any plans for further education? checkpoint 1. What two principles does an interview serve? 2. How early should you arrive for an interview? Moustnyor Emiciting 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 129 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 129 | 18/01/2023 14:30

You may be asked many different questions during an interview, so it is impossible to prepare all answers ahead of time
What two principles does an interview serve?
130 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Ministry or Emucution 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 130 5:5 DETERMINING NET INCOME Obtaining a job means, in part, that you will be earning your own money. This often means that you will be responsible for your own living expenses. To avoid debt and financial crisis, it is important that you learn about man- aging your money effectively, including understanding how to determine net income. The term income usually means money that you earn or that is available to you. However, the amount you actually earn and the amount you receive to spend may vary. The following two terms explain the difference. ⚫ Gross income: This is the total amount of money you earn for hours worked. It is the amount determined before any deductions have been taken out of your pay. .Net income: This is commonly referred to as "take-home pay." It is the amount of money available to you after all payroll deductions (General Organization for Social Insurance [GOSI] annuities for retirement and unemployment insurance-SANED) have been taken out of your salary. To determine net income, you must first determine the amounts of the vari- ous deductions that will be taken out of your gross pay. Deduction percent- ages usually vary depending on your income level. Gross Pay 10,000.00 SAR: ⚫ Deduction for GOSI annuities is 9% (900 SAR). ⚫ Deduction for GOSI unemployment insurance (SANED) is 0.75% (75 SAR). ⚫ Net income after deductions, then, would be 9,025 SAR. Therefore, before you receive your paycheck, 975 SAR will be deducted from it. To manage your money effectively, it is essential that you can calculate your net income. Because this is the amount of money you will have to spend, it will to some extent determine your lifestyle. checkpoint 1. What is gross income? 2. What is net income? 18/01/2023 14:30

What is gross income?
وزارة التعليم 5:6 CALCULATING A BUDGET To use your net income wisely, it is wise to prepare a budget. A budget is an itemized list of living expenses. It must be realistic to be effective. A budget usually consists of two main types of expenses: fixed expenses and variable expenses: ⚫ Fixed expenses include items such as rent or house payments, utili- ties, food, and car payments. ⚫ Variable expenses include items such as entertainment, clothing pur- chases, and donations. The easiest way to prepare a budget is simply to list all anticipated expenses for a one-month period. Then, determine your net monthly pay. Allow a fair percentage of the net monthly pay for each of the budget items listed. Savings should be incorporated into every budget. If saving money is regarded as an obligation, it is easier to set aside money for this purpose. When an emergency occurs, money is then available to cover the unex- pected expenditure. Some payments are due once or twice a year. An example is insurance payments. To be realistic, a monthly amount should be budgeted for this purpose. To determine a monthly amount, divide the total yearly cost for the insurance by 12. Then, budget this amount each month. In this way, when insurance payments are due, the money is available for payment, and one month's budget will not have to bear the full amount of the insur- ance payment. The following percentage ranges of total net income could be used while preparing a realistic budget: ⚫ Housing: 20-35%. ⚫ Food: 15-30%. • Utilities: 4-7%. ⚫Transportation (including car loan, insurance, gas, and maintenance): 6-20%. ⚫ Clothing: 3-10%. ⚫ Personal care (including soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, cosmet- ics, etc.): 2-4%. ⚫ Miscellaneous (travel, childcare, entertainment, gifts, etc.): 1-4%. ⚫ Savings: 5-9%. Musting or Em.cupon 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.002.82.HLTH.58.indb 131 PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK 131 | 18/01/2023 14:30

It is important to remember that these percentages and line items are just suggested guidelines. Each individual must determine their own needs and allocate monies accordingly. It is important that budgeted expenses do not exceed net monthly income. It may sometimes be necessary to limit expenses that are not fixed, such as entertainment and clothing purchases. The final step is to live by your budget and avoid any spending over the allotted amounts. If your fixed expenses or net income increases, you will have to revise your budget. Remember, creating a budget leads to careful management of hard-earned money. checkpoint 1. What is a budget? 2. What are variable expenses? Today's Research A Bravery Gene? Tomorrow's Health Care Many scientists are researching a genetic basis for fear. Some early research involved the Shumyatsky group at Rutgers University, where they analyzed brain tissue to locate a gene in a tiny prune-shaped region of the brain called the amygdala, an area of the brain that is extremely active when animals or humans are afraid or anxious (Figure 5-5). This gene produces a protein called stathmin, which is highly concentrated in the amygdala but hard to detect in other areas of the brain. Scientists removed this stathmin gene and bred a line of mice that were all missing this gene. Tests showed that this breed of mice was twice as willing to explore unknown territories as unaltered mice. In addition, if the mice were trained to expect a small electrical shock after being presented with a stimulus, such as a sound or sight, this group of mice did not seem as fearful when the sound or sight was given. Researchers theorized that stathmin helps form fearful memories in the amygdala, the area where unconscious fears seemed to be stored. If the production of stathmin could be halted or inhibited by medication, it is possible that fears would not be stored as unconscious memories. Recent research has shown that stathmin may also play a crucial role in epileptic seizures. Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy seizures frequently experience pain as an aura or warning that a seizure is going to occur. In addition, the Shumyatsky group is currently studying the role of other amygdala-enriched genes to determine their role in memory and learned fear. Neocortex Basal ganglia Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus FIGURE 5-5 This diagram shows the position of the amygdala in the brain. Case Study Investigation Conclusion How many ideas did you come up with that Nuha could implement? Some things are readily available, and some she will have to work toward. Since she had interned for 10 months, what references might she call on? 132 CHAPTER 5 وزارة التعليم Minising or Eachin 2022 1444 GE44 PATHWAYS.G02.82.HLTH.58.indb 132 18/01/2023 14:30

It is important to remember that these percentages and line items are just suggested guidelines
What is a budget
A Bravery Gene?
Case Study Investigation Conclusion