CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي
Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 3 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE ■ Career Case Study Investigation A 7-year-old boy, Fahad, and his 5-year-old sister, Lateen, were riding their bicycles in the backyard of their home. Fahad lost control of his bike and crashed into his sister's bike, and landed on his shoulder, with Lateen crashing head-first into the wall. The two children were taken by ambulance to the local hospital ER. Fahad is complaining of pain when moving his shoulder, and has visible bruising and swelling on his clavicle. An x-ray showed a fracture in the middle third of the clavicle. Lateen was knocked out and is now dizzy and vomiting. She has a 2-cm laceration superior to her right eye that requires cosmetic stitching. At the end of the chapter, you will be asked to identify the health careers that might be involved in the care of Fahad and Lateen. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: ■Compare the educational requirements for various medical careers. ■Contrast certification, registration, and licensure. •Describe at least five different health care careers by including a definition of the career, three duties, the educational requirements, and employment opportunities. KEY TERMS accreditation associate's degree bachelor's degree certification continuing medical education entrepreneur doctorate/doctoral degree licensure وزارة التعليم Ministry of 40 coCHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 40 master's degree registration scope of practice 14/10/2022 10:12

Case Study Investigation
3:1 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE CAREERS Math ✓ Science Educational requirements for health care careers depend on many factors. Basic preparation begins in high school (secondary education) and should include the sciences, social studies, English, and mathematics. Computer applications and account- ing skills are also used in most health care careers. Secondary health science education (HSE) programs can prepare a student for immediate employment in many health care careers or for additional education after graduation. Postsecondary education (after high school) can include training in a career/ technical school, college, university, or an accredited online program. Some careers require an associate's degree, which is awarded by a career/technical school or a community college after completing a prescribed two-year course of study. Other careers require a bachelor's degree, which is awarded by a college or university after a prescribed course of study that usually lasts for four or more years. In some cases, a master's degree is required. This degree is awarded by a college or university after completion of one or more years of work beyond a bachelor's degree. Other careers require a doctorate or doc- toral degree, which is awarded by a college or university after completion of two or more years of work beyond a bachelor's or master's degree. Some doc- torates can require four to six years of additional study. The Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education has developed a new Flexible Learning Pathways Initiative education system, which has five main academic and career paths: General; computer and engineering sciences; health and life; business administration; and Shariah. The health and life science career pathway allows a student to see how early career awareness and exploration provide the foundation for making informed choices to prepare for a career in health care. Detailed information and guidance on specific careers can be found on the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) website (scfhs. CERTIFICATION, REGISTRATION, AND LICENSURE Three other terms associated with health care careers are certification, regis- tration, and licensure. These are methods used to ensure the skill and compe- tency of health care personnel and to protect the consumer or patient. Certification means that a person meets the standards and qualifications established by the professional association or government agency that regu- lates a particular career. A certificate or statement is issued by the appropriate association. Examples of certified positions include certified dental assistant, and certified laboratory technician. Registration is performed by a regulatory body (professional association or government board) that administers examinations and maintains a current list (registry") of qualified personnel in a given health care area. Examples وزارة التعليم Ministry of EducoRION 2022-1444 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 41 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 41 14/10/2022 10:13

of registered positions include registered dietitian, and registered respiratory therapist. Licensure authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation. The license defines the scope of practice or actions that health care providers are legally permitted to perform in keeping within the terms of their professional license. Obtaining and retaining licensure usually requires that a person complete an approved educational program, pass the SCFHS exam, and maintain certain standards. Examples of licensed positions include physician, registered nurse, and licensed practical/vocational nurse. ACCREDITATION Accreditation ensures that the program of study meets the established quality competency standards and prepares students for employment in the health care career. It is important for a student to make sure that a technical school, college, or university offers accredited programs of study before enrolling. The major accrediting agency for health care programs in the Kingdom is the SCFHS. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION HOURS Continuing medical education (CME) hours are required to renew licenses or maintain certification or registration in the Kingdom Legal (Figure 3-1). An individual must obtain additional hours of education in the specific health care career area during a specified period and should be aware of the requirements regarding CME for their given career. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Professional organizations are an important component of many health care careers. Most provide the following benefits: ⚫ Professional development: publications, seminars, conferences to keep members updated with information relating to the FIGURE 3-1 Continuing medical education hours may be required to renew licenses or maintain certifi- cation or registration. وزارة التعليم Mins 42 CHAPTER 3 2022 1444 career. . Career information: information, networking, and educating the public about their career. ⚫ Code of ethics: standard of conduct or code of behavior for the profession. EDUCATION LEVELS, TRENDS, AND OPPORTUNITIES Training for most health care careers takes many years of study, as shown in Table 3-1. GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 42 14/10/2022 10:13

TABLE 3-1 Education and Levels of Training Profession Doctor of Medicine Dentist Pharmacist Specialist Technician Educational Requirement 6 or more years of a bachelor's degree 6 or more years of a bachelor's degree 5 or more years of a bachelor's degree 4 or more years of a bachelor's degree 1 or more years of a clinical diploma or SCFHS certified technician course post- secondary education A common trend in health care is the multicompetent or multiskilled health care provider who can perform a variety of health care tasks. For example, a health care provider may be hired to perform the tasks of both an electro- cardiograph (ECG) technician (who records electrical activity of the heart) and an electroencephalographic (EEG) technologist (who records electrical activity of the brain). Another opportunity available in many health care careers is that of entre- preneur. An entrepreneur is an individual who organizes and manages a business and assumes its risks. Some health care careers allow an individual to work as an independent entrepreneur, while others encourage the use of groups of cooperating individuals. A common example is combining a bache- lor's degree in a specific health care career with a master's degree in business. Some health care providers who may be entrepreneurs include dental labora- tory technicians, respiratory therapists, and optometrists. checkpoint 1. With a partner, create a chart that compares the educational requirements for associate's, bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees. 2. Compare and contrast certification, registration, and licensure. 3:2 THERAPEUTIC SERVICES CAREERS Providers in the therapeutic services use a variety of treatments to help patients who are injured, physically or mentally disabled, or emotionally disturbed, to function at their maximum capacity. Places of employment include rehabilitation facilities, mental health facili- ties, and government agencies. DENTAL CAREERS Dental providers focus on the health of the teeth and the soft tissues of the mouth. Care is directed toward preventing dental disease, repairing or replac- ing diseased or damaged teeth, and treating the gingiva (gums) and other Supporting structures of the teeth. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Eduction 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 43 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 43 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Education and Levels of Training
. With a partner, create a chart that compares the educational requirements for associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees
وزارة التعليم Minist 44 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 44 Most dental professionals work in general dentistry. Some, however, work in specialty areas such as the following: ⚫ Endodontics: treatment of diseases of the pulp, and roots of the teeth; often called root canal treatment. ⚫ Orthodontics: alignment or straightening of the teeth. Oral Surgery: surgery on the teeth, mouth, jaw, and facial bones; often called maxillofacial surgery. ⚫ Pedodontics: dental treatment of children and adolescents. ⚫ Periodontics: treatment and prevention of diseases of the gums, bone, and structures supporting the teeth. ⚫ Prosthodontics: replacement of natural teeth with artificial teeth or dentures. Levels of providers in dentistry include dentist, dental hygienist, dental labo- ratory technician, and dental assistant. ⚫ Dentists are doctors who examine teeth and mouth tissues to diagnose and treat disease and abnormalities. They perform corrective surgery on the teeth, gums, tissues, and supporting bones; and work to prevent dental disease. Dental hygienists help patients to develop and maintain good dental health, remove stains and deposits from teeth, and perform other preventive services. • Dental laboratory technicians make and repair a variety of dental prostheses (artificial devices) such as dentures, crowns, bridges, and orthodontic appliances according to the specifications of dentists. ⚫ Dental assistants prepare patients for examinations, pass instruments, prepare dental materials for impressions and restorations, take and develop radiographs, teach preventive dental care, sterilize instruments, and/or perform dental receptionist duties. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CAREERS Emergency medical services personnel (Figure 3-2) provide emergency, pre- hospital care to victims of accidents, injuries, or sudden illnesses. Places of employment include fire and police departments, rescue squads, ambulance services, and the military. . An emergency medical responder is the first person to arrive at the scene of a sudden illness or accident. The first responder interviews and examines the patient or victim to identify the illness or cause of injury, calls for emergency medical assistance as needed, maintains safety and infection control at the scene, and provides basic emergency medical care. 14/10/2022 10:13

Most dental professionals work in general dentistry. Some, however, work in specialty areas such as the following:
• Emergency medical technicians provide care for a wide range of illnesses and injuries including medical emergencies, basic life support, emergency childbirth, rescue of trapped persons, and transport of patients. Paramedics perform all the same basic duties plus in-depth patient assessment, provision of advanced cardiac life support, ECG interpretation, endotracheal intubation, drug administration, and operation of complex equipment. MEDICAL CAREERS FIGURE 3-2 Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) provide emergency, prehospital care to victims of accidents, injuries, or sudden illness. Medical careers is a broad category encompassing physicians and other indi- viduals who work in any of the varied careers under the supervision of phy- sicians. All such careers focus on diagnosing, treating, or preventing diseases and disorders of the human body. Places of employment include private practices, clinics, hospitals, public health agencies, research facilities, the Council of Health Insurance, govern- ment agencies, and colleges or universities. Physicians examine patients, obtain medical histories, order tests, make diagnoses, perform surgery, treat diseases/disorders, and teach preventive health, as noted in Table 3-2. Physician assistants (PAs), take medical histories; perform routine physical examinations and basic diagnostic tests; make preliminary diagnoses; treat minor injuries; and prescribe and administer appropriate treatments. Pathology assistants, perform both gross and microscopic autopsy examinations. Medical assistants prepare patients for examinations, take medical histories, assist with procedures and treatments, prepare and maintain equipment and supplies, and/or perform secretarial-receptionist duties (Figure 3-3). MENTAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES CAREERS Mental health services professionals focus on helping people who have mental or emotional disorders or those who are developmentally delayed or mentally impaired. Social workers help people deal with illnesses, employment, or com- munity problems. Places of employment include hospitals, psychiatric hospitals or clinics, home health care agencies, public health departments, government agencies, crisis or counseling centers, drug and alcohol treatment facilities, prisons, educational Institutions, and long-term care facilities. وزارة التعليم Minstrel Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 45 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 45 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Emergency medical technicians provide care for a wide range of illnesses and injuries including medical
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) provide emergency, prehospital care to victims of accidents, injuries, or sudden illness.
TABLE 3-2 Medical Specialties Physician's Title Anesthesiologist Cardiologist Dermatologist Diabetologist Emergency Physician Endocrinologist Family Physician Gastroenterologist Geriatrician Gynecologist Hospitalist Infectious Disease Physician Internist Nephrologist Neurologist Obstetrician Oncologist Ophthalmologist Orthopedist Otolaryngologist Pathologist Pediatrician Physiatrist Plastic Surgeon Psychiatrist Pulmonologist Radiologist Sports Medicine Surgeon Thoracic Surgeon Urologist Specialty Administration of medications to cause loss of sensation or feeling during surgery or treatments Diseases of the heart and blood vessels Diseases of the skin Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus Acute illness or injury Diseases of the endocrine glands Promote wellness, treat illness or injury in all age groups Diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestine Diseases of older individuals Diseases of the female reproductive organs Provides care to patients who are in a hospital Diseases and conditions caused by a pathogenic agent such as a bacteria or virus Diseases of the internal organs (lungs, heart, glands, intestines, kidneys) Diseases of the kidneys Disorders of the brain and nervous system Pregnancy and childbirth Diagnosis and treatment of tumors (cancer) Diseases and disorders of the eye Diseases and disorders of muscles and bones Diseases of the ears, nose, and throat Diagnosis of diseases by studying changes in organs, tissues, and cells Diseases and disorders of children Physical medicine and rehabilitation Corrective surgery to repair injured or malformed body parts Diseases and disorders of the mind Diseases and disorders of the lungs Use of X-rays and radiation to diagnose and treat disease Prevention and treatment of injuries sustained in athletic events Surgery to correct deformities or treat injuries or disease Surgery of the lungs, heart, or chest cavity Diseases of the kidney, bladder, or urinary system وزارة التعليم Min 46 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 FIGURE 3-3 Medical assistants prepare patients for examinations and assist with the examinations. GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 46 14/10/2022 10:13

Medical Specialties
Mental health services professionals include: Psychiatrists physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental illness. Psychologists study human behavior and help individuals deal with problems of everyday living. ⚫ Psychiatric/mental health technicians help patients and their families follow treatment and rehabilitation plans. They assist with physical care, observe and report behavior, and help teach patients constructive social behavior. FIGURE 3-4 Social workers help people make life adjustments and refer patients to community resources for assistance. Social workers, also called case managers, or counselors (Figure 3-4), aid people who have difficulty coping with various problems to make adjustments in their lives by referring them to community resources for assistance. ⚫ Genetic counselors provide information about genetic diseases or inherited conditions to individuals and families. NURSING CAREERS Nurses provide care for patients focusing on the mental, emotional, and physical needs of the patient. Hospitals are the major places of employment, but nurses are also employed in long-term care facilities, rehabilitation centers, physicians' offices, clinics, public health agencies, home health care agencies, the Council of Health Insurance, schools, government agencies, and industry. FIGURE 3-5 Qualified nurses administer prescribed medications to patients. Qualified nurses (Figure 3-5) provide total care to patients. The nurse observes patients, assesses patients' needs, reports to other health care per- sonnel, administers prescribed medications and treatments, and supervises other nursing person- nel. Nurses with an advanced education can specialize. Examples of advanced practice nurses include midwives, who provide total care for normal pregnan- cies, and refer any problems to a physician. Nurse assistants work under the supervision of qualified nurses. They provide patient care such as baths, bed making, and feeding; assist in transfer and ambulation; and administer basic treatments. ⚫ Geriatric aides/assistants care for older patients in nursing homes, retirement centers, and adult day care facilities. Home health care assistants work in the patient's home and perform duties such as meal preparation or cleaning. وزارة التعليم Minister Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 47 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 47 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Mental health services professionals include:
وزارة التعليم M48 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 48 NUTRITION AND DIETARY SERVICES CAREERS Individuals employed in the nutrition and dietary services promote wellness and optimum health by providing dietary guidelines used to treat various dis- eases, teaching proper nutrition, and preparing foods for health care facilities. Places of employment include hospitals, long-term care facilities, child and adult day care facilities, wellness centers, and schools. VETERINARY CAREERS Veterinary careers focus on providing care to all types of animals-from house pets to livestock to wildlife. Places of employment include animal hospitals, veterinarian offices, labora- tories, zoos, farms, animal shelters, aquariums, drug or animal food compa- nies, and fish and wildlife services. ⚫ Veterinarians (Figure 3-6) prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and injuries in animals. Specialties include surgery, small-animal care, livestock, fish and wildlife, and research. Veterinary technologists/technicians, also called animal health technicians, assist with the handling and care of animals, collect specimens, assist with surgery, perform laboratory tests, take and develop radiographs, administer prescribed treatments, and maintain records. ⚫ Veterinary assistants, also called animal caretakers, feed, bathe, and groom animals; exercise animals; prepare animals for treatment; assist with examinations; clean and sanitize cages, examination tables, and surgical areas; and maintain records. FIGURE 3-6 Veterinarians work to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and injuries in animals. 14/10/2022 10:13

Geriatric aides/assistants care for older patients in nursing homes, retirement centers, and adult day care facilities
OTHER THERAPEUTIC SERVICES CAREERS ⚫ Occupational therapists (Figure 3-7) help people who have physical, developmental, mental, or emotional disabilities adjust to their particular problems. Treatment is directed toward helping patients acquire independence, regain lost functions, and adapt to disabilities. ⚫ Pharmacists (Figure 3-8) dispense medications written by health care professionals authorized to prescribe medications and provide information about drugs. They also order and dispense other health care items such as surgical supplies. ⚫ Pharmacy technicians help prepare medications for dispensing to patients, label medications, perform inventories and order supplies, prepare intravenous solutions, and help maintain records. Physical therapists (Figure 3-9) provide treatment to improve mobility and prevent or limit permanent disability of patients who have joint, bone, muscle, and/or nerve injuries or diseases. Treatment may include exercise, massage, and applications of heat, cold, or ultrasound. Physical therapist assistants help carry out prescribed plans of treatment. They perform exercises and massages; administer applications of heat or cold, assist patients to walk with canes, crutches, or braces; and provide ultrasound or electrical stimulation treatments. Respiratory therapists help treat patients with heart and lung diseases by administering oxygen, gases, or medications; using exercise to improve breathing; monitoring ventilators; and performing diagnostic respiratory function tests (Figure 3-10). Respiratory therapy technicians administer respiratory treatments, perform basic diagnostic tests, clean and maintain equipment. Surgical technologists/technicians, also called operating room technicians (Figure 3-11), FIGURE 3-7 Occupational therapists help patients who have disabilities overcome, correct, or adjust to the disabilities. FIGURE 3-8 Pharmacists dispense medications and provide information about drugs. FIGURE 3-9 Physical therapists provide treatment to improve mobility of patients who have disabling inju- ries or diseases. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 49 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 49 | 14/10/2022 10:13

perform laboratory tests, take and develop radiographs, administer prescribed treatments, and maintain records
FIGURE 3-10 Respiratory therapists provide treat- ments to patients with heart and lung diseases. FIGURE 3-11 Surgical technologists assist by pass- ing instruments and supplies to the surgeon. FIGURE 3-12 Athletic trainers apply tape or padding to players to protect body parts or treat minor injuries. prepare patients for surgery; set up instruments, equipment, and sterile supplies in the operating room; assist during surgery by passing instruments and supplies to the surgeon. ⚫ Speech-language pathologists, also called speech therapists or speech scientists, identify, evaluate, and treat patients with speech and language disorders. ⚫ Audiologists test hearing, diagnose problems, and prescribe treatment. They also test noise levels in workplaces and develop hearing protection programs. Athletic trainers prevent and treat athletic injuries and provide rehabilitative services to athletes (Figure 3-12). ⚫ Dialysis technicians-also called renal dialysis technicians, hemodialysis technicians, or nephrology technicians-operate the kidney hemodialysis machines used to treat patients with limited or no kidney function. checkpoint Name five (5) career opportunities in therapeutic services and what education is required. 3:3 DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES CAREERS Individuals employed in diagnostic services per- form tests or evaluations that aid in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, or other physical conditions. Many team members are employed in hospital laboratories, but others work in private laboratories, outpatient centers, physicians' offices, clinics, public health agencies, pharmaceutical (drug) firms, and research or government agencies. ECG (electrocardiography) technicians operate ECG machines, which record electrical impulses that originate in the heart to help diagnose heart disease and to note changes in the condition of a وزارة التعليم Minist 50 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 50 14/10/2022 10:13

Respiratory therapists provide treatments to patients with heart and lung diseases.
Name five (5) career opportunities in therapeutic services and what education is required.
patient's heart. ECG or cardiographic technicians with more advanced training perform stress tests (which record the action of the heart during physical activity; see Figure 3-13). ⚫ An electroencephalographic technologist operates an electroencephalograph, which records the electrical activity of the brain. The record produced, an electroencephalogram, is used by neurologists (physicians specializing in nerve and brain diseases), to diagnose and evaluate diseases and disorders of the brain such as brain tumors, strokes, epilepsy, and sleep disorders. • Medical laboratory technologists, also called clinical laboratory scientists, work under physicians called pathologists. They study tissues, fluids, and cells to help determine the presence and/or cause of disease (Figure 3-14). In small laboratories, technologists perform many types of tests. In larger laboratories, they may specialize. Examples of specialization include: ⚫ Blood bank technology: collection and preparation of blood and blood products for transfusions. . . Cytotechnology: study of human body cells and cellular abnormalities. Hematology: study of blood cells. Histology: study of human body tissue. ⚫ Microbiology: study of bacteria and other microorganisms. ⚫Medical laboratory technicians perform many of the routine tests (Figure 3-14) that do not require the advanced knowledge held by a medical technologist. ⚫ Medical laboratory assistants perform basic laboratory tests, prepare specimens for examination or testing, and perform other laboratory duties such as cleaning and helping to maintain equipment. Phlebotomists (Figure 3-15), or venipuncture technicians, collect blood and prepare it for testing FIGURE 3-13 Cardiographic technicians perform stress tests to aid in the diagnosis of heart disease. FIGURE 3-14 Medical laboratory technologists per- form tests to help determine the presence and/or cause of disease. FIGURE 3-15 Phlebotomists collect blood and pre- pare it for testing. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Eduction 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 51 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 51 | 14/10/2022 10:13

وزارة التعليم Minst 52 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 52 • Ophthalmologists are doctors specializing in diseases, disorders, and injuries of the eyes. They diagnose and treat disease, perform surgery, and correct vision problems or defects. ⚫ Optometrists, doctors of optometry, examine eyes for vision problems and defects, prescribe corrective lenses or eye exercises. If eye disease is present, the optometrist refers the patient to an ophthalmologist. ⚫ Ophthalmic medical technologists and technicians obtain patient histories, perform routine eye tests and measurements, fit patients for contact lenses, administer prescribed treatments, assist with eye surgery, perform advanced diagnostic tests, administer prescribed medications. Ophthalmic assistants prepare patients for examinations, measure visual acuity (how well a person can see), perform receptionist duties, help patients with frame selections and fittings, order lenses, perform minor adjustments and repairs of glasses, and teach proper care and use of contact lenses. Opticians make and fit the eyeglasses or lenses prescribed by ophthalmologists and optometrists. Some specialize in contact lenses. . . • Ophthalmic laboratory technicians cut, grind, finish, polish, and mount the lenses used in eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other optical instruments such as telescopes and binoculars. Radiologic technologists use x-rays, radiation, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance to diagnose and treat disease. Radiologic technologists use different types of scanners to produce images of body parts. Examples include x-ray machines, fluoroscopes, ultrasonic scanners, computed tomography (CT) scanners, magnetic resonance imagers (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) scanners. Many radiologic technologists also provide radiation treatment. Specific job titles exist for technologists who specialize: ⚫ Radiographers: take x-rays of the body for diagnostic purposes. ⚫ Radiation therapists: administer prescribed doses of radiation to treat disease (usually cancer). ⚫ Ultrasound technologists or diagnostic medical sonographers: use equipment that sends high-frequency sound waves into the body. As the sound waves bounce back from the part being examined, an image of the part is viewed on a screen. Ultrasound is frequently used to examine the fetus (developing infant) in a pregnant woman and is also used for neurosonography (the brain), vascular (blood vessels and blood flow), and echocardiography (the heart) examinations. ⚫ CT technologists: use a CT scanner to obtain cross-sectional images of body tissues, bones, and organs (Figure 3-16). CT scans help locate tumors and other abnormalities. 14/10/2022 10:13

Ophthalmologists are doctors specializing in diseases, disorders, and injuries of the eyes. They diagnose and treat disease, perform surgery, and correct vision problems or defects.
0-9 FIGURE 3-16 Radiologic technologists may use a computed tomography (CT) scan- ner to obtain cross-sectional images of body tissues, bones, and organs. ⚫ MRI technologists: use superconductive magnets and radio waves to produce detailed images of internal anatomy. Examples of MRI uses include identifying multiple sclerosis and detecting hemorrhaging (bleeding) in the brain. ⚫ PET technologists: inject a slightly radioactive substance into the patient and then operate the PET scanner, to create a three-dimensional image of body parts and to scan the body for disease processes. This allows physicians to see an organ or bone from all sides, similar to a three-dimensional model. checkpoint How do diagnostic and therapeutic services work together for positive patient outcomes? 3:4 HEALTH INFORMATICS CAREERS Health informatics providers are involved with documentation of patient records and health information. Because of the increase in the use of elec- tronic health records (EHRS), the job responsibilities of these providers have increased. Maintaining security, using EHR software programs, analyzing information, and creating networks for health information are critical com- ponents of health informatics careers. Places of employment include hospitals, clinics, research centers, health وزارة التعليم Mine Educcion 2022-1444 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 53 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 53 14/10/2022 10:13

Radiologic technologists may use a computed tomography (CT) scanner to obtain cross-sectional images of body tissues, bones, and organs
Ultrasound technologists or diagnostic medical sonographers
How do diagnostic and therapeutic services work together for positive patient outcomes?
FIGURE 3-17 Health information (medical records) technicians organize and code patients' records. وزارة التعليم Mins 54 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 departments, long-term care facilities, colleges, law firms, the Council of Health Insurance, and insurance companies. ⚫ Health information (medical records) administrators develop and manage the systems for storing and obtaining information from records. ⚫ Health information (medical records) technicians (Figure 3-17) organize and code patient records, gather statistical or research data, record information on patient records, monitor electronic and paper-based information to ensure confidentiality. ⚫ Medical coders, or coding specialists, identify diagnoses, procedures, and services shown in a patient's health care record and assign specific codes to each of them. ⚫ Clinical account technicians assist patients that have questions about their bill or need help to make payment arrangements. ⚫ Admitting officers/clerks work in the admissions department of a health care facility. They are responsible for obtaining all necessary information when a patient is admitted to the facility, assigning rooms, maintaining records, and processing information when the patient is discharged. ⚫ Medical administrative assistants perform general administrative duties as well as tasks that are specific to the health care industry. ⚫ Medical secretaries, or health unit coordinators, record information in records, schedule procedures or tests, answer telephones, order supplies, and work with computers to record or obtain information. ⚫ Health educators teach people the behaviors that promote wellness. They evaluate, design, present, recommend, and disseminate culturally appropriate health education information and materials. • Epidemiologists identify and track diseases as they occur in a group of people. They determine risk factors that make a disease more likely to occur, evaluate situations that may cause occupational exposure to toxic substances, develop methods to prevent or control the spread of new diseases, and evaluate statistics and data to help governments, health agencies, and communities deal with epidemics and other health issues. ⚫ Medical librarians, also called health sciences librarians, organize books, journals, and other print materials to provide health information to other health care professionals. checkpoint How are health informatics and cybersecurity interrelated? GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 54 14/10/2022 10:13

3:5 SUPPORT SERVICES CAREERS Support services providers are personnel who operate the support departments such as administration, the business office, the admissions office, sterile sup- ply, plant operations, equipment maintenance, and housekeeping. Places of employment include hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, the Council of Health Insurance, and public health or governmental agencies. • Health care administrators plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise delivery of health care and manage the operation of health care facilities. ⚫ Biomedical/clinical engineers design and build systems that can be used to monitor patients, and monitor and maintain the operation of the technologic systems. ⚫ Biomedical equipment technicians work with machines used to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients (Figure 3-18). They install, test, service, and repair equipment. .. FIGURE 3-18 Biomedical equipment technicians (BETS) work with the many differ- ent machines used to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients. وزارة التعليم Minestogo EducIONS 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 55 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 55 | 14/10/2022 10:13

How are health informatics and cybersecurity interrelated?
occur, evaluate situations that may cause occupational exposure to toxic substances, develop methods to prevent or control the spread of new diseases
وزارة التعليم Mines 56 CHAPTER 3 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 56 • Industrial hygienists identify and analyze workplace hazards. ⚫ Environmental services facilities managers oversee buildings, grounds, equipment, and supplies to make sure that the building meets the needs of the people that work there. ⚫ Sterile service/supply technicians, also called sterile processing technicians, are involved in ordering, maintaining, and supplying all the equipment and supplies used by other departments in a health care facility. They sterilize instruments or supplies, maintain equipment, inventory materials. ⚫ Housekeeping workers/sanitary managers, also called environmental service workers, maintain the cleanliness of the health care facility and observe all principles of infection control to prevent the spread of disease. ⚫ Transport technicians transport patients by assisting them to move in and out of vehicles, ambulances and helicopters. checkpoint List at least one (1) example of how support services impacts every other career area. 3:6 BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CAREERS Biotechnology career providers are involved with using living cells and their molecules to make useful products. They work with cells and cell products from humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. Through research and development, they help produce new diagnostic tests, forms of treatment, medications, vaccines to prevent disease, methods to detect and clean up envi- ronmental contamination, and food products. ⚫ Biological (medical) scientists assist in the development of vaccines, medicines, and treatments for diseases; evaluate the relationships between organisms and the environment; and administer programs for testing food and drugs. ⚫ Biomedical/clinical engineers design devices such as cardiac pacemakers, blood oxygenators, and defibrillators that aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Biomedical/clinical technicians assist in the study of living organisms. They perform many of the laboratory experiments used in medical research on diseases such as cancer. They also assist in the development, testing, and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals or medications (Figure 3-19). ⚫ Quality control technicians test materials and products before, during, and after production to make sure the characteristics of the material or product are correct and to ensure they conform to specifications. 14/10/2022 10:13

Housekeeping workers/sanitary managers, also called environmental service workers
List at least one (1) example of how support services impacts every other career area
FIGURE 3-19 Biomedical technicians perform many of the laboratory experiments used for medical research. ⚫ Forensic science technicians, also called criminalists, investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence at a crime scene. ⚫ Geneticists study genes and how they are inherited, mutated, and activated, or inactivated. ⚫ Pharmacologists are medical researchers who test and evaluate effectiveness as well as safety of new drugs. ⚫ Toxicologists design, plan, and conduct experiments and trials to study the safety and biological effects of chemical agents, drugs, and other substances on the body. checkpoint List three (3) characteristics needed by professionals in the biotechnology research and development field. Case Study Investigation Conclusion What careers can you identify that might be involved in the transport, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of Fahad and Lateen? It may seem obvious that they need to see a physician, but who performs the field assessment and safe transport to the emergency room? What support staff provide a clean welcoming environment? What careers are involved in the diagnosis and treatment? With a partner, formulate a probable list of medical providers that were involved in the care of these individuals. وزارة التعليم Minister Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 57 CAREERS IN HEALTH CARE 57 14/10/2022 10:13

Biomedical technicians perform many of the laboratory experiments used for medical research.
Forensic science technicians, also called criminalists, investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence at a crime scene.
List three (3) characteristics needed by professionals in the biotechnology research and development field.
Case Study Investigation Conclusion