CHAPTER SUMMARY - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي



CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY • Certain personal characteristics, attitudes, and rules of appearance apply to health care team members in all health care careers. Effective communication is an important aspect of helping individuals through stages of growth and development and in meeting their emotions, wants, and needs. Barriers such as physical and sensory disabilities, psychological barriers, and cultural diversity interfere with effective communication. Developing good interpersonal relationships is important for the physical, mental, and emotional health of an individual. Teamwork is important in any health care career. A team needs a qualified leader, good interper- sonal relationships, ways to avoid or deal with conflict, positive attitudes, and respect for legal responsibilities. •Leadership is a skill that can be learned. • Stress is a component of every individual's life. •Time management is a system of practical skills that allows an individual to use time in the most effective and productive way possible. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Three-year-old Layla fell off the swing. She is crying, rubbing her head, and holding her abdomen. What are the nonverbal and verbal cues Layla is displaying. What message is being conveyed? Why is it important to observe both verbal and nonverbal communication? 2. Identify at least one (1) major stressor in your life. List the steps of the problem- solving method, and then apply each of these steps to the stressor you have chosen. Identify at least three (3) courses of action that you can take. وزارة التعليم Ministiger Eduction 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 77 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 77 | 14/10/2022 10:13



What are the nonverbal and verbal cues Layla is displaying. What message is being conveyed? Why is it important to observe both verbal and nonverbal communication?

Identify at least one (1) major stressor in your life. List the steps of the problemsolving method, and then apply each of these steps to the stressor you have chosen. Identify at least three

وزارة التعليم Mina 78 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 78 3. What are the main goals of time management? Using what you have learned, why does time management result in less stress? CRITICAL THINKING 1. Amal is admitted to a hospital to give birth to her premature baby. Identify at least 10 health care team members who may be on the team that provides her care. Review the careers in Chapter 3 to prepare your list. Why do you think teamwork is important in this scenario? How do healthy professional relationships promote a healthy community? 2. After a building fire, EMS delivers 22 critically injured patients to a hospital emergency room. Which characteristics of a leader do you think would be most effective in directing the group of emergency room personnel? Why? 14/10/2022 10:13


What are the main goals of time management? Using what you have learned, why does time management result in less stress?

Why do you think teamwork is important in this scenario? How do healthy professional relationships promote a healthy community?

Which characteristics of a leader do you think would be most effective in directing the group of emergency room personnel? Why?

3. Based on the information in question 2, with a partner, identify four (4) barriers to communication that may arise during this disaster response and how you would use therapeutic communication to overcome them. ACTIVITIES 1. With a partner, sit back to back. Student A draws a figure, then describes it to Student B to draw. When they have finished, they turn around and compare figures. Why is listening important? Is accurate recording important? What are four (4) factors that may be a barrier in communicating the desired figure? 2. In a small group, create a medical scene involving communication between two (2) different age groups or two (2) different cultures. Exchange your scenario with another group. Using consensus-building techniques, plan how to role play the new scene using effective communication techniques for five (5) minutes. Present to the class. وزارة التعليم Minister EducRIOS 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 79 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 79 | 14/10/2022 10:13


Based on the information in question 2, with a partner, identify four (4) barriers to communication that may arise during this disaster response and how you would use therapeutic communicatio

Why is listening important? Is accurate recording important? What are four (4) factors that may be a barrier in communicating the desired figure?