Summary - Health Care - ثالث ثانوي
Part 1
Part 2
ليد CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY • A basic knowledge of the main skills used by medical assistants is beneficial for many health care providers because many of these skills are used in other health care areas. Height and weight measurements are important in evaluating basic health status of patients. Thus, knowing how to correctly measure height and weight is important for every health care provider. By following correct positioning techniques, the medical assistant can properly prepare patients for examinations, as well as provide patients with comfort and privacy. • A knowledge of the basic instruments used and procedures performed during physical examinations, minor surgery, and suture removal allows the medical assistant to work with the physician to provide quality health care. Understanding the basic principles of electrocardiography allows the medical assistant to efficiently record an ECG. • A knowledge of how to find information on medications and of correct techniques for dispensing medications is also an important responsibility of the medical assistant. Mini Case 4:1 An Inadvertent Error Fatima is a medical assistant working in the hospital. Her task today is to take patients' vital signs. When she gets to Sara, she discovers that she has a temperature of 37.6°C. When she checks the orders, she finds that the physician has ordered paracetamol to be given every four hours as needed for a temperature above 38°C. Fatima notes that it is now 4 p.m. and the last dose was given at 1 p.m. The paracetamol tablets she has available are marked as 525 mg/tablet. She gives the patient two tablets and charts the time given as 15:00 hours. When Fatima's supervisor checks Sara's chart, she realises that Fatima has made a mistake and calls her over to discuss it. Fatima did not realize that she had made a mistake, so she is disappointed in herself when her supervisor points out the error. Fatima is very worried that Sara might come to harm from her actions. analysis 1. Fatima seems to have confused several measures. Assuming the last dose was given at 1 p.m., when would the next dose of paracetamol be due according to the doctor's orders? If it is now 4 p.m., how much time has elapsed since the medication was given? Did Fatima note the time correctly? If not, how is 4 p.m. expressed in hours on a 24-hour clock? 2. Was Sara's temperature high enough for more paracetamol to be given? What do you think Fatima should have done when she finished reading the doctor's orders? 3. What should the supervisor tell Fatima? How should Fatima respond? 212 CHAPTER 4 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 212 14/06/2023 10:29

Mini Case 4:1 An Inadvertent Error
Fatima seems to have confused several measures. Assuming the last dose was given at 1 p.m., when would
Was Sara’s temperature high enough for more paracetamol to be given? What do you think Fatima should have done when she finished reading the doctor’s orders?
What should the supervisor tell Fatima? How should Fatima respond?
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education Mini Case 4:2 A Physical Examination Khalid is a medical assistant working with Mohammed, a physician in the general medical department. Hamad is a new patient. Mohammed needs to give Hamad a complete physical examination to find out more about the abdominal pain he is suffering. Khalid has been asked to prepare Hamad for the examination and to assist during the examination. analysis 1. What should Khalid explain to Hamad about how the examination will be carried out? 2. How does Khalid need to prepare himself and Hamad for the examination? 3. After the examination, Hamad asks Khalid what he thinks is wrong with him. How should Khalid respond? Why? Mini Case 4:3 A Surgical Procedure Lina is 23 years of age. She has come to the minor surgery clinic at the hospital to have a benign tumor removed from her arm under local anesthetic. Asma, the medical assistant, has been asked to prepare her for the surgery. Lina has never been in hospital before and tells Asma that she is worried about what will happen. She wants to know if it will hurt and if the equipment is scary. analysis 1. What can Asma tell Lina about the procedure and what questions should she refer to the surgeon? 2. How can Asma reassure Lina to allay her fears about the procedure? 3. After the procedure, how should Asma help Lina? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 213 MEDICAL ASSISTANT SKILLS 213 | 14/06/2023 10:29

Mini Case 4:2 A Physical Examination
What should Khalid explain to Hamad about how the examination will be carried out?
How does Khalid need to prepare himself and Hamad for the examination?
After the examination, Hamad asks Khalid what he thinks is wrong with him. How should Khalid respond? Why?
Mini Case 4:3 A Surgical Procedure
What can Asma tell Lina about the procedure and what questions should she refer to the surgeon?
How can Asma reassure Lina to allay her fears about the procedure?
After the procedure, how should Asma help Lina?
ليد REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Why are height and weight measurements important? 2. Identify at least six different positions that can be used for examinations and/or treatments. For each position, give one reason for using the position. 3. Define myopia and hyperopia and describe the difference between the two conditions. 214 CHAPTER 4 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 214 14/06/2023 10:29

Why are height and weight measurements important?
Identify at least six different positions that can be used for examinations and/or treatments. For each position, give one reason for using the position.
Define myopia and hyperopia and describe the difference between the two conditions.
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 4. What place does observation have in a general physical examination? 5. What is auscultation? 6. Explain four standard precautions that must be observed while assisting with minor surgery or suture removal. 7. What is the difference between a hemostat and a needle holder? What is the function of each instrument? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 215 MEDICAL ASSISTANT SKILLS 215 | 14/06/2023 10:29

What place does observation have in a general physical examination?
What is auscultation?
Explain four standard precautions that must be observed while assisting with minor surgery or suture removal.
What is the difference between a hemostat and a needle holder? What is the function of each instrument?
ليد 8. Name the three classifications of leads used in an electrocardiogram. What does each one record? 9. What information should be obtained before administering any medication? 10. Describe the following routes of administration for medications: topical, sublingual, intravenous, oral, inhalation. 216 CHAPTER 4 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 216 14/06/2023 10:29

Name the three classifications of leads used in an electrocardiogram. What does each one record?
What information should be obtained before administering any medication?
Describe the following routes of administration for medications: topical, sublingual, intravenous, oral, inhalation.
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education CRITICAL THINKING 1. Use reliable internet sources to find the medication celecoxib. List the main action of this drug, suggested dosage, route of administration, and warnings/adverse effects. Create a patient information brochure for this drug. 2. Why is it important to consider the safety aspects of giving medication? What risks are there in administering medicines? ACTIVITIES 1. a. In a group of four, create a script for the following scenario: Maha brought her baby girl, Lama, to the doctor's office for her 6-week check-up. She also brought her two other children, Youssef and Mohammed, because they have a headache and fever. Sarah is the medical assistant at the clinic. She calls the family and checks them in. She obtains and records all measurements and their chief complaints. The doctor looks in both boys' and Lama's ears and orders an immunization update for everyone, and antibiotics for Youssef and Mohammed. b. In the same group, role play the script. Modify the scenario by making the boys combative and not wanting to stand still for an injection. 2. Working with another student, use a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) manikin to demonstrate the correct placement of a 12-lead ECG, or sketch the information on a piece of paper. GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 217 MEDICAL ASSISTANT SKILLS 217 | 14/06/2023 10:29

Use reliable internet sources to find the medication celecoxib. List the main action of this drug, suggested dosage, route of administration, and warnings/adverse effects. Create a patient in
Why is it important to consider the safety aspects of giving medication? What risks are there in administering medicines?
In a group of four, create a script for the following scenario: