Part 1
Part 2
التعليم Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING Case Study Investigation Maryam loves her work as a nurse assistant. One of the reasons that Maryam wanted to be a nurse assistant was because she likes to interact with other people. Her outgoing personality helps her develop good relationships with patients, and her cheerful disposition makes her a popular assistant. Maryam looks forward to the annual nursing conferences, held in different cities around the country. They provide. opportunities to see friends she has made in the profession and catch up on all the news. However, she doesn't enjoy the learning sessions, nor does she keep up to date with the medical literature or do anything else to further her career. What is the possible impact on her future career? LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • State the meaning of "continuing medical education", "continuing professional development", "self-directed learning”, “role model”, and “mentor”. • List ways in which the health care professional can grow professionally. • State five purposes of professional organizations. Explain the importance of lifelong learning for the health care professional. Describe the changes and trends in health care and their corresponding learning requirements for health care professionals. • Provide criteria for choosing quality courses and materials for professional development. • List the qualities to look for when choosing a role model. Explain how the duties and responsibilities vary with different levels on career ladders. KEY TERMS career ladder continuing medical education (CME) continuing professional in-service training lifelong learning mentor professional development role model self-directed learning development (CPD) 258 CHAPTER 6 ucation GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 258 14/06/2023 10:30

Case Study Investigation
G Br www FIGURE 6–1 Professional development means continually striving to improve and be your best. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 259 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 259 | 14/06/2023 10:30

FIGURE 6–1 Professional development means continually striving to improve and be your best.
6:1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Professional development means continually striving to improve and be the best at your profession (Figure 6-1). It also means finding satisfaction in your work and participating in professional activities beyond those required during the normal workday. Obtaining a job is only the first step on the career path. Professional development keeps the journey headed in the right direction. Whether the health care professional spends an entire career at the same job or makes many changes, professional development is necessary for long-term success. All health care occupations are affected by rapidly occurring medical discoveries and technological advances, so continual learning is required to stay current and perform effectively. In many occupations, it is required to maintain a license or certification. Do not view professional education as a burden, but rather as an opportunity to expand your knowledge and opportunities. There are many ways to grow professionally and maintain a lively interest in work: Set goals: Setting attainable goals and periodically reviewing your progress are powerful motivators for growth. Well-planned goals serve as road maps toward a fulfilling future. Join professional organizations: In addition to providing learning opportunities, these organizations are places to share experiences with other health care professionals. Friendship and mutual support increase career satisfaction. Active participation on committees or as an officer is an excellent way to practice teamwork and leadership skills. Professional organizations are also good sources for obtaining continuing education credits. Professional organizations are discussed in the next section. FIGURE 6-2 Maintaining and expanding your networking contacts is important for your career. • Network: Networking is not limited to the initial job search. Maintaining and expanding your networking contacts exposes you to new ideas and opportunities for advancement (Figure 6-2). Once employed, consider helping others start their careers by giving them information and encouragement. Networking goes in both directions and should be considered a career-long activity. Request additional responsibility: This is a way to both show and maintain interest in the job. After mastering the basic duties and work routine, adding new responsibilities keeps the challenge alive. و200 التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 260 14/06/2023 10:30

. Stay in touch with your mentor: A good mentor keeps you motivated and aiming toward excellence by providing ongoing career advice. Mentors are discussed later in this chapter. A career in health care involves enormous responsibilities and tremendous rewards. Engaging in professional development activities can help maintain the balance and ensure a long and satisfying career in the service of others. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Participating actively in a professional organization can contribute positively to professional development. Most health care occupations have an organization whose purposes include the following: • • • Promoting the profession. Ensuring quality patient care by making certain that professionals have the necessary knowledge and skill sets. Sponsoring continuing education (learning experiences beyond those needed to earn the initial certificate or degree to work in an occupation). Some organizations offer leadership courses to help their members to advance in their professions. Encouraging networking among members. Supporting legislation on behalf of the profession. Serving on committees, volunteering to help with projects, and running for office are excellent ways to become involved. There are many advantages for health care professionals who participate at any level: • • Learning to work in a group to achieve common goals. Meeting established professionals who can offer career advice and serve as positive role models. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 • Keeping current in the field. . Developing management skills. Receiving the support and encouragement of colleagues. checkpoint 1. What does "professional development" mean? 2. Name two purposes of professional organizations. GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 261 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 261 | 14/06/2023 10:30

Stay in touch with your mentor:
What does “professional development” mean?
Name two purposes of professional organizations.
262 CHAPTER 6 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 262 نسمة رضاء العملاء العام 84% 84% 04% BO% مملكة العربية السلة FIGURE 6-3 Keeping up to date with technology is important: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pavilion at the Gitex Global technology exhibition. MICK SAUDIARABI 14/06/2023 10:30

FIGURE 6–3 Keeping up to date with technology is important: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pavilion at the Gitex Global technology exhibition.
مملكة العرب SAUDLARABI 6:2 THE IMPORTANCE OF LIFELONG LEARNING Lifelong learning refers to all purposeful learning activities, both formal and informal, that take place throughout our lives. Today, lifelong learning is more important than ever because the world is changing faster than at any other time in history. Until the mid-20th century, people could expect to live in much the same way as their parents and grandparents had. Current advancements in technology now produce significant changes during a single lifetime. For example, people who today are in their 80s grew up without television. Those in their 50s began their professional lives without personal computers, handheld calculators, cellular phones, and many other products that are now considered necessities. Today, most people take change for granted and incorporate it into their lifestyles. They are no longer surprised by the constant stream of new products available, or the speed of the changes in these products that require them to be updated even before they are worn out by use. What new health care professionals may find surprising is how much learning will be required after graduation to keep up with the many changes that affect the way jobs are performed. For example, many people in the workforce today learned to use a personal computer after they had completed their formal education and were already employed. They had to take the time to read manuals, attend workshops, watch videos, or use tutorials to learn to use what has now become an essential tool for work in health care. The need to learn in the area of computers alone will continue to grow as new applications and updated versions of software and hardware are developed (Figure 6-3). KEEPING UP WITH CHANGES IN HEALTH CARE Changes in the delivery of health care are taking place continually. Knowledge quickly becomes outdated, and within a few years of entering the health care field, an individual who fails to keep up with current information will become incompetent. Your graduation, then, marks the end of formal training and the beginning of lifelong learning. In addition to technology, social and demographic changes and trends require that health care professionals acquire new knowledge and skills. Table 6-1 shows examples of changes and the corresponding learning requirements for health care professionals. Standard precautions are now common knowledge in the workplace, yet they are actually a relatively recent development. Health care professionals who work in certain positions must be trained and tested on various standards, including undergoing annual reviews. Health information professionals must continue to update their knowledge of contract management, patient وزارة التعـــم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 263 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 263 | 14/06/2023 10:30

Change People living longer eligibility, and billing procedures. The shift in patient demographics has meant that a large percentage of those who provide direct patient care will spend much of their time working with older adults. Many health care occupations have expanded their scope of practice in an effort to increase the efficiency of patient care delivery. Professionals who previously performed a limited set of tasks are now being cross-trained and becoming multiskilled. Examples of additional duties that some facilities are assigning to medical assistants include serving as health coaches and navigators, visiting homes of patients to perform risk assessments, working as pharmacy technicians, and performing the duties of a limited license radiological technician. Some of these duties require additional formal training. Increasing numbers of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia Hospital stays that are much shorter than in the past Increased ethnic and cultural diversity of the population Growing patient interest in complementary health care practices, such as acupuncture and holistic medicine Increase in third-party payers Corresponding learning needs of health professionals . Developmental stages and needs of older adults Patient care skills for long-term care Care of patients with chronic conditions Care of dementia patients Home health patient practices and techniques Patient education delivery techniques Diverse customs and health habits Languages other than Arabic • Knowledge of complementary and alternative medicine Understanding of how the use of complementary and • alternative health care practices is affecting medical practices Coding and billing practices Emphasis on wellness and patients' responsibility for their own health Increased computerization Contract administration, obtaining preauthorization for treatment, and permission for referral to specialists Prevention practices to ward off diseases and disorders Patient education on wellness and prevention techniques Computer applications in health care: administration, diagnostics, treatment, and education Spread of viruses, return of communicable diseases such as measles, and threat of viruses due to globalization Increase in drug-resistant bacteria Expansion of roles for health care professionals Increased specialization and use of teams to provide patient care Development of increasingly sophisticated equipment New information about how the human body functions New diagnostic procedures and treatments • • Computer operation skills and knowledge of software programs Use of standard precautions Symptoms, treatment, and prevention of specific diseases Ability to educate patients about proper use of antibiotics, including when they are not necessary Increased skill base Flexibility and willingness to perform a variety of tasks Teamwork skills Intraprofessional and interprofessional communication skills Operation of equipment and interpretation of results New discoveries that affect the professional's occupational area • Information and skills that apply to the professional's occupational area TABLE 6-1 Changes that affect health care. و269 التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 264 14/06/2023 10:30

eligibility, and billing procedures.
TABLE 6–1 Changes that affect health care.
checkpoint 1. What is lifelong learning? 2. What professional learning might be needed due to hospital stays being much shorter than in the past? 6:3 CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION Continuing professional development (CPD) and continuing medical education (CME) are different terms for the types of learning that take place after the completion of formal education. Most forms of professional approval, such as licensure, certification, and registration, require that a number of hours of study or particular courses of study be completed to be renewed. Health care professionals should find out the requirements for their occupations well in advance of licensure and certification renewal dates to allow adequate time to meet them. The amount of time and the activities involved vary for the different health care professions. Some require assignments to be completed or tests passed; others require class or workshop attendance (Figure 6-4). Many medical schools and organizations offer classes and activities for CME. However, the organizations that grant licenses, certifications, and registrations decide the CME that they will accept. Not all courses and activities are accepted by all organizations. Before engaging in any activity for the purpose of CME, be sure that it has been approved by the necessary professional or regulatory organization, for example, by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS). FIGURE 6-4 Class or workshop attendance is often necessary for continuing medical education. وزارة التي ليم Ministry of 2024-144 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 265 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 265 14/06/2023 10:30

What is lifelong learning?
What professional learning might be needed due to hospital stays being much shorter than in the past?
و 265 التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 266 If you participate in workshops or other activities, be sure to sign in. Some organizations now have badges that are scanned electronically to record your attendance. Also, ask for a certificate verifying attendance or completion of work. These will be needed as proof that the work was done. Keep your certificates in a safe place. Enquire whether your professional organization maintains a tracking system for members' CME. Health care professional organizations offer a variety of convenient ways to help their members stay current in their field. They can provide you with information about the CME you need in which subject areas. In addition to traditional in-person classes and workshops, there are other ways to obtain CME: • Special sessions and workshops offered at annual meetings, conferences, and conventions sponsored by professional health care organizations; may require taking a quiz, completing an assignment, or demonstrating in some other way that you have met the objectives. • Home study materials published in professional journals. • Online study courses sponsored by professional organizations. • Home study courses offered by approved educational providers. • Distance education courses offered by colleges and universities; many courses are now available over the Internet; a growing number of institutions provide classes that include interaction with the instructor and other students. Not all providers of learning opportunities are high quality, and not all courses are beneficial. Consider the following criteria for choosing courses and materials that offer maximum value for the time and money invested: • Recommendations from your professional or certification organization. • Skill and knowledge requirements of your current job. • Future career goals. Credibility and reputation of the educational provider. Areas of personal and professional weakness that need improvement. • Personal and professional interests. • Accreditation by a reputable institution. In-service training may be provided by an employer. This is usually mandatory and consists of training and communication necessary for some aspect of employees' work. checkpoint 1. What does "CME" stand for? 2. Give two ways of obtaining CME. 14/06/2023 10:30

If you participate in workshops or other activities,
What does “CME” stand for?
Give two ways of obtaining CME.
6:4 SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING Self-directed learning refers to all activities that you plan and participate in to increase your knowledge and skills. It adds to your value as a professional and gives you fresh perspectives. There are many ways to incorporate learning into your daily life: . Observe others: Watch how successful, experienced professionals perform their duties. • Ask questions: Learn from the expertise of others. Most people are happy to share what they know (Figure 6-5). Be sure to choose an appropriate time to ask questions. For example, do not ask questions about patients in their presence or when the other professional is very busy and cannot stop to talk. • Read books and journal articles: Plan a regular time to keep up on publications related to your occupational area. Most professional organizations publish a newsletter or journal, online or in print. In addition, there are hundreds of specialized journals that cover medical and health care topics. Many large health care facilities have libraries for employees. Some have libraries open to patients and the public. Many universities and colleges allow the public to use their libraries. Study in a small group: Organize a study group with other employees at work. Or, if you belonged to a study group at school, consider encouraging the members to meet regularly after you graduate. You can learn by sharing workplace experiences and working on selected topics to keep current in your field. . FIGURE 6-5 Learn from the expertise of others. Most people are happy to share what they know. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 267 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 267 | 14/06/2023 10:30

و 268 التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 268 • Attend professional conferences and meetings: These often include • lectures, workshops, and discussions of current topics. Explore the Internet: Information is available on all kinds of topics and in a variety of formats, including webcasts, podcasts, and videos. has dozens of videos and learning channels on health care topics. Ted Talks addresses current topics, including those related to health care ( Planning your own study activities allows you to learn in ways you prefer. Look for activities that make learning enjoyable and incorporate them into your daily life. Think of the world as a giant classroom that offers endless opportunities for learning. Keeping up with changes and adding to your knowledge and skill base should be part of your work routine. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are staying current and competent. In addition to developing health care skills, you can advance your career and personal life by improving nontechnical skills. Oral and written communication, interpersonal relations, computer applications, and time management are examples of important skills that will help you get ahead. LEARN FROM ROLE MODELS AND MENTORS A role model is a person who serves as a positive example. Role models demonstrate high levels of professionalism and competence. They strive to be their best and provide inspiration through their abilities, courage, and dedication. Following the example of appropriate role models is an excellent way for the new health care professional to continue the education received during formal training. What are the qualities to look for when choosing role models? Look for someone who: • Is dedicated to their profession. • Has good technical skills. • Is respectful of others. • Has high standards. Has confidence gained through experience. Has a high level of integrity. • Has an ability to work well with people. • Understands the health care field. 14/06/2023 10:30

Attend professional conferences and meetings:
What are the qualities to look for when choosing role models?
What is a mentor? A mentor is a combination of personal coach and advisor. A mentor should also have the qualities of a role model. Having a good mentor is a tremendous career advantage. However, it does not happen automatically. Look for someone with professional experience, expertise, an interest in helping others, and time to spend with you. This person might work in the same department or facility or be someone you meet at a professional meeting or through networking activities pursued during the job search (Figure 6-6). A few of the ways that a mentor can help the beginning health care professional include: . • Suggesting learning resources. Offering suggestions and advice about career strategies. Providing introductions to people in the field. Passing on information about job openings. Encouraging you to be your best. checkpoint 1. What is self-directed learning? 2. Why is it an advantage to have a mentor? FIGURE 6-6 A mentor might work in the same department or facility or be someone you meet at a professional meeting or through networking activities pursued during the job search. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 269 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 269 | 14/06/2023 10:30

What is a mentor?
1� What is self-directed learning?
Why is it an advantage to have a mentor?
FIGURE 6–6 A mentor might work in the same department or facility or be someone you meet at a professional meeting or through networking activities pursued during the job search.
hlight P270 CHAPTER 6 التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 270 6:5 CAREER LADDERS Occupational areas have positions at different levels, with the levels. compared to rungs on a ladder. Although many health care professionals obtain career satisfaction and success by remaining at one level, others are interested in “climbing the career ladder" by obtaining additional education and experience. It is important to know that the work at various levels, while in the same field, may vary. Some examples include: • The amount of time spent working directly with patients. • The paperwork and reports required. Working closely with a supervisor or independently (Figure 6-7). Working environment. • Additional responsibilities and accountability. It is recommended that anyone considering “moving up the ladder” learn everything possible about the educational requirements, duties performed, and employment prospects of the new level. checkpoint Give two examples of work at different levels within health care. FIGURE 6-7 Moving up the career ladder might include working closely with a supervisor. 14/06/2023 10:30

Give two examples of work at different levels within health care.
FIGURE 6–7 Moving up the career ladder might include working closely with a supervisor.
Today's Research Tomorrow's Health Care No More Blood and Urine Tests? Tests on blood and urine are used to diagnose many different diseases and to check the health status of the body. However, obtaining blood can be painful, and collecting urine can be messy. Now, thanks to biotechnology, it may be possible to use tears, sweat, and saliva to perform diagnostic tests. An estimated 402 million diabetics worldwide need to monitor blood glucose levels several times a day by puncturing their fingers with a lancet to obtain blood (Figure 6-8). In initial research, engineers used a small biochip containing thousands of light-measuring devices to measure the amount of glucose in water. Researchers found that this level is similar to levels found in saliva. Other researchers found that they could measure glucose levels in the tears of rats with a similar biosensor. If diabetics could use tears or saliva to measure glucose levels, it would allow them to avoid the discomfort associated with repeated finger punctures. 36 CODE One problem found by researchers was the fact that they could not always correlate blood glucose levels with glucose levels in saliva and tears. The latest research has developed biosensors that can be applied to the skin. These sensors measure glucose levels in fluid that surrounds cells. A small transmitter attaches to the sensor. When a recorder is held over the sensor, the glucose reading is displayed on a screen. By using these devices, diabetics can avoid frequent finger punctures to obtain blood, and they can check their glucose levels easily and frequently. FIGURE 6-8 Diabetics need to monitor blood glucose levels by puncturing their fingers with a lancet to obtain blood. Another device currently being evaluated that is also applied to the skin contains tiny holes at its base to collect sweat. The sweat is transferred to tiny reservoirs in the device, and each reservoir contains a sensor that reacts with a specific chemical in the sweat, such as glucose for diabetics, lactate for people with cystic fibrosis, and even oxygen levels for people with respiratory diseases. Similar research is being performed on the sweat on fingers. Bioengineers are now building sensors that specifically measure a wide range of substances. It will be many years before many of the sensors are available for commercial use, but if they prove successful, the sensors will provide an easier way to perform many medical tests. Case Study Investigation Conclusion Maryam is missing out in her career development. She may not be able to progress up the career ladder because she has not kept up to date with her profession. She treats the annual conferences as a way of seeing her friends and not as a means of acquiring new skills and knowledge. Perhaps she could find an alternative way of learning that suits her better? If she does this, she will be able to maintain her skills and remain a useful member of the health care profession. وزارة التعــ nistry of Education 2024-1446 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 271 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 271 | 14/06/2023 10:30

Today’s Research Tomorrow’s Health Care
Case Study Investigation Conclusion