Summary - Health Care - ثالث ثانوي
Part 1
Part 2
ليد CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY • Professional development is essential for keeping up to date with developments in the health care profession. Professional organizations can contribute positively to the professional development of their members. • Lifelong learning is more important than ever because the world is changing faster than at any other time in history. Knowledge quickly becomes outdated, and within a few years of entering the health care field, an individual who fails to keep up with current information will become incompetent. • CPD/CME describes the types of learning that take place after the completion of formal education. The amount of time and the activities involved vary for the different health care professions. Self-directed learning allows you to learn in ways you prefer. • • • Role models and mentors can be helpful in developing professionalism and competence. Occupational areas have positions at different levels, with the levels compared to rungs on a ladder, often called the "career ladder." Mini Case 6:1 Learning New Skills Asma has always worked in a general medical ward, but she has been asked to transfer to the geriatric ward. She does not know much about working with older people. analysis 1. What does Asma need to know before she takes up her new post? 2. How can she find out more about the possible problems of older people? 3. Who can she ask to help her? 272 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 272 14/06/2023 10:30

Mini Case 6:1 Learning New Skills
What does Asma need to know before she takes up her new post?
How can she find out more about the possible problems of older people?
Who can she ask to help her?
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education Mini Case 6:2 A New Medical Assistant Omar is a new medical assistant in your department. He is uncertain about how to keep up to date with his professional development. You are a more experienced assistant and are an active member of a local professional medical organization. Omar asks you what he should do to improve his skills. analysis 1. What ways can you suggest to Omar to start his journey of professional development? 2. How could you use your own network to help Omar? 3. What can you tell Omar about the advantages of belonging to the professional medical organization? Mini Case 6:3 Looking For a Mentor Amir has been working as a nurse assistant in a local hospital for six months. He feels that he needs support to develop his skills. He asks his friend Hasan, who works in a different part of the hospital, what he could do. Hasan suggests asking a more experienced colleague to mentor him. analysis 1. What qualities should Amir look for in a mentor and why are these qualities important? 2. What advantages can Amir gain from having a mentor? 3. What else could he do to help himself to improve? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 273 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 273 | 14/06/2023 10:30

Mini Case 6:2 A New Medical Assistant
What ways can you suggest to Omar to start his journey of professional development?
How could you use your own network to help Omar?
What can you tell Omar about the advantages of belonging to the professional medical organization?
Mini Case 6:3 Looking For a Mentor
What qualities should Amir look for in a mentor and why are these qualities important?
What advantages can Amir gain from having a mentor?
What else could he do to help himself to improve?
ليد REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. List three ways in which a health care professional can grow professionally. 2. What are five advantages of participating in a professional organization? 3. Why is lifelong learning important for health care professionals? 4. Describe five changes and trends in health care. What are the learning requirements for the health care professional that correspond to each one? 274 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 274 14/06/2023 10:30

List three ways in which a health care professional can grow professionally.
What are five advantages of participating in a professional organization?
Why is lifelong learning important for health care professionals?
Describe five changes and trends in health care. What are the learning requirements for the health care professional that correspond to each one?
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 5. What is the meaning and significance of “expanded scope of practice"? 6. What are the criteria for choosing quality courses and materials for continuing medical education? 7. List four ways that you can incorporate self-directed learning into your daily life. 8. What are five qualities to look for when choosing a role model? 9. What should you look for in a mentor? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 275 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 275 | 14/06/2023 10:30

What is the meaning and significance of “expanded scope of practice”?
What are the criteria for choosing quality courses and materials for continuing medical education?
List four ways that you can incorporate self-directed learning into your daily life.
What are five qualities to look for when choosing a role model?
What should you look for in a mentor?
ليد 10. What should someone considering "moving up the career ladder" learn? CRITICAL THINKING 1. Noura is a nurse assistant working for a physician's office in a small town. Because of the limited number of health care facilities in the area, many long-time patients rely on this caring physician for the majority of their health care needs. Noura enjoys the variety of experiences encountered in her work with the practice: patients of all ages with all types of health issues. An important professional goal is to keep her skills up to date and to continue to acquire new ones. Learning opportunities are limited by her busy work schedule and family responsibilities and by living in a small town. Develop a long-term plan for Noura to achieve her goal. 276 CHAPTER 6 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 276 14/06/2023 10:30

What should someone considering “moving up the career ladder” learn?
Noura is a nurse assistant working for a physician’s office in a small town.
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 2. Write a description of your ideal mentor. Analyze the ways in which your mentor could help you to develop. ACTIVITIES 1. Create a personal plan for self-directed learning. 2. Request a continuing education catalog from a local college or university. What types of courses are offered? Identify any that might help you develop your personal or professional skills, and write your reasons for applying for the course. 3. Choose a health topic you find interesting and conduct an Internet search. Record your findings and develop a bibliography (a list of sites with name, web address, and brief description of contents) of useful sites. GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 277 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LIFELONG LEARNING 277 | 14/06/2023 10:30

Write a description of your ideal mentor. Analyze the ways in which your mentor could help you to develop.
Create a personal plan for self-directed learning.