Summary - Health Care - ثالث ثانوي
Part 1
Part 2
ليد CHAPTER 3 SUMMARY Many nurse assistant skills are directed toward pro- viding quality personal care for the patient. Examples include bathing, caring for hair and nails, gowning or dressing the patient, giving back rubs, providing oral hygiene, shaving, feeding, assisting with bedpans or urinals, and bedmaking. It is essential that the nurse assistant learn and follow correct procedures to pro- vide for the safety, comfort, and privacy of the patient. Other nurse assistant skills include positioning, turning, moving, and transferring patients. During any move or transfer, the use of correct body mechanics is essential. • Nurse assistant skills are required for other special procedures, such as measuring intake and output, collecting feces and urine specimens, assisting the surgical patient, administering oxygen, providing catheter care, and applying surgical hose. It is important to make careful observations of the patient while providing care, and to record or report these observations correctly. In this way, you will use nurse assistant skills to become an important member of the health care team. Mini Case 3:1 A Patient With a Pressure Ulcer Afnan is a nurse assistant in her local hospital. She is introduced to Haya, an elderly woman who has just been admitted with an injured leg. Haya tells Afnan that she did not really want to come to hospital as her family was taking good care of her at home. However, when she examines Haya, Afnan discovers a stage II pressure ulcer on her hip. Haya admits that her hip has been “a bit sore" recently. analysis 1. What should Afnan do first? 2. How can Haya's pressure ulcer be treated? 3. What advice could Afnan give to Haya's family on how to avoid further pressure ulcers when Haya is discharged home? 154 CHAPTER 3 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 154 14/06/2023 10:29

Mini Case 3:1 A Patient With a Pressure Ulcer
1� What should Afnan do first?
2� How can Haya’s pressure ulcer be treated?
3� What advice could Afnan give to Haya’s family on how to avoid further pressure ulcers when Haya is discharged home?
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education Mini Case 3:2 The “Thinking Nurse" Ayisha works on a medical ward at the local hospital. One of the patients she has been assigned to take care of is Mohammed, a 72-year-old man newly diagnosed with diabetes (a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin to control blood sugar levels). Part of Ayisha's process of preparing to care for her patients is to review their charts for any new physician orders. She notes that the doctor had attended during the previous evening and had ordered the patient's blood glucose to be checked at 8 a.m. According to the results, insulin is to be given. (The higher the level of blood glucose, the greater the amount of insulin that is given.) Ayisha is a “thinking nurse" and starts to question whether this is an appropriate order. She realizes that breakfast trays arrive at 7:30 a.m. on her floor and that Mohammed will already have eaten when she checks his insulin level at 8 a.m. She knows that, after eating, a person's blood glucose normally increases for a few hours. This is why blood glucose tests are usually ordered when the patient has not eaten for a number of hours. Ayisha reasons that if she calculates the amount of insulin based on the temporarily elevated blood glucose levels, Mohammed will receive too much insulin and may have a negative reaction. Ayisha calls the doctor to clarify the order. The doctor states that he believed the breakfast trays did not arrive until 8:30 a.m. He thanks Ayisha for catching the error and changes the order. analysis 1. What might have happened if Ayisha had simply performed the blood glucose test exactly as ordered? 2. Do you think Ayisha should have been considered responsible for the error if she had followed the orders exactly? 3. Review the "What? When? Where? Why? Who? and How?" questions in relation to this situation. Give examples of questions that Ayisha may have asked herself. GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 155 NURSE ASSISTANT SKILLS 155 | 14/06/2023 10:29

Mini Case 3:2 The “Thinking Nurse”
1� What might have happened if Ayisha had simply performed the blood glucose test exactly as ordered?
2� Do you think Ayisha should have been considered responsible for the error if she had followed the orders exactly?
3� Review the “What? When? Where? Why? Who? and How?” questions in relation to this situation. Give examples of questions that Ayisha may have asked herself.
ليد Mini Case 3:3 The Busy Nurse Maryam has been admitted for exploratory surgery on a painful knee joint. You are the nurse looking after her before and after the operation. Maryam is worried about what is going to happen and how much pain she will be in afterwards. You are very busy as you have several patients to get ready for surgery that morning, but Maryam is reluctant to let you go. analysis 1. How can you help Maryam to be less fearful? 2. How do you ensure that all your patients are cared for to the best of your ability? 3. What should you tell Maryam about her surgery? If she has specific questions about the surgery, what should you do? REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. List three procedures that must be performed while admitting a patient to a hospital or long-term care facility. 156 CHAPTER 3 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 156 14/06/2023 10:29

Mini Case 3:3 The Busy Nurse
1 How can you help Maryam to be less fearful?
2� How do you ensure that all your patients are cared for to the best of your ability?
3� What should you tell Maryam about her surgery? If she has specific questions about the surgery, what should you do?
1� List three procedures that must be performed while admitting a patient to a hospital or long-term care facility.
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 2. Describe six ways of preventing pressure ulcers. 3. What might a patient experience when changing position from lying to sitting or standing? What should you do if this happens? 4. What are the two types of catheter? Why are they used? 5. Differentiate between a routine, clean-catch (midstream), sterile, and 24-hour urine specimen. 6. Why are feces tested? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 157 NURSE ASSISTANT SKILLS 157 | 14/06/2023 10:29

2� Describe six ways of preventing pressure ulcers.
3� What might a patient experience when changing position from lying to sitting or standing? What should you do if this happens?
4� What are the two types of catheter? Why are they used?
5� Differentiate between a routine, clean-catch (midstream), sterile, and 24-hour urine specimen.
6� Why are feces tested?
ليد 7. Define each of the following: colostomy, pressure ulcer, edema, nasogastric tube, dysphagia. 8. Identify five specific aspects of care for: a. Preoperative patients. b. Postoperative patients. 9. Name three systems for administering oxygen. 158 CHAPTER 3 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 158 14/06/2023 10:29

7� Define each of the following: colostomy, pressure ulcer, edema, nasogastric tube, dysphagia.
8� Identify five specific aspects of care for: a� Preoperative patients.
b� Postoperative patients.
9� Name three systems for administering oxygen.
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 10. Explain five standard precautions that must be observed while handling urine or feces. CRITICAL THINKING 1. a. Identify six observations that might be indicative of a medical problem. b. Why is it important to constantly observe a patient while providing personal care? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 159 NURSE ASSISTANT SKILLS 159 | 14/06/2023 10:29

10� Explain five standard precautions that must be observed while handling urine or feces.
1� a� Identify six observations that might be indicative of a medical problem.
b� Why is it important to constantly observe a patient while providing personal care?
ليد 2. a. Describe four ways to prevent pressure sores or contractures from developing. b. Why is it easier to prevent a pressure ulcer or contracture than it is to treat them? 3. When transferring a patient to a stretcher or using a mechanical lift, why is it especially important to cooperate and communicate as a team? ACTIVITIES 1. In pairs, write and illustrate a leaflet for patients explaining postoperative care. 2. With a partner, sketch the perfect hospital room that is ready for a new admission. Create a script of a caring nurse assistant helping a new patient feel comfortable. 160 CHAPTER 3 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 160 14/06/2023 10:29

2� a� Describe four ways to prevent pressure sores or contractures from developing.
b� Why is it easier to prevent a pressure ulcer or contracture than it is to treat them?
3� When transferring a patient to a stretcher or using a mechanical lift, why is it especially important to cooperate and communicate as a team?
1� In pairs, write and illustrate a leaflet for patients explaining postoperative care.