Summary - Health Care - ثالث ثانوي
Part 1
Part 2
ليد CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY • Geriatric care is care provided to elderly individuals. • This age group is increasing in numbers and uses health care services frequently. • Some myths, or false beliefs, exist regarding elderly individuals. Physical changes occur in all individuals as a normal part of the aging process. • The health care provider should be aware of these changes and provide individuals with ways to remain as autonomous as possible. • Psychosocial changes also create special needs in the elderly. Retirement, death of a spouse, and disease and disability can cause stress. ⚫ Although most elderly individuals remain men- tally alert until death, some have periods of con- fusion and disorientation. Providing a safe and secure environment is of paramount importance. • It is important for health care providers to respect the elderly and protect them from abuse. Mini Case 2:1 A Misguided Friend You are visiting a friend and talking about your work as a nurse assistant working with elderly people. Your friend tells you that she doesn't think she could do your job as she would rather work with people that she could have an intelligent conversation with. She comments that she is not looking forward to getting old and sick, and losing her memory. analysis 1. How can you help your friend to understand that her beliefs about older people are not actually correct? 2. How can you demonstrate to your friend that elderly people are just as capable as anyone else of holding an intelligent conversation? 3. What could you do to help dispel the myths about older people in your local area? 86 CHAPTER 2 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 86 14/06/2023 10:27

Mini Case 2:1 A Misguided Friend
How can you help your friend to understand that her beliefs about older people are not actually correct?
How can you demonstrate to your friend that elderly people are just as capable as anyone else of holding an intelligent conversation?
What could you do to help dispel the myths about older people in your local area?
SI d d Mini Case 2:2 The Frail Patient Your 86-year-old grandmother, Haya, who lives with you and your family, is becoming increasingly frail, and she is easily confused. She likes to walk around the house but often cannot find her own room. She does recognize pictures of herself, and she usually knows who everyone is, although she does muddle people's names sometimes. She is often worried about time but can no longer read her watch. analysis 1. How can you help Haya to find her room more easily? عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 2. What can you and your family do to help Haya and avoid causing her stress? 3. Should you involve her doctor in her care? Mini Case 2:3 The Elderly Patient Your patient Fahad complains of dry and itchy skin. He is irritable and tired during the day because he gets up three or four times at night to urinate. His daughter is finding him hard to manage because he uses excessive salt, pepper, and sugar on all his food but still complains that the food has no taste. He constantly talks very loudly and asks everyone to speak up or repeat what has been said. analysis 1. What is happening to Fahad? Is there anything you can suggest to help him? 2. Can you suggest ways that Fahad's daughter can make mealtimes less stressful for everyone? 3. Should his nocturia be investigated? Why? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 87 GERIATRIC CARE 87 | 14/06/2023 10:27

Mini Case 2:2 The Frail Patient
How can you help Haya to find her room more easily?
What can you and your family do to help Haya and avoid causing her stress?
Should you involve her doctor in her care?
Mini Case 2:3 The Elderly Patient
What is happening to Fahad? Is there anything you can suggest to help him?
Can you suggest ways that Fahad’s daughter can make mealtimes less stressful for everyone?
Should his nocturia be investigated? Why?
ليد REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What measures can be taken to help an individual adapt to or cope with the impaired functioning because of these physical/structural changes in aging? a. Dry, itching skin. b. Decreased muscle tone. c. Hearing loss and the inability to hear high-frequency sounds. d. A decreased sense of taste. e. Indigestion and constipation. 2. Differentiate between disease and disability. 3. List four factors that cause psychosocial changes in aging. For each factor, provide at least two examples of ways an individual can be helped to adapt or cope with the change. 4. Differentiate between acute dementia (delirium) and chronic dementia. Identify four possible causes for each type of dementia. 88 CHAPTER 2 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 88 14/06/2023 10:27

1� What measures can be taken to help an individual adapt to or cope with the impaired functioning because of these physical/structural changes in aging?
Differentiate between disease and disability.
List four factors that cause psychosocial changes in aging. For each factor, provide at least two examples of ways an individual can be helped to adapt or cope with the change.
Differentiate between acute dementia (delirium) and chronic dementia. Identify four possible causes for each type of dementia.
= عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 5. Identify factors that can decrease the speed and degree of physical changes in aging. Identify factors that can cause an increase. 6. How can someone be helped to adapt to retirement? 7. Why might an elderly person feel a loss of autonomy? How can they be helped? 8. How can elderly people who develop arthritis be helped to maintain their health and independence? 9. If an elderly person experiences dyspnea, what is happening and how can the condition be eased or avoided? GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 89 GERIATRIC CARE 89 | 14/06/2023 10:27

Identify factors that can decrease the speed and degree of physical changes in aging. Identify factors that can cause an increase.
How can someone be helped to adapt to retirement?
Why might an elderly person feel a loss of autonomy? How can they be helped?
How can elderly people who develop arthritis be helped to maintain their health and independence?
If an elderly person experiences dyspnea, what is happening and how can the condition be eased or avoided?
ليد 10. How can aging affect an elderly person's circulation? What can be done to assist in maintaining health? CRITICAL THINKING 1. Layla is an 83-year-old mother of eight and grandmother of 21. Her family is very close and loves to visit at her house every week. They have a meal, talk, and play games. Layla fell and fractured her hip. She had surgery and is now in a rehabilitation unit at the local hospital. She has started to lose weight because she doesn't like the food at the hospital. Noura is her physical therapist and has studied geriatric care. What changes can Noura make for her rehabilitation routine and what might she suggest to the dietary department and other staff to promote Layla's healing? 90 CHAPTER 2 GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 90 14/06/2023 10:27

How can aging affect an elderly person’s circulation? What can be done to assist in maintaining health?
Layla is an 83-year-old mother of eight and grandmother of 21. Her family is very close and loves to visit at her house every week. They have a meal,
عناية الته ليد inistry of Education 2. When a loved one becomes confused and disoriented, it impacts everyday life for both the individual and the individual's family. The financial, mental, and emotional burden can be heavy. Analyze this influence and create three ways that families can cope in a positive way with this new reality. In your answer, consider Saudi Arabia's efforts to improve the quality of care provided to the elderly. ACTIVITIES 1. With a partner, create a display that shows the positive aspects of growing older. Use three pictures or graphs to further demonstrate these aging facts. 2. In groups of four, do the following: a. Don a pair of vision-altering glasses, put one cotton ball in each ear, use a tie to bind one arm to chest to simulate mobility impairment, and put on thick work gloves. At your table, complete the following tasks: i. Text your friend. ii. Read a newspaper article. iii. Take two yellow candies (to simulate medicine pills) from a childproof container. b. After these activities are completed, write a one-page essay answering the following questions: What are the top three things that made accomplishing the everyday tasks the most aggravating? What interventions could your health care provider implement to address these concerns while supporting your autonomy? c. In your group, consider this question: “If I was an assisted living facility administrator, what would be the top five methods of providing care for the residents that I would insist my staff implement?" Be ready to present your ideas to the class. 3. With a small group, use a shoebox to create the perfect memory care facility. Incorporate at least three reality orientation considerations to the physical building. Write a short essay explaining details of your reality orientation program and how this building supports those goals. GE45.PATHWAYS.G03.S1-2.HC.ENG.SB.indb 91 GERIATRIC CARE 91 | 14/06/2023 10:27

When a loved one becomes confused and disoriented, it impacts everyday life for both the individual and the individual’s family. The financial, mental,
With a partner, create a display that shows the positive aspects of growing older. Use three pictures or graphs to further demonstrate these aging facts.