Phonics - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit1: It’s Nice to Meet You
Unit2: Sea Animals
Unit3: Sports and Activities
Unit4: Chores
نشاط Unit1: It's Nice To Meet You
نشاط Unit2: Sea Animals
نشاط Unit3: Sports and Activities
نشاط Unit4: Chores
Goal 31 Chores: Phonics . I can read and write words with ar; car, er; teacher, and or; fork. Name Class 1 Read and match the words with the pictures. 1. sisters 2. brothers 3. doctor 4. park a. d. e. 5. fork 2 Listen and say the spelling. Write. 1. How do you spell ...? CD4 32 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 2. How do you spell...? 3. How do you spell ...? 4. How do you spell ...? 5. How do you spell ...? 6. How do you spell ...? WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 79 田田 b. C. Quiz Which is a man, an uncle or an aunt? 79 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Goal 31 • Chores: Phonics
CD4 33 Goal 32 Chores: Phonics • I can write and spell words with er, ar, or or by myself. Name Class 1 Listen and write the missing words. 1. My brother has a new 2. Her father is a 3. He can't use a and her mother is a 4. He has a 2 Write sixteen words. on his 3 Now write five words that end in ar, or, or er. 1. 2. Quiz 3. 4. 5:: 80 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 80 Which is hotter, a volcano or soup? 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Goal 32 • Chores: Phonics