Finding Out Time - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي

CD1 26 Unit 3 Sports and Activities Finding Out Time 1 Listen, point, and practice. Common Sports CD1 25 OUT SHAFRANOVICH 17 τηγανιές & σχάρες PHTONDAFI FIVB Xonan VOLLY tennis football basketball horse riding volleyball Dangerous Sports scuba diving sky diving hang gliding bungee jumping rock climbing 2 Small Talk: Ask your partner and get the real answers. 1. What sport or activity do you like? I like 2. What sport or activity do you want to try? I want to try 3. What sport does your brother like? He likes What sport does he want to try? He wants to try 18 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 18 26/2/24 12:52 PM

Finding Out Time

Finding Out Time

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What sport or activity do you like? I like

شرح What sport or activity do you like? I like حل What sport or activity do you like? I like

CD1 27 Challenge Time! 3 Sports and Activities Memory Quiz Can you remember what sports or activities your friends like or want to try? 1. Friend's name: What sports does he/she like? He/She likes What sports does he/she want to try? He/She wants to try What activities does he/she like? He/She What activities does he/she want to try? He/She 2. Friend's name: What sports does he/she like? He/She likes What sports does he/she want to try? He/She wants to try What activities does he/she like? He/She What activities does he/she want to try? He/She وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 I Can ... . ask and answer two questions about sports and activities. remember what sports and activities two of my friends like or want to try. GOAL 17 GOAL 18 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 19 19 Unit 3 26/2/24 12:52 PM

Finding Out Time

Sports and Activities Memory Quiz

شرح Sports and Activities Memory Quiz حل Sports and Activities Memory Quiz

ask and answer two questions about sports and activities.