picture dictionary - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit1: It’s Nice to Meet You
Unit2: Sea Animals
Unit3: Sports and Activities
Unit4: Chores
كتاب النشاط
نشاط Unit1: It's Nice To Meet You
نشاط Unit2: Sea Animals
نشاط Unit3: Sports and Activities
نشاط Unit4: Chores
Picture Dictionary bake bread p30 boat p16 42 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 خمسون ملكة 50 FIFTY HALALAS August 1 clean up your room p26 coin p24 day p8 dolphin p12 feed the fish p26 fold the laundry p26 fork p32 go shopping p26 make a drink p30 mouse p15 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 42 26/2/24 12:53 PM

picture dictionary: bake bread p30
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 0 pair of trousers p5 polar bear p15 seahorse p12 seal p12 set the table p26 snail p15 snow p16 B take out the trash p26 turtle p15 vacuum the floor wash the dishes p26 p26 window p16 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 43 43 26/2/24 12:53 PM

picture dictionary: pair of trousers p5