Finding Out Time - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit1: It’s Nice to Meet You
Unit2: Sea Animals
Unit3: Sports and Activities
Unit4: Chores
نشاط Unit1: It's Nice To Meet You
نشاط Unit2: Sea Animals
نشاط Unit3: Sports and Activities
نشاط Unit4: Chores
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Unit 3 Sports and Activities Goal 17 - Sports and Activities: Finding Out Time I can ask and answer two questions about sports and activities. Name Class CD4 18 1 Listen and practice. Copy. 1. What sport do you like? I like tennis. 2. What sport does Omar like? He likes horse riding. 2 Read and answer the questions. Circle Yes or No. 1. Do you like sports? Yes No 2. Do you play tennis? Yes No 3. Can you ride a horse? Yes No WC 3 TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 65 Quiz Which is taller, a giraffe or a goat? 65 55 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Goal 17 • Sports and Activities: Finding Out Time
CD4 19 Goal 18 - Sports and Activities: Finding Out Time I can remember what sports two of my friends like or want to try. Name Class 1 Read and match with the pictures. e bungee jumping a. f. b. i. sky diving tennis g. d. rock climbing C. football _ volleyball e. scuba diving hang gliding horse riding snowboarding j. SHAFRANOVICH 17 · τηγανιές & σχάρες h. 2 Listen and practice. Q: What sport does Jimmy like? A: He likes snowboarding. Q: What sport does Omar want to try? A:: He wants to try rock climbing. True or False? Zebras have black and white spots. True False 66 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 66 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Goal 18 • Sports and Activities: Finding Out Time