Grammar in Action - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي

Goal 27 Chores: Grammar in Action • I can choose a verb and say two forms of it (example: take / takes). Name Class CD4 28 1 Listen and practice. 1. feed-feeds 3. wash-washes 5. clean cleans - 7. take takes - 2 Read and practice. Copy. 2. set - sets 4. vacuum - 6. go - goes 8. fold - folds 1. I feed the fish and take out the trash. 2. He feeds the fish and goes shopping. 3. I cook and set the table. 4. She cooks and sets the table. vacuums 3 Unscramble and write two forms of the verbs. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. atek take 2. lofd 3. wkal 4. og WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 75 takes True or False? An octopus has eight legs. True False 75 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Grammar in Action

Listen and practice

شرح Listen and practice حل Listen and practice

Read and practice. Copy I feed the fish and take out the trash

شرح Read and practice. Copy I feed the fish and take out the trash حل Read and practice. Copy I feed the fish and take out the trash

Unscramble and write two forms of the verbs

شرح Unscramble and write two forms of the verbs حل Unscramble and write two forms of the verbs

Goal 27 • Chores: Grammar in Action

CD4 29 Goal 28 Chores: Grammar in Action • I can chant the Chores chant. Name Class 1 Listen and practice. Then listen and chant. 1. I wash the dishes. 3. He washes the dishes. 5. We wash the dishes. 2 Copy the sentences. 1. 2. 2. You wash the dishes. 4. She washes the dishes. 6. They wash the dishes. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 Write the missing form of the verbs. 1. set 2. 3. vacuum washes 4. clean goes 76 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 76 Quiz Which can jump higher, a rabbit or a kangaroo? 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Grammar in Action

Listen and practice. Then listen and chant.

شرح Listen and practice. Then listen and chant.

Copy the sentences

شرح Copy the sentences حل Copy the sentences

Write the missing form of the verbs

شرح Write the missing form of the verbs حل Write the missing form of the verbs

Goal 28 • Chores: Grammar in Action