Grammar in Action - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي

Goal 11 Sea Animals: Grammar in Action ● I can chant the Sea Animals chant. Name Class 1 Listen and practice the chant. Copy. 1. I think a dolphin is cute. CD4 12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I think a seahorse is cuter than a dolphin. I think a baby seal is the cutest. I think whales are fast. I think sharks are faster than whales. I think dolphins are the fastest. 2 If you agree, write O in the box. If you don't agree, write X in the box. True or False? Big snakes can eat a cow. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 59 True ✓ False 59 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Grammar in Action

Listen and practice the chant. Copy I think a dolphin is cute

شرح Listen and practice the chant. Copy I think a dolphin is cute حل Listen and practice the chant. Copy I think a dolphin is cute

If you agree, write O in the box. If you don‘t agree, write X in the box.

شرح If you agree, write O in the box. If you don‘t agree, write X in the box. حل If you agree, write O in the box. If you don‘t agree, write X in the box.

Goal 11 • Sea Animals: Grammar in Action

CD4 13 Goal 12 - Sea Animals: Grammar in Action I can say two things I think about two sea animals. Name Class 1 Listen and write the matching number. 1. 1. 6 It's scary. It has big teeth. It can bite! It's a shark. 2. 2. It can walk and swim. It has suckers. It has eight legs. It's an octopus. 3. 4. 3. It can sting. It's not a fish. It's like jelly. It's a jellyfish. 4. It's like an octopus. But it has 10 legs. It can change color. It's a squid. ம் 5. It has five arms. It can't swim. 5. 6. It looks like a star. It's a starfish. 6. It has a hard shell. It has two big claws. It can pinch. It's a crab. 2 Say and write two things you think about two sea animals. Sea animals: starfish, crab, jellyfish, octopus, squid, shark Example: I think a baby seal is the cutest. 1. 2. 60 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC 3_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 60 True or False? Turtles have hard shells. True False 26/2/24 12:53 PM

Grammar in Action

Listen and write the matching number

شرح Listen and write the matching number حل Listen and write the matching number

Say and write two things you think about two sea animals.

شرح Say and write two things you think about two sea animals. حل Say and write two things you think about two sea animals.

Goal 12 • Sea Animals: Grammar in Action