Workplace Communication - Business Decision Making - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
Chapter1: Identifying and Defining Problems
Chapter2: Solving the Problem
Chapter3: Thinking Critically
Chapter4: Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
Chapter5: Decision Support Tools
Part 2
Chapter 6: Decision-Making Processes in Organizations
Chapter 7: Managing Teams to Support Decisions in Organizations
Chapter 8: Organizational Communication and Decision Making
Chapter 9: Using Data to Support the Decision-making Process
Part 3
Chapter 10: Decision Support System Fundamentals
Chapter 11: Using Microsoft Excel Solver
Chapter 12: The Car Production Project
Chapter 13: The Ski Resort Project
Chapter 14: The Electric Car Project
Chapter 15: The Airline Project
Lesson 3 Chapter 8 Workplace Communication Employees need to communicate throughout the organization as a whole. Three elements of modern workplace communication for employees to master are: 1. using social media to improve internal and external communication 2. using informal, personal communication channels 3. establishing formal communication channels. 3-1 Social Media Social media covers a broad range of applications, including wikis, blogs, microblogs (e.g., Twitter and Instagram), content communities (e.g. YouTube), social networking sites (e.g., Facebook and LinkedIn), and virtual social worlds. QUICK TIP Social media is not just a means of sharing informa- tion, but gathering up-to- date information to be used in the decision-mak- ing process. DEFINITION Social media: A group of Internet based applications that allows the creation and exchange of user generated content. Companies have embraced social media in a big way to communicate with cus- tomers and enhance employee collaboration. Social media is mainly used by organizations in the following ways: 1. Communicating with customers Social media allows for direct communication with others. This allows orga- nizations, from small entrepreneurial firms to huge corporations, to listen to exactly what customers require at that moment. Social media can also be used to communicate corporate news quickly and effectively to customers. 2. Engaging with employees Using social media can enable people to connect with one another easily across organizational and geographical boundaries based on professional relationships, shared interests, problems, or other criteria. This has the added benefit of enhancing employee collaboration. Interacting through public sites and corporate networks gives employees opportunities to participate in an online community-sharing personal and professional information and photos, and producing and sharing all sorts of 244 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 244 30/06/2023 14:28

Social Media
Workplace Communication
Social media is not just a means of sharing information, but gathering up-todate information to be used in the decision-making process
Communicating with customers
Engaging with employees
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 245 ideas and opinions. Social media has also become an effective employee engagement tool for many companies. 3-2 Personal Communication Channels and Networking Personal communication channels exist in addition to formal communication channels within an organization but may skip hierarchical levels. These can cut across vertical chains of command to connect virtually anyone in the organization. DEFINITION Personal communication channels: Channels that exist outside formally authorized channels and connect people across boundaries for sharing information and accomplishing tasks. Personal communication channels are often developed by networking. Creating and growing personal relationships that cross departmental, hierarchical, and even organizational boundaries allows managers to share information quickly and easily. There are three main types of personal communication channels: 1. Personal networks, which often grow from meeting people with simi- lar interests and personalities and gaining both personal and professional contact details. 2. The grapevine, which is used to spread unsubstantiated rumors. It is an informal, person-to-person communication network that is not officially sanctioned by the organization. 3. Written communication, which is valued as a more personal method of communicating ideas instead of using oral options. Some key tips from expert networkers when developing a network include: 1. Build it before you need it Smart employees don't wait until they need something to start building a network of personal relationships. 2. Make it win-win Successful networking isn't just about getting what you want; it's also about making sure other people in the network get what they want. Organizational Communication and Decision Making 245 30/06/2023 14:28

Personal Communication Channels and Networking
DEFINITION Personal communication channels
There are three main types of personal communication channels
Some key tips from expert networkers when developing a network include
246 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 246 3. Focus on diversity The broader your base of contacts, the broader your range of influence. Build connections with people from as many different areas of interest as possible (both within and outside the organization). DEFINITIONS Networking: The process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contact. Personal networks: Acquiring and cultivating personal relationships that cross departmental, hierarchical, and even organizational boundaries. The grapevine: Carries workplace gossip, a dominant force in work- place communication when official channels are not functioning effectively. An example of an organizational communication network is shown below in Figure 8-5. FIGURE 8-5: An organizational communication network Marketing Hassan Leila Fatima Manufacturing Amjad Engineering Esraa Personal networking enhanced through social and professional networking sites like LinkedIn is an important skill for professionals. People who have more con- tacts have greater influence in the organization and get more accomplished. 30/06/2023 14:28

Focus on diversity
An organizational communication network
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 247 3-3 Formal Communication Channels There are three main formal communication channels shown in Figure 8-6 and the types of information shared in each channel is illustrated in it. Downward and upward communications are the primary forms of communication used in most traditional, vertically organized companies. However, many of today's organizations emphasize horizontal communication, with people continuously sharing information across departments and levels. DEFINITIONS Formal communication channel: A communication channel that flows within the chain of command or task responsibility defined by the organization. Downward communication channel: Refers to messages sent from top management down to subordinates. Upward communication channel: includes messages that flow from the lower to the higher levels in the organization's hierarchy. Horizontal communication channel: The lateral or diagonal exchange of messages among peers or coworkers. Includes team com- munication within or across departments. FIGURE 8-6: Downward, upward, and horizontal communication in organizations Upward Communication ■ Problems and exceptions ☐ Suggestions for improvement ■ Performance reports ■ Grievances and disputes ■ Financial and accounting information Downward Communication ■ Implementation of goals, strategies ■ Job instructions and rationale ■ Procedures and practices ■ Performance feedback ■ Indoctrination Horizontal Communication ■ Intradepartmental problem solving Coordinate ■ Interdepartmental coordination ■ Change initiatives and improvements Interpret Influence Electronic communication methods such as e-mail and social media, as described previously, have made it easier than ever for information to flow in all directions. The most familiar and obvious flow of formal communication, downward com- munication, consists of the messages and information sent from top management to subordinates in a downward direction. Organizational Communication and Decision Making 247 30/06/2023 14:28

Formal Communication Channels
Formal upward communication includes messages that flow from the lower to the higher levels of the organization's hierarchy. Most organizations take pains to build in healthy channels for upward communication. Horizontal communication may occur within or across departments. The purpose of horizontal communication is not only to inform but also to request support and coordinate activities. 3-4 E-mail Etiquette E-mail is now the most common written business communication medium and is used daily. As a result, there are agreed-upon conventions and general guide- lines for creating professional e-mail messages. Figure 8-7 shows the beginning of an e-mail message that follows these guidelines by including full addresses and a simple salutation. FIGURE 8-7: Addressing the e-mail message Questions for conference call - Message (HTML) Review Format Text ㅁ Message Insert Options Calibri (Body) 14 BIU Paste ab A Name and Clipboard Basic Text Address Check Book Names Names Attach File Attach Item ▾ Signature Include Follow Up High Importance Low Importance Tags Zoom Start Zoom Inking Ink e-mail address To... Copies sent to others directly involved Cc... Send Fatimah (;;;; Subject: Questions for conference call with the message Simple greeting Fatimah: 248 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 248 1. Full name and address E-mail addresses such as don't clearly identify the sender. Instead, include full names and e-mail addresses in the To and From fields of an e-mail message. E-mail programs such as Microsoft Office Outlook let you enter a first and last name followed by the e-mail address (Example: Majed <>). 2. Carbon copy (Cc) and Blind carbon copy (Bcc) In addition to the main recipient, you can send copies of the message to other people by including their e-mail addresses in the Cc field. Be sure the people listed in the Cc field are directly involved with the message and will benefit from its information—most people only want to receive e-mails that they need to read. 30/06/2023 14:28

Formal upward communication
E-mail Etiquette
QUICK TIP A salutation is optional when you are sending an e-mail to a colleague at your organization. Bcc is a variation on Cc known as "blind carbon copy". Use Bcc to send a copy of a message to a recipient without displaying their name or e-mail address in the e-mail header. This is useful when you need to share the e-mail with some- one (like your manager), but don't want to change the dynamics of the com- munication by making it obvious that you are including them in the message. 3. Salutation Start your message with a simple greeting such as "Greetings," "Dear Hassan," "Hi Reem," or "Ali,". The salutation provides a friendly start to your communication and shows where your message begins, which is especially helpful if someone forwards or replies to your e-mail. Figure 8-8 shows the body format, content, and closing elements of an e-mail which are explained below. FIGURE 8-8: Opening and closing the e-mail message Send To... Cc... Subject: وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 " F Format of the opening and message body makes them easy to read Thanks for asking me to outline the requirements for matching cruises to tours. I plan to review our current tours and the cruises that the cruise line offers. I'll look for cruises that complement the tours, and then recommend at least one tour per region. Here's what I need to complete this task: • Updated list of tours for next spring . List of cruises from the cruise line Message ends with a call to action and deadline • Deadlines for catalog and Web site I have set aside time to work on the project this Thursday afternoon, so I'd like to have the material by Thursday morning, if possible. I really appreciate all your help in getting this started. Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 249 4. Body format and content Format the opening line and the rest of the message so it is easy to read, as described in Table 8-2. Focus on a single topic and keep the message brief, no more than 25 lines if possible. Ideally, your readers should not have to scroll the message more than once or twice. If you need to discuss more than one topic, send a separate message for each topic. Figure 8-8 shows the opening line and part of the message body for the e-mail message to Fatimah. 5. Closing End with a signature block that includes your name and contact information, Organizational Communication and Decision Making 249 30/06/2023 14:28

such as the name of your organization, address, and your telephone and fax numbers. Most e-mail programs can insert signature blocks for you. There are some general rules to follow when creating e-mails as described in Table 8-2 below. TABLE 8-2: Creating e-mail do's and don'ts don't message section do To and From lines Cc line Salutation Body format Closing Include both a name and e-mail address in each line Send a copy to people directly involved with the message • Start with a short greeting • Use standard capitalization in English and lowercase characters Insert blank lines and break up text for readability . • Include a call to action or deadline, if appropriate • End with a signature block • Don't rely on your e-mail address as the only way to identify yourself • Don't send blanket copies to peo- ple who are not involved with the message • Don't omit the salutation or use one that's too informal unless you are writing to a friend or close colleague • Don't use all uppercase or all lower- case text • Don't include all of the message con- tent in one long paragraph • Don't trail off without a conclusion • Don't forget to provide your contact information YOU TRY IT Practice creating professional e-mail messages by writing a complete message. Complete the following steps. 1. Review the following outline of an e-mail message. 1. To: Munira 2. Cc: Zaid 3. Message body Start with a brief statement of the main idea-to outline the requirements for matching new activities to tours. Explain your plan. List what you need to complete the task (list of tours for next spring, list of new activities, and dead- lines for catalogue and Web site). Everything received by Thursday afternoon. 4. Closing Signature block with your name 2. In your notebook, write a subject line and a complete message based on the outline above. 250 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 250 30/06/2023 14:28

Practice creating professional e-mail messages by writing a complete message. Complete the following steps
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following is a benefit of creating personal networks? a. You can receive too much information b. Allows managers to share information quickly and easily c. You can share company secrets with competitors d. You have friends to have lunch with 2. Which of the following is an example of horizontal communica- tion? a. Suggestions for improvement b. Intradepartmental problem solving c. Financial and accounting information d. Job instructions and rationale 3. Who should you include in the Cc field of an e-mail message? a. Anyone listed in the original message b. Only people directly involved with the message c. Your manager in all circumstances d. No one 4. Which of the following is an appropriate way to end an e-mail message? a. Summary of the main idea b. Short greeting c. Call to action or deadline d. Bulleted list of questions وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 251 Organizational Communication and Decision Making 251 30/06/2023 14:28

Which of the following is an appropriate way to end an e-mail message
Who should you include in the Cc field of an e-mail message
Which of the following is an example of horizontal communication
Which of the following is a benefit of creating personal networks