Communicating Among People - Business Decision Making - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
Chapter1: Identifying and Defining Problems
Chapter2: Solving the Problem
Chapter3: Thinking Critically
Chapter4: Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
Chapter5: Decision Support Tools
Part 2
Chapter 6: Decision-Making Processes in Organizations
Chapter 7: Managing Teams to Support Decisions in Organizations
Chapter 8: Organizational Communication and Decision Making
Chapter 9: Using Data to Support the Decision-making Process
Part 3
Chapter 10: Decision Support System Fundamentals
Chapter 11: Using Microsoft Excel Solver
Chapter 12: The Car Production Project
Chapter 13: The Ski Resort Project
Chapter 14: The Electric Car Project
Chapter 15: The Airline Project
Lesson 2 Chapter 8 Communicating Among People 2-1 The Open Communication Climate Choosing the most appropriate communication channel reduces the chances of a message being lost, ignored, or misunderstood. To choose the most appropri- ate communication channel while working on their organization's problems and making decisions about them, an employee must understand the hierarchy within their organization. Different organizations and even employees within an organization will interact differently depending on status levels. QUICK TIP The hierarchy of an organi- zation can often give a good idea of the commu- nication climate-if there are many levels of manage- ment, the climate is likely to be more formal and less open. DEFINITIONS Communication climate: The social tone of a relationship. How people interact with each other within their relationships. Hierarchy: A system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of importance, for example in society or in a company. Open communication means sharing all types of information throughout the organization, across functional teams or departments and hierarchical bound- aries. People throughout the organization need to see the big picture, under- stand the decisions managers make, and know how their work contributes to the success of the company. 236 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 236 DEFINITIONS Open communication: Sharing all types of information throughout the organization and across functional and hierarchical boundaries. Functional teams: A team composed of a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command, such as, but not limited to: sales, marketing, finance, and human resources. Often, and especially in times of change, if employees don't hear what's happen- ing from managers, they rely on rumors and will often believe the worst possible outcome. In an open communication environment, employees know their posi- tion, status, and level of job security and which rules are important to follow. 30/06/2023 14:28

The Open Communication Climate
DEFINITIONS Communication climate
The hierarchy of an organization can often give a good idea of the communication climate—if there are many levels of management, the climate is likely to be more formal and less open
Open communication
DEFINITIONS Open communication
Often, and especially in times of change, if employees don’t hear what’s happening from managers
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 237 Open communication helps employees accept, understand, and commit to goals. Employees can see how their actions interact with and affect others in the organization. When people have access to complete information, they are more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems and make decisions that are good for the company. 2-2 Communication Networks Research into employee communication has focused on two characteristics of effective communication: the extent to which team communications are central- ized and the nature of the team's task. The relationship between these characteristics is illustrated in Figure 8-2. FIGURE 8-2: Communication networks Centralized Network Decentralized Network In a centralized network, team members must communicate through one individual to solve problems or make decisions. Centralized communication can be effective for large teams because: it limits the number of people involved in decision making it leads to faster decision making that involves fewer people. DEFINITION Centralized network: A communication structure in which team members communicate through a single individual to solve problems or make decisions. Organizational Communication and Decision Making 237 30/06/2023 14:28

Open communication helps employees accept, understand, and commit to goals
Communication Networks
centralized network
DEFINITION Centralized network
In a decentralized network, people can communicate freely with other team members and functional areas. Members process information equally among themselves until all agree on a decision. Decentralized communication is best for complex, difficult work environments where: teams need a free flow of communication in all directions complex decisions are made utilizing specific knowledge from many stakeholders. QUICK TIP Decentralized networks are more likely to be found in technology-based and fast- paced industries where decisions have to be made quickly and collaboratively. DEFINITION Decentralized network: A communication structure in which team members freely communicate with one another and arrive at decisions together. 2-3 Communication Channels Managers have a choice of many channels through which to communicate. A manager may discuss a problem face to face, make a telephone call, use text messaging, send an e-mail, write a memo or letter, or use social media, depend- ing on the nature of the message. The channels available to managers can be classified into a hierarchy based on channel richness, which is illustrated in Figure 8-3 below. The amount of information each channel can transmit is influenced by three characteristics: 1. The ability by the sender and the listener to handle many pieces of infor- mation at the same time. 2. Whether there is a need for very quick, two-way feedback or time is needed to think about, and structure, a response. 3. The ability to create a personal relationship and focus for the communi- cation. 238 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 238 DEFINITION Channel richness: The amount of information that can be transmit- ted during a communication episode. 30/06/2023 14:28

decentralized network
DEFINITION Decentralized network
Decentralized networks are more likely to be found in technology-based and fastpaced industries where decisions have to be made quickly and collaboratively
Communication Channels
FIGURE 8-3: Channel richness Advantages Personal Two-way Face-to-face Communication Fast feedback Telephone Advantages Electronic Messages (e-mail, Twitter, IM, blogs) Letters and Memos Permanent record Premeditated Easy to disseminate Reports/Bulletins High Channel Richness Disadvantages No permanent record Spontaneous Difficult to disseminate Low Channel Richness Disadvantages Impersonal One-way Slow feedback QUICK TIP Although communication skills have always been important to managers, the ability to persuade and influence others is even more critical today. 1. Face-to-face This discussion is the richest medium because it allows for: . direct experience many pieces of information to be transmitted quickly immediate feedback a personal relationship. Because of its richness, it is the best channel when communicating with peo- ple who are exhibiting strong emotions, such as anxiety, fear, or defensive- ness. Face-to-face discussions help understand the meaning and emotion of the situation. 2. Telephone These conversations are next in the richness hierarchy. Although eye contact, posture, and other body language cues are missing, the human voice can still carry a tremendous amount of emotional information. 3. Electronic communication Communications such as e-mail, instant messaging, and text messaging, are increasingly being used for messages that were once handled face to face or by telephone because: they are a very quick and easy method of sending and storing information. the message can be sent and read at different times you can attach documents and evidence to support your argument. However, in surveys, most respondents said that they preferred the tele- phone or face-to-face conversation for communicating difficult news, giving advice, or expressing affection. Because e-mail messages: وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 239 Organizational Communication and Decision Making 239 30/06/2023 14:28

Electronic communication
Channel richness
. don't allow for both visual and verbal communication limit the chances for interaction and effective feedback . can easily be misunderstood due to cultural and social reasons can lead to interactions and feedback being misunderstood. Using e-mail to discuss disagreements, for example, can lead to escalation rather than resolution of conflict as messages may be misunderstood when there is little personal relationship and no understanding of the emotional impact of the message. 2-4 Nonverbal Communication When communicating face to face, managers use nonverbal as well as verbal communication. The human body can communicate feelings and emotions very easily to others, using: . facial expressions hand gestures use of space. These can communicate a range of messages, from enthusiasm, warmth, and confidence to arrogance, indifference, displeasure, and condescension. QUICK TIP Practicing powerful body poses seems to boost as well as project confidence and assertiveness. DEFINITION Nonverbal (communication): Messages sent through human actions and behavior rather than through words. What does the body lan- guage of these two busi- nessmen suggest to you? 240 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 240 30/06/2023 14:28

However, in surveys, most respondents said that they preferred the telephone or face-to-face conversation for communicating difficult news, giving advice, or expressing affection. Because e-m
Nonverbal Communication
DEFINITION Nonverbal (communication)
What does the body language of these two businessmen suggest to you
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 241 2-5 Asking Questions and Listening The traditional top-down, command-and-control approach to organizational communication is no longer a useful option in today's global, technologically sophisticated workplace. This traditional model is changing to a more open form of communication that includes organizational conversations. This involves man- agers asking questions, listening to feedback, and giving answers to questions in addition to giving orders and instructions. Figure 8-4 highlights the listening skills required for effective communication. FIGURE 8-4: Ten keys to effective listening Key 1. Listen actively 2. Keep an open mind 3. Resist distractions 4. Capitalize on the fact that thought is faster than speech 5. Seek understanding 6. Judge content, not delivery 7. Hold one's fire 8. Listen for ideas 9. Work at listening 10. Show respect Poor Listener Is minimally involved and unfocused Pays attention only to ideas that conform to his or her own opinions Is easily distracted Tends to daydream with slow speakers Feigns agreement to bring the conversation to an end Tunes out if delivery is poor Spouts solutions before understanding the problem or question Listens for facts Provides no energy output; is passive and laid back Interrupts; talks over the other person when trying to get a point across Good Listener Shows interest; nods; asks questions; para- phrases what is said Looks for opportunities and new learning Fights distractions; tolerates bad habits; knows how to concentrate Challenges assumptions, anticipates; summa- rizes; listens between lines to tone of voice Searches for common ground and new understanding Judges content; skips over delivery errors Does not judge or respond until comprehen- sion is complete Listens to central themes Works hard; exhibits active body state, eye contact Learns to keep quiet and let the other person do most of the talking DEFINITIONS Command-and-control: Managers give instructions and employees obey. Listening: This involves the skill of understanding both facts and feel- ings to interpret a message's genuine meaning. There are many reasons why organizations have adopted open communication climates where asking questions is encouraged. Some of the benefits include: 1. Trust and openness Asking questions builds trust and openness between managers and employ- ees. Managers who ask questions encourage their employees to share ideas and offer feedback. Organizational Communication and Decision Making 241 30/06/2023 14:28

DEFINITIONS Command-and-contro
There are many reasons why organizations have adopted open communication climates where asking questions is encouraged. Some of the benefits include
Asking Questions and Listening
2. Critical thinking skills Asking questions builds critical, independent thinking skills. This encourages people to use their creativity to make better, more informed decisions that are more likely to achieve organizational objectives and lead to deeper, more lasting learning. 3. Independence Questions stimulate the mind and give people a chance to make a differ- ence. Therefore, asking questions gets people to accept responsibility for solving their own problems. Asking questions is an important dimension of the organizational conversation. Just as important is listening to the answers. Listening involves the skill of grasping both facts and feelings to interpret a mes- sage's genuine meaning. Only when a manager truly learns to listen can he or she provide the appropriate response. Listening requires attention, energy, and skill as not only must you hear what is being said, but also be able to think of appropriate questions to ask to check your own understanding. YOU TRY IT Practice planning effective conversations. Complete the following steps. 1. Tahani is deciding which would be the best channel of communication for each activity. Read the following tasks. Description 1. Discussing which marketing strategy would be best for a new product launch 2. Introducing the new human resource plan to the company 3. Finding out when Fatima last spoke to her client 4. Building a better working relationship with the sales manager 5. Contacting a client to discuss a complicated technical issue 6. Asking a series of questions that need to be answered by Walaa when she returns from her holiday Channel of communication 2. In your notebook, make a list of tasks 1-6. Decide which is the most appro- priate channel of communication for each example, explaining the benefits of the channel chosen. 242 8 Chapter رة ا Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 242 30/06/2023 14:28

Critical thinking skills
Tahani is deciding which would be the best channel of communication for each activity. Read the following tasks
In your notebook, make a list of tasks 1–6. Decide which is the most appropriate channel of communication for each example, explaining the benefits of the channel chosen.
REVIEW QUESTIONS وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Business Decision Making S1 S2 S3.indb 243 1. An open communication climate is when: a. your manager tells you exactly what to do and when b. employee ideas are not listened to by management c. managers ask questions and respect the input of their employees d. your manager is always annoyed when you ask questions 2. An advantage of high channel richness is: a. fast feedback b. permanent records c. impersonal method of communication d. difficult to disseminate information 3. A disadvantage of asking questions is: a. trust and openness is built b. critical thinking skills are developed c. it leads to an increase in creativity d. you might get many conflicting answers 4. Which of the following describes an effective listener? a. Interrupts and talks over others b. Does not judge delivery errors but judges content only c. Is easily distracted d. Pays attention to ideas that are the same as their own opinions only Organizational Communication and Decision Making 243 30/06/2023 14:28

Which of the following describes an effective listener
A disadvantage of asking questions is
An advantage of high channel richness is
An open communication climate is when