Motivation and Change Management - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

3.2 Motivation and Change Management



Building a Motivated Team

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

What’s Your Reaction?

LO 3.2.1 Motivation Theories

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

Figure 3-2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

McClelland’s Theory of Needs

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

Figure 3-3 McClelland’s Theory of Needs

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

the work they do, managers should provide motivators such as oppor-

Why should managers understand motivation theories?

LO 3.2.2 Change Management

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

affected. Careful planning that involves the people affected will make the

Change occurs regularly in business today, such as the development of a new company headquarters. What are some examples of recent changes that have occurred in businesses in your community?

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

Step 1: Planning

Step 2: Communicating


3.2 Motivation and Change Management

Managers who have previously established open communications

Step 3: Involving

Step 4: Educating

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

In some circumstances, companies have to reduce the number of em-

Step 5: Supporting

What steps should managers follow to help employ- ees understand and adjust to a major change?

3.2 Motivation and Change Management

The motivation theory that states people are influenced most strongly by one of three specific needs—achievement, affiliation, or power—

Which of the following is not an effective way for a manager to imple- ment change?

Do you agree or disagree that increases in pay and other financial benefits are not good long-term motivators for most employees? Explain your answer.

How do you believe a manager should involve employees in planning for a change that will result in some of them losing their jobs?