Chapter Assessment - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

Chapter 2 Assessment


Chapter 2 Assessment

Match the terms listed with the definitions.

Chapter 2 Assessment

Matrix organization

Chapter 2 Assessment

Determine the best answer.

Chapter 2 Assessment

36. Based on the Reality Check scenario at the beginning of Section 2.1, identify one example of strategic planning and one example of opera- tional planning that you believe Ibrahim should

37. It is recommended that a new business develops a business plan. Do you believe large, well-established businesses need a business plan as well? Why or why not?

What is the difference between a business strength and a business opportunity? For a business in your community, provide an example of a strength of the business and an opportunity for the bu

39. Write a list of procedures that another person can follow to copy a computer file from a server or cloud to a removable storage device. The procedures should be complete and in the order

What is the difference between responsibility and authority? Provide examples of each from your role as a family member and your role as a student.

Chapter 2 Assessment

41. Do you believe employees prefer to work in organizations where they have very specialized work that they perform over and over,

Compare the line organization with the matrix organization in terms of how it affects the work, relationships, and communication of man- agers and employees.

Complete the following activities.

Chapter 2 Assessment

44. Visual Arts Your class decides to hold a student recognition and par-

Technology Use the Internet to locate an example of a business

Chapter 2 Assessment

46. Research Use a library or the Internet to find three articles from

Math Research is an important tool businesses use for strategic plan-

Chapter 2 Assessment

Solving Planning Conflicts

Chapter 2 Assessment

What management problems are apparent in the toy company? Why

What is likely to happen to the company this year and in future years if the problem is not resolved quickly?

Using the management tools discussed in the chapter, give examples of how each could be used to help solve the company’s problems.

What would you recommend right now that can help resolve the problems being faced by the toy company? What should the company do to avoid the same type of problem in the future?