The Historical Development of Management - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

1.2 The Historical Development of Management



Opposing Views on Effective Management

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

LO 1.2.1 Management Through the Ages

The Earliest Forms of Management

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

getting the job done with little concern for the health and safety of the workers.

The Four Industrial Revolutions

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

What benefits to business and society do you think factories have brought?

The First Industrial Revolution (Industrial)

The Second Industrial Revolution (Technological)

The Third Industrial Revolution (Digital)

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

and microprocessors made fast and powerful computation possible.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Automated)

How have the Four Industrial Revolutions changed the way work is done?


1.2 The Historical Development of Management

LO 1.2.2 Changing Approaches to Management

Classical Management

Why have different theories of management developed?

1.2 The Historical Development of Management


Administrative Management

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

from only one manager to avoid conflicts and to maintain a clear line of authority.

Behavioral Management

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

Management Matters

The concept holds that managers interact

Scientific Management

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

and effectiveness are not the same thing. A process for settling insur-

What are the key differences among the four theories of management?

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

The First Industrial Revolution began primarily because of

The first attempt to apply scientific study to the management of businesses was

Why did management become so important to businesses as a result of the Four Industrial Revolutions?

Why might employees not like to work in a business where managers use classical management?

1.2 The Historical Development of Management

Putting Employees First

Do you agree or disagree with the management philosophy of putting employees first? Why or why not?

Would you like to work as a manager in that type of company? Why or why not?