Link to digital lesson CHAPTER 4 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER Career Case Study Investigation Salem, a 50-year-old owner of a large restaurant chain who has a family history of high cholesterol, has come to your hospital for cardiac bypass surgery. The surgeon and anesthesiologist are both members of different multispecialty physician groups. The hospital has recently purchased a new piece of equipment for blood administration during a surgical procedure. The anesthesiologist is the only one that has been trained on this equipment and has used it successfully in five surgical cases. Two units of blood have been administered during the case using it. As the anesthesiologist administers the last unit of blood, the patient suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. CPR was undertaken successfully. Over the next few days, it is clear Salem has suffered brain injury due to lack of oxygen. He is discharged to a skilled nursing facility with little prospect of returning to work. Root cause analysis suggests that there were several causes but identifies a breakdown in communication between the anesthesiologist, perfusionist, and surgeon, along with a lack of familiarity with the new equipment. I LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you should be able to: • Demonstrate the personal characteristics and standards of a appearance of a health care professional. Identify factors that interfere with communication. • Explain the importance of listening, nonverbal behavior, reporting, and recording in communication. •Differentiate between the positive and negative effects of relationships on emotional, physical, and mental health. Identify why teamwork is beneficial. •Differentiate between positive and negative stressors by identifying the emotional response. • Explain how time management, problem solving, and goal setting reduce stress. KEY TERMS communication cultural diversity empathy feedback goal وزارة التعليم Ministry of 60.coCHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 60 interpersonal relationships leader stress leadership listening nonverbal communication team teamwork time management 14/10/2022 10:13

Case Study Investigation
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
INTRODUCTION Although health care team members are employed in many different career areas and in a variety of facilities, certain personal/professional characteris- tics, attitudes, and rules of appearance apply to all health care providers. 4:1 PERSONAL APPEARANCE As a team member in any health care career, it is important to present an appearance that inspires confidence and a positive self-image. Although the rules of suitable appearance may vary, certain professional standards apply to most health care careers and should be observed to create a positive impres- sion (Figure 4-1). GOOD HEALTH Health care involves promoting health and preventing disease. Therefore, health care team members should present a healthy appearance. Six factors contribute to good health: ⚫ Diet: Eating well-balanced meals and nutritious foods. Rest: Adequate rest and sleep. ⚫ Exercise: Exercise maintains circulation, improves muscle tone, enhances mental attitude, aids in weight control, and contributes to more restful sleep. ⚫ Good posture: Good posture helps prevent fatigue. . Avoid use of tobacco, and drugs: The use of tobacco, and drugs can seriously affect good health. Preventative screenings: Routine medical exams and dental screenings promote good health and prevent disease. PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE When you obtain a position in a health care field, it is important to learn the rules or standards of dress and personal appearance. Abide by the rules and make every effort to maintain a neat, clean, and professional appearance: FIGURE 4-1 Health care team members must make every effort to maintain a neat, clean, and professional appearance. وزارة التعليم Minister EducTRION 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 61 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 61 | 14/10/2022 10:13

⚫ Uniform ⚫ Clothing • Suitable shoes Personal hygiene ⚫ Name badge or identification tag checkpoint What six (6) main factors contribute to good health? 4:2 PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS As a health care team member, you may care for people of all ages-from the newborn infant to the elderly adult. To be successful, you must care about others and be able to communicate and work with them (Figure 4-2). Understanding the needs of people and learning effective communication techniques is one way to develop empathy. Some important characteristics that a health care worker needs include: ⚫ Honesty • Dependability ⚫Willingness to learn ⚫ Patience ⚫ Acceptance of criticism ⚫ Enthusiasm ⚫ Self-motivation • Tact ⚫ Competence • Responsibility ⚫ Discretion ⚫ Professionalism In any health care field, you will become part of a team. It is essential that you become a team player and learn to work well with others. Each member of a health care team will have different responsibilities, but each member must do his or her part to provide the patient with quality care. Each of the characteristics and attitudes men- tioned here, which are essentially characteristic of Saudi morality, must be practiced and learned. By being aware of these characteristics and striving constantly to improve, you will provide good care and be a valuable asset to your employer and other members of the health care team. checkpoint What are ten (10) characteristics of a health care team member? FIGURE 4-2 An enthetic health care provider tries to help a child who is frightened about a medical procedure. وزارة التعليم Mines 62 CHAPTER 4 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 62 14/10/2022 10:13

professional appearance:
What six (6) main factors contribute to good health?
What are ten (10) characteristics of a health care team member?
4:3 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS The health care team member must be able to relate to patients and their families, to fellow team members, and to other professionals. An Comm understanding of communication skills will assist the health care team member who is trying to relate effectively. Communication is the exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings through verbal means (spoken words), written communications, and nonverbal behavior such as facial expressions and body language. While all types of communication are important, research has shown that a large percentage of human communication is nonverbal, so it is very important to remember that facial expressions and body language have a large impact on the communication process. COMMUNICATION PROCESS The communication process involves three essential elements: ⚫ Sender: an individual who conveys information or an idea to another person. ⚫ Message: the information, ideas, or thoughts. ⚫ Receiver: an individual who receives the message from the sender. Without a sender, message, and receiver, communication cannot occur. Feedback determines whether a communication was successful. This occurs when the receiver responds to the message. Feedback allows the original sender to evaluate how the message was interpreted and to make any neces- sary adjustments or clarification. Feedback can be verbal or nonverbal. Even though the communication process seems simple, many factors can interfere with the process. Important elements of effective communication include: ⚫ The message must be clear (Figure 4-3). The sender must deliver the message in a clear and concise manner. ⚫ The receiver must be able to hear and receive the message. . The receiver must be able to understand the message. ⚫ Interruptions or distractions must be avoided. وزارة التعليم Minst EdenION 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 63 FIGURE 4-3 Communication works best when terminology is used that is understood by people who are not employed in health care. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 63 | 14/10/2022 10:13

LISTENING Listening means paying attention to and making an effort to hear what the other person is saying. Techniques that can be used to learn good listening skills include: Show interest and concern for what the speaker is saying. Be alert and maintain eye contact with the speaker. ⚫ Avoid interrupting the speaker. Pay attention to what the speaker is saying. Try to eliminate your own prejudices and see the other person's point of view. ⚫ Eliminate distractions by moving to a quiet area. ⚫ Reflect statements back to the speaker to let the speaker know that state- ments are being heard. Ask for clarification if you do not understand part of a message. • Maintain a positive attitude. NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Nonverbal communication involves the use of facial expressions, body lan- guage, gestures and eye contact to convey messages or ideas (Figure 4-4). BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION A communication barrier is something that gets in the way of clear commu- nication. Three common barriers are physical disabilities, psychological atti- FIGURE 4-4 What aspects of listening and nonverbal behavior can you see in this picture? tudes and prejudices, and cultural diversity. Physical and Sensory Disabilities ⚫ Deafness or hearing loss. Blindness or impaired vision. ⚫ Aphasia or speech impairments. ⚫ Cognitive impairments. Psychological Barriers Psychological barriers to communication are often caused by bias, prejudice, stereotyping, attitudes, and personality. Examples include closed-mind- edness, judging, preaching, moralizing, lecturing, overreacting, arguing, advising, and prejudging. وزارة التعليم Mines 64 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 64 14/10/2022 10:13

Health care team members must learn to put prejudice aside and show respect to all individuals. It is important to respect everyone as an individual and to remember that each person has the right to good care and considerate treat- ment. At times, this can be extremely difficult, and patience and practice are essential. When individuals have negative attitudes or constantly complain or criticize your work, it can be difficult to show them respect. The health care team member must learn to see beyond the surface attitude to the human being underneath. Frequently, fear is the cause of anger or a negative attitude. Allow patients to express their fears or anger, encourage them to talk about their feelings, avoid arguing, remain calm, and talk in a nonthreatening tone of voice. If other health care team members seem to be able to communicate more effectively with patients, watch these team members to learn how they handle difficult or angry patients. This is often the most effective means of learning good com- munication skills. Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity is another possible communication barrier. Culture con- sists of the values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next. The main barriers created by cultural diversity include: ⚫ Beliefs and practices regarding health and illness. Language differences. ⚫ Eye contact. Etiquette differences. ⚫ Ways of dealing with terminal illness and/or severe disability. Physical contact. Respect for and acceptance of cultural diversity is essential for any health care team member. By making every attempt to learn about cultural differ- ences and by showing respect for an individual's right to cultural beliefs, a health care team member can provide transcultural health care. RECORDING AND REPORTING In health care, an important part of effective communication is reporting or recording all observations while providing care. To do this, it is important not only to listen to what the patient is saying but also to make observations about the patient. Urgent abnormal observations should be both orally reported to the immediate supervisor and recorded in the chart. Most senses are used to make observations: ⚫ Sense of sight: notes the color of skin, swelling or edema, the presence of a rash or sore, the color of urine or stool, the amount of food eaten, and other similar factors. وزارة التعليم Ministige EducTION 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 65 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 65 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Psychological Barriers
Cultural Diversity
. Sense of smell: alerts a health care team member to body odor or unusual odors of breath, wounds, urine, or stool. ⚫ Sense of touch: used to feel the pulse, dryness or temperature of the skin, perspiration, and swelling. ⚫ Sense of hearing: used while listening to respirations, abnormal body sounds, coughs, and speech. By using all senses, the health care team member can learn a great deal about a patient's condition and be able to report observations accurately. Abnormal observations should verbally be reported promptly to an immedi- ate supervisor. There are two types of observations: • Subjective observations: These cannot be seen or felt, and are commonly called symptoms. They are usually statements made by the patient. They should be reported in the exact words the patient used. ⚫ Objective observations: These can be seen or measured, and are com- monly called signs. A bruise, cut, rash, or swelling can be seen. Blood pres- sure and temperature are measurable. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION In most health care facilities, observations are recorded in a patient's health care record using a computer to access the patient's electronic EHR health record. Effective communication requires these written observa- tions to be precise, accurate, concise, and complete (Figure 4-5). Spelling and grammar should be correct, and objective observations should be noted. Incident reports are an important part of written communications. An incident is any unplanned or unintended event or situation that could have resulted in or did result in harm to a patient, or any situation that affects the وزارة التعليم Mine 66 CHAPTER 4 FIGURE 4-5 Information recorded on health care records must be accurate, concise, and complete. 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 66 14/10/2022 10:13

Most senses are used to make observations:
health, safety, and welfare of others. Facilities have a specific form to fill out and document these occurrences. CONFIDENTIALITY The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) has established strict standards for maintaining the confidentiality of health care records. Knowledge of the health practitioner about patient information does not authorize the practitioner to disclose the contents in any form, except in the following exceptional circumstances: . If the disclosure is to protect the patient's contacts from being infected or harmed. If the disclosure is necessary to protect society as a whole or prevent harm to the greater population. If the patient has consented to disclosure to his or her family or others for a better treatment outcome. . If the disclosure is necessary for the education of other health care team members, with the insurance of limited data exposure to ensure the ano- nymity of patient identity. It is important for health care providers to be aware of all parts of this act and to make every effort to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the patient's health care records. checkpoint 1. List three (3) barriers to communication. 2. Define objective and subjective observations. List two (2) examples for each type of observation. 4:4 HEALTHY INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Interpersonal relationships are relationships between different groups of people such as family, friends, individuals at school or work, neighbors, mem- bers of the community, and new acquaintances. Some interactions may be positive, but some may be negative. However, every interaction can have an effect on the physical, mental, and emotional health of the individual. Healthy interpersonal relationships can provide the following benefits: • Provide a sense of belonging and self-worth. Allow an individual to learn to trust and respect others. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 67 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 67 | 14/10/2022 10:13

List three (3) barriers to communication
وزارة التعليم Mines 68 CHAPTER 4 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 68 Encourage participation in new ideas or activities. Encourage personal growth. ⚫ Support ambitious career goals. Increase self-confidence. ⚫ Offer safety and security. Improve physical health by decreasing stress. •Provide support during tough times. ⚫ Share celebrations of good times. ⚫ Make life more enjoyable. At the same time, poor or negative relationships can have adverse effects including: Contributing to low self-esteem. . Contributing to feeling powerless or worthless. . Creating suspicion about the sincerity of other relationships. ⚫Feeling isolated and hesitant to participate in social activities. ⚫ Creating stress. ⚫ Weakening or interfering with your career goals. . Distracting your attention from workplace duties. Increasing depression and withdrawal from others. ⚫ Causing physical illnesses such as headaches, digestive disorders, hyper- tension (high blood pressure), and insomnia. Effectively communicating needs, wants, and emotions can be a learned skill. Strategies to build healthy relationships include: ⚫ Maintaining a positive attitude. Being friendly and cooperating with others. • Assisting others when you see that they need help. ⚫Listening carefully when other people share ideas or beliefs. Respecting the opinions of others even if they differ from yours. ⚫ Being open-minded and willing to compromise. ⚫ Avoiding the criticism of others. Learning good communication skills so you can share ideas, concepts, and knowledge. Supporting and encouraging others. 14/10/2022 10:13

Support ambitious career goals
At the same time, poor or negative relationships can have adverse effects including:
Effectively communicating needs, wants, and emotions can be a learned skill. Strategies to build healthy relationships include:
It is also important to evaluate your own relationships. Because you do not have control over what other people say or do, you have to think about protect- ing and caring for yourself. Maximize positive relationships as this can result in better health care for everyone. Research has shown that individuals who have a network of positive relationships are healthier, experience less anxiety, manage stress and conflict more appropriately, are less likely to be depressed, and tend to live longer, happier lives. checkpoint List three (3) benefits of good interpersonal relationships. 4:5 TEAMWORK Teamwork consists of many professionals-with different levels of education, ideas, backgrounds, and interests-working together for the benefit of the patient. For example, a surgical team might include the following people: ⚫ Admitting clerk: collects admission information. ⚫ Insurance representative: (in the private sector) obtains approval for the surgery. • Nurses or patient care technicians: prepare the patient for surgery. Surgeons: perform the operation. Anesthesiologist: administers anesthetics. ⚫ Operating room nurses: assist the surgeon. Surgical technicians: prepare and pass instruments. ⚫ Housekeepers: clean and sanitize the area. ⚫ Sterile supply personnel: sterilize the instruments. ⚫ Recovery room personnel: care for the patient after surgery. After surgery, a dietitian, social worker, physical therapist, occupational ther- apist, home health care personnel, and other team members might be needed to assist the patient as they recuperate. Each team member has an important job to do so the patient receives quality care. Teamwork improves communication and continuity of care. All team members can help to identify the needs of the patient, participate in Comm decisions about care options, and suggest additional professionals who might be able to assist with specific needs. For a team to function properly, everyone must understand the role of each team member. Effective teams have the following attributes: active participa- tion, commitment, common goals, cultural sensitivity, flexibility, being open وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 69 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 69 14/10/2022 10:13

Research has shown that individuals who have a network of positive relationships are healthier
List three (3) benefits of good interpersonal relationships.
وزارة التعليم Mines 70 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH SB.indb 70 FIGURE 4-6 No team member should ever perform a duty that is beyond the range of duties legally permitted. to feedback, positive attitude, reliability, trust, and a respect for individual contributions. Most teams have frequent patient care conferences, where the patient is an active participant. Opinions are shared, options are discussed, and goals are established. Conflict among individuals with different personalities is a problem that can occur when a group of people are working as a team. When conflict occurs, it is essential for each person to deal with the conflict in a positive way by meet- ing to identify the problem, listen to the other person's point of view, try to resolve the problem in a cooperative manner, and put the agreed solution into action. If two people do not feel comfortable talking privately with each other, a mediator may be able to assist with finding a solution to the problem. Some health care facilities also have grievance committees to assist with conflicts that may occur. These committees gather facts to determine the details of the tension and set clear expectations for a resolution. Assertive communication is the ability to express your ideas in a clear and confident way. This type of communication is essential in dispute resolution if conflict is to be resolved. Each team member must be aware of the legal limitations on duties that can be performed and must function within legal boundaries. No team Legal member should ever perform a duty that is beyond the range of duties legally permitted. Effective teams are the result of hard work, patience, commitment, and prac- tice. When individuals participate fully in teams, healthy relationships result and, the team achieves success (Figure 4-6). checkpoint List two (2) results of forming an effective team. 14/10/2022 10:13

No team member should ever perform a duty that is beyond the range of duties legally permitted.
List two (2) results of forming an effective team.
4:6 PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP Leadership is defined by Haroun and Mitchell (2012) in Introduction to Health Care as "the skill or ability to encourage people to work together and do their best to achieve common goals". A leader is frequently defined as an individual who guides others, or who is in charge or in command of others. Leaders define clear goals, and share them with the group, help provide the information and knowledge the group needs to work toward the goals, adapt or revise the goals based on the input of others, and allow the group to achieve the goals. In a group, every member who makes a contribution to an idea can be considered a leader. Leadership in the group passes from person to person as each individual contributes to the achievement of the group's goals. Different characteristics are assigned to leaders. Some common leadership characteristics may include: ⚫ Respects the rights, opinions, and abilities of others. • Understands the principles of Shura, the process of decision making by consultation and deliberation. Works with a group and guides the group toward a goal. Inspires and motivates others. ⚫Participates in continuing education and professional development and understands the concept of lifelong learning. • Understands own strengths and weaknesses. ⚫ Displays self-confidence and willingness to take a stand. ⚫ Communicates effectively and verbalizes ideas clearly. ⚫ Thinks creatively and asks "What if?" ⚫ Shows initiative, a willingness to work, and completes tasks. Shows optimism, is open-minded, and can compromise. ⚫ Praises others and gives credit to others. checkpoint List six (6) characteristics of an effective leader. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 71 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 71 | 14/10/2022 10:13

List six (6) characteristics of an effective leader.
وزارة التعليم Mines 72 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 72 4:7 STRESS Stress is defined as the body's reaction to any stimulus that requires a person to adjust to a changing environment. The stimuli to change, alter behavior, or adapt to a situation are called stressors. Stressors can be situations, events, or concepts and may be external or internal forces. For example, a heart attack is an internal stressor, and a new job is an external stressor. Everyone experiences a certain degree of stress on a daily basis. The amount of stress felt usually depends on the individual's reaction to and perception of the situation causing stress. Many different things can cause stress. Examples include: ⚫ Relationships with family, friends, and team members. ⚫ Job or school demands. • Illness. • . Lifestyle. ⚫ Financial problems. Family events such as birth, death, marriage, or divorce. ⚫ Overwork or excessive activities. ⚫ Boredom and negative feelings. Time limitations (too much to do and not enough time to do it). The first step in learning how to control stress is to identify stressors. Stressors are problems that must be solved or eliminated. One way to do this is to use the problem-solving method. It consists of the following steps: ⚫ Gather information or data. • Identify the problem. ⚫List possible solutions. • Make a plan. ⚫Act on your solution. • Evaluate the results. ⚫ Change the solution. Learning to manage a stress reaction is another important way to deal with stressors. Use the following four-step plan to gain control: • Stop: Immediately stop what you are doing to break out of the stress response. ⚫ Breathe: Take a slow deep breath to relieve the physical tension you are feeling. 14/10/2022 10:13

Reflect: Think about the problem and the cause of the stress. Choose: Determine how you want to deal with the stress. Many other stress-reducing techniques can be used to manage stress, including: ⚫ Live a healthy life: Eat balanced meals, get sufficient amounts of rest and sleep, and exercise on a regular basis (Figure 4-7). Take a break from stressors: Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet up. ⚫ Relax: Take a warm bath. • ⚫ Escape: Listen to quiet, soothing ambient sounds or any other favorite relaxing audible forms. ⚫ Relieve tension: Shut your eyes, take slow deep breaths, and concentrate on relaxing each tense muscle. Rely on others: Talk with a friend and reach out to your support system. ⚫ Meditate: Think about your values or beliefs in a higher power. . Use imagery: Close your eyes and use all your senses to place yourself in a scene where you are at peace and relaxed. • ⚫ Enjoy yourself: Find an enjoyable leisure activity or hobby to provide "time-outs." • Renew yourself: Learn new skills, take part in a professional organization, participate in community activities, and make every effort to continue growing as an individual. FIGURE 4-7 Exercising on a regular basis is one way to reduce stress. وزارة التعليم Minigor Education 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 73 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 73 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Reflect: Think about the problem and the cause of the stress.
وزارة التعليم Mines 74 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 74 ⚫ Think positively: Reflect on your accomplishments and be proud of yourself. ⚫ Develop outside interests: Provide time for yourself; do not allow a job to dominate your life. ⚫ Seek assistance or delegate tasks: Ask others for help or delegate some tasks to others. Remember that no one can do everything all of the time. . Avoid too many commitments: Learn to say "no." checkpoint List six (6) stress-reducing techniques that can be beneficial. State why they help reduce stress. 4:8 TIME MANAGEMENT Time management is a system of practical skills that allows an individual to use time in the most effective and productive way possible. Time manage- ment helps reduce stress by putting the individual in charge, keeping things in perspective when events are overwhelming, increasing productivity, using time more effectively, improving enjoyment of activities, and providing time for relaxing and enjoying life. Important projects or tasks can be scheduled during the periods of the day when energy levels are high. Rest or relaxation periods can be scheduled when energy levels are low. SETTING GOALS A goal can be defined as a desired result or purpose toward which one is work- ing. Goals can be compared with maps that help you find your direction and reach your destination. Everyone should have both short- and long-term goals. Long-term goals are achievements that may take years or even a lifetime to accomplish. Short-term goals usually take days, weeks, or months to accomplish. They are the smaller steps that are taken to reach the long-term goal. For example, a long-term goal might be to graduate from college with a health care degree. If the person with this goal is starting high school, short-term goals might include: Research and learn about the wide variety of health care careers. Job-shadow health care professions that seem most interesting. ⚫ Talk with people in different health care professions to find out about the professions. 14/10/2022 10:13

Think positively: Reflect on your accomplishments and be proud of yourself.
List six (6) stress-reducing techniques that can be beneficial. State why they help reduce stress.
⚫ Complete job interest surveys to determine how your own skills and inter- ests match requirements for different health care professions. ⚫ Discuss career opportunities with a guidance or career counselor. Attend job fairs or career planning days to obtain information about spe- cific health care professions. ⚫ Research health care professions on the Internet. ⚫ Narrow your career choices to the health care professions that you like best. Investigate high school courses you can take to meet college entry require- ments for these health care professions. ⚫ Explore the career and technology programs offered by your high school. ⚫ Enroll in a health science education (HSE) program if one is available. • ⚫ Join a student club that allows HSE students to network with peers who share similar interests. ⚫ Volunteer in different health care areas to determine which career you like best. ⚫ Research and visit different colleges or technical schools to learn about course offerings and entry requirements. When this person is in the junior or senior year of high school, short-term goals might include: ⚫ Complete all required high school courses and maintain high grades. ⚫ Confer with guidance or career counselors to obtain information about career planning and college life. • Apply to several universities or technical colleges that have accredited programs in the chosen health field. Check living arrangements at the college campuses if living away from home will be necessary. . After being accepted by colleges or technical schools, evaluate each indi- vidually to choose the school you will attend. Notify the school you have selected before the established deadline for enrollment. These short-term goals are basic suggestions. It is important to remember that short-term goals will change constantly as one set is completed and a new set is established. The completion of a goal, however, will lead to a sense of satis- faction and accomplishment and provide motivation to attempt other goals. To set goals effectively, you must observe certain points, including: State goals in a positive manner: Use words such as "accomplish" rather than "avoid." وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022 1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02 S2.HLTH.SB.indb 75 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A HEALTH CARE TEAM MEMBER 75 | 14/10/2022 10:13

Attend job fairs or career planning days to obtain information about specific health care professions
When this person is in the junior or senior year of high school, short-term goals might include:
وزارة التعليم Mins 76 CHAPTER 4 2022-1444 GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.S2.HLTH.SB.indb 76 Define goals clearly and precisely: If possible, set a time limit to accom- plish the goal. ⚫ Prioritize multiple goals: Determine which goals are the most important, and complete them first. ⚫ Write goals down: This makes the goal seem real and attainable. . Make sure each goal is at the right level: Goals should present a challenge but not be too difficult or impossible to complete. TIME MANAGEMENT PLAN Time management is used to ensure success in meeting established goals. A daily planner, calendar, or computerized calendar and schedule are essential tools. These tools allow an individual to record all activities and obligations, organize all information, become aware of conflicts (two things to do at the same time), and provide an organized schedule to follow. An effective time management plan involves the following seven steps: • Analyze and prioritize. Identify habits and preferences. ⚫ Schedule tasks. ⚫ Make a daily "to do" list. ⚫ Plan your work. ⚫ Avoid distractions. ⚫ Take credit for a job well done. checkpoint Differentiate between short-term and long-term goals. Case Study Investigation Conclusion What fundamentally went wrong in this case? Was lack of leadership at fault? What communication improvement might best have contributed to this critical situation? What professional characteristics may have improved Salem's outcome from this surgery? With a partner, list three policies or procedures that might be implemented to avoid this type of outcome for future patients. 14/10/2022 10:13

Define goals clearly and precisely: If possible, set a time limit to accomplish the goal.
Differentiate between short-term and long-term goals.
Case Study Investigation Conclusion