CHAPTER SUMMARY - Principles of Health Sciences - ثاني ثانوي



- CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY •Understanding the basic principles of infection con- trol is essential for any health care provider in any health care field. Disease is caused by a wide vari- ety of pathogens. An understanding of the types of pathogens, methods of transmission, and the chain of infection allows health care providers to take pre- cautions to prevent the spread of disease. Asepsis is defined as "the absence of disease-pro- ducing microorganisms, or pathogens". Antisepsis refers to methods that prevent or inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms. Disinfection is a process that uses chemical disinfectants to destroy or kill pathogenic organisms, but it is not always effective against spores and viruses. Sterilization is a process that destroys all microorganisms, including spores and viruses. Standard precautions provide guidelines for hand- washing, wearing gloves, using gowns, masks, and protective eyewear when splashing is likely, proper handling and disposal of contaminated sharp objects, proper disposal of contaminated waste, and proper methods to wipe up spills of blood, body flu- ids, secretions, and excretions. • Sterile techniques are used in specific procedures, such as changing dressings. Health care providers must learn and follow sterile techniques when they are required to perform these procedures. • Transmission-based precautions are used for patients who have communicable diseases. An awareness of the major types of transmission-based precautions presented in this chapter will help the health care provider prevent the transmission of communicable diseases. • Infection control must be followed during health care procedures. By following the principles discussed in this chapter, health care providers will protect them- selves, patients, and others from disease. REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Differentiate between antisepsis, disinfection, and sterilization. 2. Explain the three different methods of cleaning equipment and their uses. 3. Name the different types of PPE and state when each type must be worn to meet the requirements of standard precautions. Mistry of Education 2022-1444 GE44 PATHWAYS 002 $2 HLTH Sale 51 INFECTION CONTROL 51 | 18812023 14:29



Differentiate between antisepsis, disinfection, and sterilization

Explain the three different methods of cleaning equipment and their uses

Name the different types of PPE and state when each type must be worn to meet the requirements of standard precautions

4. Name three methods that can be used to place sterile items on a sterile field. Identify the types of items that can be transferred by each method. 5. What should you do after a procedure requiring sterile gloves has been completed and why? 6. List the three main types of transmission-based precautions and the basic principles that must be followed for each type. 7. What is protective or reverse isolation and when would you use it? 8. What is a bloodborne pathogen? Give three examples. 9. What is the difference between clean and contaminated? 52 CHAPTER 2 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 GE 44 PATHWAY S2 HITH 58 at 52 18/01/2023 14:29


Name three methods that can be used to place sterile items on a sterile field. Identify the types of items that can be transferred by each method

What should you do after a procedure requiring sterile gloves has been completed and why

List the three main types of transmission-based precautions and the basic principles that must be followed for each type

What is protective or reverse isolation and when would you use it?

What is a bloodborne pathogen? Give three examples

What is the difference between clean and contaminated

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2022-1444 CRITICAL THINKING 10. List the six classes of microorganisms and infective agents, and describe the characteristics of each. What is the treatment for each type of microorganism? Are there any challenges with treatments? 11. What are body defenses and why do we have them? What happens when your body defenses are weak? 12. How can the chain of infection be broken? Why is this important? 13. What is a health care-associated infection and why are these types of infection more dangerous? ACTIVITIES 1. With a partner, research the effects of practices of sanitation and disinfection on health and wellness. Include the implications for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Present your findings to the class, citing evidence from your investigation. 2. In a small group, pick a disease from the list below. Research the disease. Create a flow chart that lists the six components of the chain of infection as applied to this disease and strategies to break each part of the chain: COVID-19, tuberculosis, dysentery, pneumonia, MRSA infection (from wound drainage). 3. Work with a partner. You will need two pairs of sterile gloves. One person reads out the instructions for donning sterile gloves. The other person should follow the instructions to put on the gloves and then take them off. Now swap roles so each of you gets a turn at putting on the gloves. 4. Write a leaflet explaining to patients how to break the chain of infection. GE44 PATHWAYS 002 52 HLTH 58 53 INFECTION CONTROL 53 185012023 14:20


List the six classes of microorganisms and infective agents, and describe the characteristics of each. What is the treatment for each type of microorganism?

What are body defenses and why do we have them? What happens when your body defenses are weak?

How can the chain of infection be broken? Why is this important?

What is a health care-associated infection and why are these types of infection more dangerous?

With a partner, research the effects of practices of sanitation and disinfection on health and wellness