Project - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
12 What Would You Do? رابط الدرس الرقمي 12 Project o 1. Have you heard or read about new, ground-breaking methods of treatment of various conditions/diseases? Try to find out by talking to each other. 2. Work in pairs/groups. Research and find out about ground-breaking methods of treatment applied in your country. These treatments/cures might be medicinal or involve surgical procedures. ⚫ interview members of your family • ⚫ talk to your teachers . search the Internet 3. Gather information about new ground-breaking methods of treatment and procedures used in Saudi Arabia and make notes. The treatments or procedures might be used for preventive reasons. Find out: ⚫ which diseases/conditions they are used for • ⚫if they are successful • if there are side effects ⚫ how they can affect people's lives • • how accessible they are • if they are at an initial stage ⚫ if additional resources/equipment is needed • • about plans to extend their application 4. Choose one or two of the treatment methods/procedures. Organize your notes under the categories/headings in the chart. Use them to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for your class. Ground-breaking treatment/procedure Target condition Target patient group Description/type Origin Equipment Stage of application/ development Hospital/institution/ authority Physicians Rate of success Patients' commentsزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 -1966 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 196 DOLL 30/4/24 2:32 AM

13 Self Reflection Things that I liked about Unit 12: Things that I didn't like very much: Things that I found easy in Unit 12: Things that I found difficult in Unit 12: Unit 12 Checklist talk about ethics and morals ethics and moral dilemmas give opinions present hypothetical conditionals versus past hypothetical conditionals use implied conditionals. use as if/as though for unreal situations. use the future progressive and future perfect use time expressions for the future: by the year, this time tomorrow use used to versus be used to use was/were going to وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 My five favorite new words from Unit 12: MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 197 I can do this I can do this very well. quite well. I need to study/ practice more. If you're still not sure about something from Unit 12: • read through the unit again • listen to the audio material • study the grammar and functions • from the unit again ask your teacher for help 197 30/4/24 2:32 AM

Self Reflection Unit 6