Writing - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
9 Laugh Out Loud 10 Writing / A. What is a sitcom? 1. Read the text and find out about sitcoms. 2. Think of sitcoms you have watched. Do you enjoy watching them? Why? Why not? 3. Who are your favorite characters? Why? A sitcom is a situation comedy without an ending. It consists of episodes, but the situation goes on. The television sitcom was born in the 1940s and 1950s. It had originally existed as a radio show that listeners would tune into every week to spend some time with familiar characters they grew to know and liked. When television arrived in the late 1940s, shows were filmed in front of a live studio audience, with three cameras recording everything for later editing. In the 60s sitcoms combined fantasy with comedy and used a laugh track instead of a live studio audience. In the 70s social issues were included, but in the 80s there was a return to the original family concept, the most important success factor behind sitcoms. Nowadays, shows are filmed with a single camera, on location or on studio sets, with no laugh track or live audience. رابط الدرس الرقمي www.ien.edu.sa 4. Read the excerpt of the sample script below and find out: Who the main characters are. What has happened. ACT ONE Scene One, Int. Living Room — Morning (Day 1) (Bill, Kevin) KEVIN RUNS INTO THE LIVING ROOM WEARING HIS TRACKSUIT AND NOTICES A LETTER ON THE TABLE NEAR THE DOOR. AS HE TRIES TO OPEN IT, BILL WALKS IN WITH A FUNNY LOOK ON HIS FACE, POINTING TO THE LETTER. KEVIN (excited) Look! I got it! I'm a university student! BILL (at a loss attempting to stop him) But, but... KEVIN RUSHES OUT THE DOOR, HOLDING THE ENVELOPE AS BITS OF CONFETTI START FALLING OUT MARKING HIS TRAIL; BILL STANDS AT THE DOOR SHAKING HIS HEAD. HE IS HOLDING ANOTHER LETTER IN HIS HAND. BILL Ahhhh Kevin, you never stop. That letter... It was an advertisement... Scene Two, Ext. School Yard - Twenty Minutes Later (Kevin) KEVIN IS RUNNING AROUND THE SCHOOL TRAILING CONFETTI... وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1506 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 150 30/4/24 2:31 AM

B. Scene Two: Kevin receives the following messages on his voicemail. Read the messages and say who has left the message and why. Discuss how Kevin will feel when he reads them. 1. Hi Kevin. This is Dad. Your brother has told us the wonderful news! Congratulations, son. We are very proud of you. 2. Hi Kevin. This is your bro, Bob. Well done. Do you want my help with moving your things? Call me. 3. Hello Kevin. This is Mr. Jackson from university admissions. Unfortunately, we don't have any record of an offer of a university place for you. Please could you call us at: 234-7684 ext. 43. Thank you. C. Scene Three: Bill has left a message for Kevin at home. Read the message and explain why Bill has left the message. How does Bill feel? In pairs, write the voicemail message Kevin leaves for Mr. Jackson explaining the situation. Hi Kevin, That You ran out of the door so quickly that I didn't have a chance to explain. letter was not from the university offering you a place. It was an advertisement! I'm really sorry.... I know how much want to до to that college. Anyway, Mr. Jackson called and said they don't know who you are so and explain the situation. I'll be back at 6 p.m. you had better call you See later. you Bill D. How will the episode end? Work with a partner and make notes. Write a short description of the final scene. Notes about the final scene: (place) Episode 8, ACT ONE, Final scene (Day (time of day) (names of characters) IS STANDING/SITTING IN THE WEARING HIS Writing Corner When writing a sitcom: • brainstorm ideas about funny scenes that you have experienced, heard about, or seen. • identify what makes them funny. research and read scripts from sitcoms you know to get ideas. picture each scene and write a draft description. focus on the characters and list their characteristics (if possible draw them). outline the events in the episode. go back and edit, replace, or add to your material. .give it to someone else to read before you finalize it وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 151 151 30/4/24 2:31 AM