Working to - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
5 Working 9 to 5 A B Term m2 Match the job titles with the job descriptions. zoologist a. This is a special kind of doctor that operates on sick or injured people. 1. 2. race car driver b. This person writes the plots and scripts for TV and films. 3. screen writer c. This person is involved in the study and care of animals. 4. social worker 5. surgeon 6. veterinarian d. This is a doctor for animals. e. This person drives fast cars in contests. f. This is someone who helps people in need, such as the poor or disabled. Read the conversation between a college student and a career advisor. Write the missing words from the box. appreciated cooperate entail entire income respectful satisfaction status Mr. Canon: So, Khaled, what kind of job are you interested in getting after college? Khaled: Actually, I'm not sure. That's why I'm here. I know I want to have a lot of job (1) Mr. Canon: Yes, well, it is important to like your job. What kind of (2) Khaled: do you hope to earn? Well, I mostly just want to be sure that I have enough money to live on. What's more important to me is that I feel (3) I need to know that people are grateful for what I do. Mr. Canon: I see. And what about working with others? Do any of your classes (4) groupwork? Khaled: Oh, yes, a lot of them do. In fact, my (5) a group project. Mr. Canon: Wow-the whole thing? Khaled: Yeah, but I don't mind. I (6) senior seminar grade is based on well with others when I'm in a group. when working with other people. We always get along well. I try to be (7) Mr. Canon: Well, it's important to be polite and show consideration. Oh, one more thing... Khaled: Sure. Mr. Canon: What's your current employment (8) Khaled: Well, I have a part-time job at the library. ? Mr. Canon: OK, that's great. I'm going to have you take a test now that will tell us about what types of عناية التعليم Khaled: Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 265 careers might be good for you. That sounds great! Thanks! Unit 5 265 30/4/24 2:33 AM

5 Working 9 to 5 C What advice would people in these professions give? Finish the sentences. Dentist: "It is important that you brush your teeth every day " " 1. Veterinarian: "It is important that your cat 2. Teacher: "I want you " 3. Police officer: "I recommend that you 4. Photographer: "I'd like you 5. Politician: "It is essential that the people of our country 6. Firefighter: “It is imperative that kids 7. Postal worker: "I suggest that you 8. Pilot: "It is important that everybody D Read the advice on interviewing. Rewrite the sentences in the subjunctive. Be on time. It is essential that you 1. Bring your résumé. be on time. 2. Dress nicely. 3. Make eye contact. 4. Shake the interviewer's hand. 5. Sit up straight. 6. Use a confident voice. 7. Answer all of the questions. 8. Ask them questions, too. 9. Write a thank-you note afterwards. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 266 Unit 5 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 266 وو دو " وو " " 30/4/24 2:33 AM

E Correct the error in each sentence. How to Write a Good Résumé that Λ It is important you write your name at the top. 1. I recommend you that put your educational background on it. 2. It is necessary to gives your phone number. 3. I suggest you to give your email address, too. 4. It is essential that list your work experience. 5. It is imperative that you are clear and concise. 6. I recommend that you talks about your skills. 7. It is important you include a list of references at the end. 8. I want that you call me if you have any questions. F 5 Working 9 to 5 Look at the job titles. Write subjunctive sentences about the qualifications and qualities people need to have for each job. Salesperson: It is essential that they like working with people. 1. Tailor: 2. Doctor: 3. Chef: 4. Hairdresser: 5. Accountant: 6. Farmer: 7. Babysitter: 8. Firefighter: وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 267 Unit 5 267 30/4/24 2:33 AM

5 Working 9 to 5 G Write four common sentences that people in each profession say. Be sure to use the subjunctive or I'd like you + infinitive or I want you + infinitive. 1. ? It is essential that you stop at stop signs. I'd like you to not drive too fast. a. b. Police Officer 2. a. b. C. d. Dentist 3. a. b. C. d. Flight Attendant H Complete the conversations with the words from the box. cover in a bind help me out jumped ship keep it to yourself No kidding take off Will do A: Hey, Bob. Can you help me out ? 4. A: What's wrong? B: Of course. What do you need? B: I'm 1. A: Could you ? B: Absolutely. I never talk about people's 5. A: Now make sure you call me when you get there. private business. B: 2. A: Did you hear that Imad ? 6. A: Do you want to go out on Saturday? B: He did? Where is he going to work now? 3. A: I'm going to now. B: OK. See you later! B: Well, I'm supposed to work, but I can try to get someone to for me. 7. A: Did you hear? I got a job! وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 268 Unit 5 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 268 B: ? Congratulations! 30/4/24 2:33 AM

☐ READING Read the article. Then answer true or false. 5 Working 9 to 5 What Makes People Successful? Who do you think is the most successful person you know? Who do you think is the least successful? In order to answer these questions, we first need to define success. Everyone has a different definition of what makes someone successful or not. Many of us place great value on performance, on achievements, or on reaching various goals. Others associate success with material goods, measuring it by how much one can acquire. Others measure success by how much they can contribute to the well-being of their families, or to the community and society in general. There are many other definitions, but arguably, most people associate it with becoming rich, famous, and respected at work. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way. Being successful could mean simply being satisfied with oneself and one's career. For many people, a successful person is someone who feels that his or her work and life in general offer an exceptionally high degree of satisfaction. But how does one get from here to there? How does one reach this feeling of satisfaction with life and career? It seems that successful people consistently do two things: . They use their natural abilities in their work. . They set career and life goals. In other words, successful people choose careers where they can use their natural abilities, or do what comes naturally to them. For example, successful teachers are people who instinctively know how to help people learn, and the best doctors are those who know how to listen to people. Successful people know where they are starting from, and what direction they want to give their lives and careers, even if it is something as simple and wonderful as raising a happy family. What are your natural abilities? What are your career and life goals? If you can answer these questions, you are on your way to achieving success. 1. There is a general consensus on the definition of success. 2. A lot of people think that you are successful if you are rich and famous. 3. Successful people choose careers that match their skills. 4. Successful people don't plan their lives. 5. Doing what comes naturally to you helps make you successful. 6. Raising a happy family is not enough to be considered successful. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 269 Unit 5 269 30/4/24 2:33 AM

5 Working 9 to 5 J Match jobs and sentences. Some of the sentences can be used for more than one profession. Then write one more sentence about necessary characteristics or qualifications for each job. construction engineers accountants 1. 2. medical doctors architects flight attendants TV presenters consultants teachers photographers reporters construction engineers It is essential that they like working outdoors. It is important that they are good at supervising building projects. It is important that they double-check every figure. 3. They need to invest a lot of time, hard work, and study to succeed. 4. 5. ம் It is imperative that they be good at designing buildings. Parents want them to be creative, friendly, and effective. 6. Passengers expect them to be polite and helpful. 7. Viewers want them to be informative and entertaining. 8. It is necessary that they listen to people and help them make decisions. 9. It is essential that they have artistic talent and appropriate training. 10. We expect them to inform us of what is happening in the world. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 270 Unit 5 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 270 30/4/24 2:33 AM

1. 2. 3. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 5 Working 9 to 5 K Look at the picture. Write the headings and information you will need to give when you apply for a job. Write the questions that you would ask a person applying for a job if you were the boss. MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 271 Application for Employment oyer's policy to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities in ing out this application form, please let us know, and we will provide assistanc affic Position for Which You Are Applying First Name City Are you 18 years of age or over? Date Business P Yes No If No, Date of Birth Education Lion of College University, Technical Schools Did you Graduate? Yes No Yes No Yes ON Yes No Information Required on An Application Form be held more Unit 5 271 30/4/24 2:33 AM

5 Working 9 to 5 L WRITING My Career and Life Goals 1. What are your career and life goals? Write notes in the chart. Things I'm good at Things I'd like to do in the next 1-2 years Things I'd like to do in the next 7-10 years 2. Now write an essay about your career and life goals. Answer the following questions: What are your natural abilities? • What are your short-term goals? (next 1-2 years) • What are your long-term goals? (next 7-10 years) وزارة التعليم Ministoler Favention 272 Unit 5 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 272 30/4/24 2:33 AM

M Write the question tags. 1. It was a part-time job, 2. He works in a bank, 3. You are not going to resign from your job 4. They took over the company, 5. There's a new manager in charge, 6. We won't have another meeting today, N O ? ? ? ? ? Write requests for the situations. Use can, could or would. You must speak to the manager. Excuse me, could I speak to the manager? 1. You want to apply for a job. You don't have an application form. 2. You're tired. You want to have a short break. 3. You don't know where the manager's office is? 4. You want to know your customer's address, and phone number. 5. You need to send a text, but you don't have a cell phone. ? Choose the appropriate sentence or expression for a polite answer. 1. Will you help me with my résumé? 5 Working 9 to 5 a. Why should I? 2. I don't understand these instructions. a. So figure it out. b. Certainly. c. Are you serious? b. Can't you read? c. I'll help you. b. They're mine. c. Sure. 3. Would you let me see those files? a. Not now. I'm busy. 4. Could you turn off your smartphone? a. Of course. b. I'm online. 5. Would you mind telling me where the post office is? a. No, it's too far. 6. I'm sorry. I got held up in traffic. a. Oh, come on! c. No way! c. Sure. Straight down this road. b. Yes, I'm busy. b. That's all right. c. As usual. 7. Can you write down your contact details, please? a. Get up and get them. 8. Let me carry that box for you. etmارة التعليم b. No. c. Here you are. a. That's very kind of you. b. Not likely. c. Why? Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 273 Unit 5 273 30/4/24 2:33 AM

5 Working 9 to 5 P Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, or must. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. Adel 2. He pack grocery bags because the customers pack their own. hang out with his friends now. 3. He be patient with his customers. 4. The customer pay for his groceries. 5. He go shopping without any cash. 6. The people in line will Q 7. The mother 8. The man with the watch I wait a long time. be responsible for her child. be late for his appointment. Complete the sentences. Use had to, didn't have to, needed to, needn't, or didn't need to. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1. Look at all those books! Bob 2. Rana 3. They 4. You 5. | 6. We 7. The children 8. Mother 9. I •*10. We lift them all at once. finish her assignment because it was already overdue. go to work yesterday. It was Friday. park your car. The attendant will do it. write a report, so I didn't hang out with my friends yesterday. take an early flight. Our meeting is at 3 p.m. eat breakfast quickly to catch the school bus. cook tonight because we're going out for dinner. wait long for the bus this morning. It was on time today. pack any towels for the trip. The hotel provided everything. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 274 Unit 5 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 274 30/4/24 2:33 AM