Form Meaning and Function - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

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كتاب النشاط
Work with a partner. Sav what will/might happen in the following situations 1. if we don't reduce carbon (CO2) emissions,......
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(83) 4.6 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

6 Going Green 11 Form, Meaning and Function Simple Present Tense Use the simple present tense for facts or things that are true in general. The Saudi Riyal (SAR) is the official currency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It takes one million years for a glass bottle to decompose. My parents don't read printed newspapers anymore. Does Oman belong to the United Arab Emirates? Simple Present versus Present Progressive Use the simple present to talk about habits or routines. Use the present progressive for actions occurring now or for a temporary situation. The temperatures change with the seasons of the year. (habit or routine) The temperatures in the poles are changing drastically. (happening now) PERMANENT TEMPORARY John lives in Quebec, but he is studying in France this year. Note: Some verbs are not often used in the progressive form: believe, forget, hear, know, like, love, need, prefer, remember, see, understand, want, realize. Time Expressions for the Present We are currently studying for examinations. Most people recycle these days. رابط الدرس الرقمي At present there are measures in place to tackle climate change. Air travel is more affordable now than it was in the past. A. Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs. 1. Water 2. The water 3. The scientists 4. at 100 °C (212 °F). (boil) Please turn it off. (boil). the cause of the problem. (not/understand) in your country in winter? (it/snow) 5. The moon 6. What around Earth. (go) of my idea? (you/think) 7. Currently, the number of immigrants in our country. 8. Most people 9. Dubai is part of the UAE, but it (increase) how important it is to conserve energy these days. (realize) 10. Ahmed has a part-time job on Saturdays, but he as many oil reserves as Abu Dhabi. (not/have) today. (not/work) B. Look at the words in the box describing geographical features and green issues. Write sentences about some of the environmental problems the world is facing. Use the present simple and present progressive tense. Flying is becoming a popular way to travel these days. This increases a carbon footprint on quite a massive scale. person's climate change • polar ice caps • oceans and fishing • carbon footprint • air travel deforestation • deserts . erosion flooding • lakes • pollution rivers وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 -9646 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 96 יין 30/4/24 2:30 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Simple Present Tense

شرح Simple Present Tense

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs 1. Water ....... at 100 C (212 F) (boll)

شرح Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs 1. Water ....... at 100 C (212 F) (boll) حل Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses Use the simple present or the present progressive of the verbs 1. Water ....... at 100 C (212 F) (boll)

Look at the words in the box describing geographical features and green issues. Write sentences about some of the environmental problems the world is facing Use the present simple and present

شرح Look at the words in the box describing geographical features and green issues. Write sentences about some of the environmental problems the world is facing Use the present simple and present حل Look at the words in the box describing geographical features and green issues. Write sentences about some of the environmental problems the world is facing Use the present simple and present

O Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms You can use conditional sentences with if to talk about causes and results. Present Facts Use the simple present tense in both clauses. If you cook an egg in the microwave, it explodes. If you put water in the freezer, it becomes ice. Future Facts Use the simple present in the if-clause and the future with be going to or will in the result clause. If we don't take measures now, the oceans will soon be completely depleted of fish. If Imad doesn't go to college, he's going to be very sorry. May/Might Use may/might in the result clause to suggest something is possible, but not certain. If Noura doesn't do the homework, she may fail the class. If Imad doesn't go to college, he might not get a good job. I'd Rather Use I'd rather (= / would rather) to talk about preferences. A: Would you rather go to the mall now or later? B: I'd rather go now. C. Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause. (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it (climb) up to 4,000 meters, they (not cross) its path, the snake 1. If you 2. If they 3. If you 4. If we (get) this HD television, we 5. If you 6. If he (mix) flour and water, you (not obey) the speed limit, he D. Work with a partner. Say what will/might happen in the following situations. 1. If we don't reduce carbon (CO2) emissions, 2. If we teach young children in school about green issues, 3. If we find alternative sources of energy, 4. If we dump chemicals into the river, 5. If we take the bus to school, 6. If we have time, 6. If we take the 7. Your idea: pilillä 8. Your idea: Ministry of Education 2024-1446 (boil). (need) oxygen. (not bite) you. (see) the game better. (end up) with batter. (get) a ticket. MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 97 97 30/4/24 2:30 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms

شرح Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms

Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. if you.... (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it..... (boill)

شرح Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. if you.... (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it..... (boill) حل Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. if you.... (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it..... (boill)

Work with a partner. Sav what will/might happen in the following situations 1. if we don't reduce carbon (CO2) emissions,......

شرح Work with a partner. Sav what will/might happen in the following situations 1. if we don't reduce carbon (CO2) emissions,...... حل Work with a partner. Sav what will/might happen in the following situations 1. if we don't reduce carbon (CO2) emissions,......
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