Project - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
8 The Sporting Life 12 Project رابط الدرس الرقمي A long list of different sports and events are included in the Summer Olympics, such as: Table tennis Taekwondo Archery Boxing Athletics Canoeing Equestrian Fencing Gymnastics Handball Rowing Sailing Badminton Cycling Basketball Diving Field hockey Football Judo Shooting Pentathlon Swimming Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Water polo Weightlifting Wrestling 1. Circle the ones that you are familiar with. Find out if your classmates know more about the sports/events that you are not familiar with. 2. Work in pairs or groups. • Research and find out which sports/ . events are the most popular ones. . Choose two popular sports/events to • • research and collect information about. Use the chart to make notes and select photos/pictures. Design and make a poster to display on the wall of your classroom for your classmates to read. • Answer questions about your poster. Name of sport/event 1. 2. Date it was introduced in the Olympics History (place of origin, development, popularity, key people) Objective (of game/sport/event) First and latest gold medalists and countries of origin Current status in the Olympics and the World Championship Preparation of athletes. (inclusion in the Olympics, (semi-finals, or finalsزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 -1266 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 126 30/4/24 2:31 AM

13 Self Reflection Things that I liked about Unit 8: Things that I didn't like very much: Things that I found easy in Unit 8: Things that I found difficult in Unit 8: Unit 8 Checklist talk about the Olympics, sports and athletes encourage and express confidence in someone explain steps in a process or game use gerunds as subjects use the superlative + present perfect use the present perfect progressive versus present perfect simple ask: How long ...? use adverbs of manner use comparative forms and structures with adjectives and adverbs وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 My five favorite new words from Unit 8: MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 127 I can do this very well. I can do this quite well. I need to study/ practice more. • If you're still not sure about something from Unit 8: • read through the unit again • listen to the audio material • study the grammar and functions from the unit again ask your teacher for help. 127 30/4/24 2:31 AM