Writing - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
رابط الدرس الرقمي 5 Working 9 to 5 10 Writing A. Read about some more unusual jobs and complete the job title. Work in pairs. Compare your ideas in class. www.ien.edu.sa consultants: The people who advise construction companies and manufacturers on vibration and noise problems and suggest solutions. authenticators: The people who differentiate between true/authentic and fake paintings. consultants: The people who advise riders on how they can have the most comfortable horseback ride with the most suitable riding accessory. 1. Read the essay and find out the following: • What does an arborist do? • What kind of qualifications does he need to have? • Which personal characteristics should he have? What are his employment prospects? 2. What is your view as a reader? Are ideas and information presented clearly? • Does the writer provide explanations, examples, or reasons when necessary? Does the essay answer your questions about what an arborist is/does? 3. Look at the essay again and write which person is used in each paragraph: I, you, he or she and so on. • Paragraph 1: • Paragraph 2: 4. Notice which paragraphs provide: ⚫ the writer's view and/or opinion • • Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: • objective information and/or view 5. Are there any passive forms? What are they used for? 6. How are ideas and facts connected? Provide examples from the text. • • conjunctions/linking words combined clauses/sentences • use of pronouns The Job of an Arborist Although my parents would like me to become a doctor or a lawyer, I am interested in a very different kind of job. I would like to be an arborist, a sort of doctor for trees. To become an arborist, it is essential that you have a related bachelor's degree, for example in forestry, as the more you know about trees the better you will be able to do what is expected of you. Arborists are hired by individuals or organizations to keep trees healthy and attractive. They fertilize, prune, plant, and cure trees. In other words, they are a kind of official "tree carer." They are considered experts in their field. For this reason, they need to attend workshops and seminars throughout their career in order to keep up with developments. I think it's perfect for me. I am interested in working in nature and taking care of things. I like trees. I am Pilillä patient, methodical, and hard working. Finally, given current trends towards greener alternatives, I think there will be plenty of work for arborists in the future, so unemployment will not be a problem. Ministry of Education 2024-8046 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 80 30/4/24 2:30 AM

B. 1. Write an essay about an unusual job you might like to have. 2. Before you write, think about and/or find on the Internet: • a description of the job. • the background you should have for this job ⚫ personal characteristics that would help you perform the job effectively . 3. Use the chart to help you brainstorm and organize your information. Job description Job responsibilities وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 81 Important background JOB Helpful characteristics and to become a The Job of alan Although I am everybody expects good at me I would like to be alan Writing Corner When you write an opinion essay: • note down what you know about the topic and collect new information. note down your personal views on the topic and express your feelings and opinions. combine your views and feelings with the relevant information and organize each paragraph. remember that it is your essay and your voice needs to come through. 81 30/4/24 2:30 AM