Listen and Discuss - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Connected by Technology
Unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
Unit3: Far and Away
Unit4: TV Around the World
Term 2
Unit5: Working 9 to 5
Unit6: Going Green
Unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
Unit8: The Sporting Life
Term 3
Unit9: Laugh Out Loud
Unit10: You Are What You Eat
Unit11: Amazing Animals
Unit12: What Would You Do
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology
نشاط unit2: Crime Doesn’t Pay
نشاط unit3: Far and Away
نشاط unit4: TV Around the World
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Working 9 to 5
نشاط unit6: Going Green
نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home
نشاط unit8: The Sporting Life
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Laugh Out Loud
نشاط unit10: You Are What You Eat
نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals
نشاط unit12: What Would You Do
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
1 Connected by Technology 1 Listen and Discuss Read the Internet profiles of the three young people. Find two important details about each. رابط الدرس الر Name: Faisal Alharbi Gender: Male Age: 19 Home: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Send a Message Add as Friend Forward to Friend Send a Smile I believe in living life to the fullest. My friends call me "adventure boy" because I'm very spontaneous and I love to do new things. There's almost nothing I won't try once. For example, I've gone bungee jumping and parachuting! I've eaten shark fin soup and chocolate covered crickets! I like to set challenges for myself, and I've found that I can do anything I set my mind to. I'm also a very straightforward person. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. If you ask my advice, you're going to get it! Name: Luke Mitchell Gender: Male Age: 17 Home: London, England Send a Message Add as Friend Forward to Friend Send a Smile ولات التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 -6446 OK. So the first thing you should know about me is that I'm obsessed with technology and media. I have to be "plugged in" all the time. I spend hours each day on the Web and playing computer games. I'm a lot like my dad. He's a software engineer and he loves technology and spending time on the computer, too. It drives my mom crazy. But just because I love technology doesn't mean I'm a loner. I'm always hanging out with my friends. Sometimes I spend hours talking with friends online. I'm a pretty funny guy and I 1010/0/0 like cracking people up. My approach to life is laid back. 1010 I like helping others lighten up and not take life so seriously. 10/TOT MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 6 30/4/24 2:29 AM

Send a Message Add as Friend Forward to Friend Send a Smile 7 If I had to describe myself with one phrase it would be "down to earth." I also love being outdoors. Being in nature makes me feel peaceful and happy. I especially love the quiet of morning. One of my favorite things to do is wake up really early and go for a long hike. I'm not always quiet, though. I have a few very close friends, and we spend hours talking and laughing. My family and friends mean everything to me, and they know that they can depend on me for anything. I'm a good listener. I'm not the type of person who tells people what they should do when they have a problem. Instead, I give lots of support and encouragement. Name: Ahmed Al Ali Gender: Male Age: 22 Home: Dammam, Saudi Arabia Quick Check ☑ A. Vocabulary. Who do you think would most likely do the following actions—Faisal, Luke, or Ahmed? 1. Chat with friends over the computer. 2. Go camping with friends. 3. Go bungee jumping. 4. Help a friend with a problem. 5. Share his honest opinion about a friend's problem. 6. Make a friend laugh about his problem. 7. Spend evenings watching TV with his friends. B. Comprehension. Discuss the meaning of these expressions with a partner. Decide which person each proverb describes best—Faisal, Luke, or Ahmed. 1. Better late than never. 2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 3. Silence is golden. 4. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 5. Laughter is the best medicine. 6. Honesty is the best policy. 2. Pair Work 1. Which person is most like you? Why? Which person is most unlike you? Why? pill 2. Write your own profile. Exchange and discuss your profile with your partner. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 7 7 30/4/24 2:29 AM