Form Meaning and Function - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Match the sentences Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so...that or such .... that 1. I'm having a good time
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(84) 3.9 التقييم 8 التعليقات المشاركة

9 Laugh Out Loud 11 Form, Meaning and Function Expressing Wishes, Regret and Criticism Verb: Wish Use wish for things that happened in the past that you now regret. in the past رابط الدرس الرقمي I didn't see the TV comedian. I wish I had seen the TV comedian. Everyone thought he was so funny! I couldn't get the joke. I switched off before the end of the TV show. I wish I had been able to get the joke. I need to improve my English. I wish I hadn't switched off before the end of the TV show. The ending was supposed to be very good. Use wish and if only for things you want to happen now or in the future but which you know probably won't happen. in the present in the future I am not a big fan of his jokes. I feel down today. The comedian can't make people laugh. He won't lend me his car. My brother will leave for college soon. Expressing Criticism I wish I found his jokes funny. I wish I didn't feel down today. I wish I could cheer up. The comedian wishes he could make people laugh. I wish he would lend me his car. If only he would stay. Use wish or if only with would to express irritation or annoyance with a situation or the particular action of someone else. I wish he wouldn't use his cell phone in class. I wish the children would stop interrupting. Note: Use if only... in the place of wish to express a wish, regret or criticism more emphatically: If only it would stop raining, I wouldn't feel so depressed! A. Use the verb wish to complete the sentences. In some cases, more than one answer is possible. Your best friend is a wonderful person, but he/she talks too much. I wish that my best friend didn't talk so much/wouldn't talk so much. 1. I feel down. I think the weather is getting to me. It is so cold and wet. I wish 2. He is stressed and run-down. He gets sick easily. He wishes 3. Your parents won't let you go out tomorrow night. I wish my parents 4. You borrowed your brother's cell phone without asking for permission. Now he's angry. I wish 5. They won't stop laughing. It's annoying me. I wish 6. You want to buy someone a present, but you don't have enough money. If only I 7. Everyone watched the TV sitcom last night. They are all talking about it today. You didn't watch it. 0,00 I wish . 8. The clown was not funny. The children didn't laugh at his jokes. والالم التعليم If only Ministry of Education 2024 1526 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 152 30/4/24 2:31 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Form, Meaning and Function

شرح Form, Meaning and Function

Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases, more than one answer is possible much. 1 feel down. I think the weather is getting to me. It is so cold and wet Wish

شرح Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases, more than one answer is possible much. 1 feel down. I think the weather is getting to me. It is so cold and wet Wish حل Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases, more than one answer is possible much. 1 feel down. I think the weather is getting to me. It is so cold and wet Wish

Such...That/So...That Such and so make the meaning of an adjective or adverb stronger. Such...that and so...that are used to show cause and effect. such + adjective + noun + that The new TV sitcom is such a funny show that everyone in my class watches it. so + adjective or adverb + that The comedian was so amusing that he had everyone in stitches. We laughed so much that we had tears in our eyes. Can't, Could, Couldn't, Must, May, or Might Use can't, must, may, or might to make suppositions, to speculate about something, and to draw conclusions. Use must to say we are sure of something. Use can't or couldn't to say that we think something is impossible. Use may, might, or could to say that something is possible. The story about the green aliens can't be true. It might be a prank. It must be April 1st! (present) The story about the green aliens can't have been true. It might have been a prank. It must have been April 1st! (past) B. Match the sentences. Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so...that or such...that. I'm having such a good time that I don't want to go home. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 3 4 5 6 к 5. 6. 7. I'm having a good time. The food was spicy. Emma is a popular name. The school is selective. The company received many complaints. My brother has won many sports trophies. You have made a big meal. a. My mouth burned for half an hour after eating it. b. We've had to build a shelf to put them on. c. They only accept one student for every 100 applications. d. I don't want to go home. e. We'll never be able to finish it all. f. There are four girls in the class with that name. g. They had to recall the product. C. Write sentences to speculate about the situations. Use can't, could, couldn't, must, may or might in your sentences. The boys look worried. They must have smashed the window. = M boys/worried 1. fans/happy 2. Nawal/angry 3. parents/sad 4. officer/surprised وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 153 153 30/4/24 2:31 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Such That / So That Can’t, Could

شرح Such That / So That   Can’t, Could

Match the sentences Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so...that or such .... that 1. I'm having a good time

شرح Match the sentences Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so...that or such .... that 1. I'm having a good time حل Match the sentences Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so...that or such .... that 1. I'm having a good time

Write sentences to speculate about the situations. Use can't, could, couldn't must may or might in your sentences.

شرح Write sentences to speculate about the situations. Use can't, could, couldn't must may or might in your sentences. حل Write sentences to speculate about the situations. Use can't, could, couldn't must may or might in your sentences.
W_X_W M_x_M
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