Chapter Assessment - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

Chapter 4 Assessment


Chapter 4 Assessment

Match the terms listed with the definitions.

Chapter 4 Assessment


Suggest three examples of an organizational crisis that could happen and describe which type of category each example belongs to.

Describe an example of a supply chain based on experiences from your own life such as products or services that you or your household have used.

Chapter 4 Assessment

18. Describe some of the ways in which an organization can encourage a creative work environment.

Complete the following activities.

20. Technology Look back at Lesson 4.1 on innovation and Lesson 4.2

Chapter 4 Assessment

21. Planning Imagine that you are a manager who has recently been

The Challenges of Climbing the Stack

Chapter 4 Assessment

search engine solidified the company’s dominance in its existing sphere

Why is it easier to descend the ‘stack’ rather than ascend it?

Research examples of Saudi companies that have successfully jumped to a higher level in the ‘stack’. Why do you think they have succeeded where others have failed?