Developing Effective Organizations - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations



Now That’s Teamwork!

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

LO 2.4.1 Types of Organizational Structures

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Line Organization

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

In a line organization, the top executive has direct control over all units

Line-and-Staff Organization

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Figure 2-11 Line-and-Staff Organization In a line-and-staff organization, staff specialists are available to provide needed advice and assistance to line managers.

Matrix Organization

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

In the matrix organization, there is no permanent organizational

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Team Organization

What are some advantages of team organization for employees and managers?

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Sometimes teams are organized without a permanently designated

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Effective work teams, whether self-directed or not, have been shown


Who is responsible for traditional management functions in a team organization?

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

LO 2.4.2 Improving Business Organization

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

Another major type of reorganization occurring in businesses today

How can business organization be made more effective?

2.4 Developing Effective Organizations

If managers in large organizations have difficulty mastering the knowl- edge and skills they need in all of their areas of responsibility, which type of organizational structure would be mos

For work teams to be successful in an organization, team members must become competent in all of the following areas except

Why does the line organizational structure often create problems in sharing information and communicating among employees and man- agers from different departments of the organization?

Why are many larger companies organized in a way that has individuals reporting to managers based on departmental specialization? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having all indiv