Chapter Assessment - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

Chapter 3 Assessment


Match the terms listed with the definitions.

Chapter 3 Assessment


Chapter 3 Assessment

Determine the best answer.

Chapter 3 Assessment

28. “All problems encountered by an organization can be traced back to poor planning.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

29. Why are businesses paying much more attention to developing effec- tive work teams today than in the past?

What differences in directing and controlling activities, if any, would there be for a manager of a small business and a manager in a large business?

31. What should a manager do if it is clear that many employees will view a planned change negatively?

32. What are some examples of business activities where perfection is the only acceptable standard for performance?

33. Should managers delegate controlling activities to employees and em- ployee teams? Why or why not?

Chapter 3 Assessment

34. Technology Form a team with three or four other students

35. Math The chart below shows information from a company’s

Chapter 3 Assessment

Summary of Findings.

Cutting Employee Compensation

Chapter 3 Assessment

The company will encourage the current operators to switch jobs and

What is your opinion of the company’s plans for the change to the new production equipment and jobs?

What would you recommend that the company do, if anything, for the machine operators who are not hired for the computer positions and choose not to accept the pay reduction?

As the production manager, explain how you would handle the changes described to get employee support.

In small groups, play the role of the company’s managers and pre- pare a presentation about the change, using presentation software. As each group presents, the rest of the class should