The Organizing Function - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي

2.3 The Organizing Function


Time to Get Organized?


2.3 The Organizing Function

LO 2.3.1 Organizing Work

The Role of Organization Charts

2.3 The Organizing Function

Figure 2-5 Organization Chart for Part of a Retail Business

The Process of Organizing Work

2.3 The Organizing Function

Whether the focus is on a new or existing department, division,

Division of Work

2.3 The Organizing Function

The organization charts shown in Figures 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8 point out

2.3 The Organizing Function

A small business needs good organization just as much as a large

Facilities and Working Conditions

2.3 The Organizing Function

Why do you think a smart office environment can improve employee morale and productivity?

and parts close to the work area. If special parts are needed,

2.3 The Organizing Function


What are the three elements that should be consid- ered when organizing work?

LO 2.3.2 Characteristics of Good Organization

2.3 The Organizing Function

accomplish better results if the overall task is planned and organized.

Responsibility and Authority

2.3 The Organizing Function

They need to understand the effects of their decisions on the business,

Why is it important for employees to have the authority to make decisions when working with customers?

2.3 The Organizing Function


2.3 The Organizing Function

Managers evaluate employees’ work by comparing the work to estab-

Unity of Command

2.3 The Organizing Function

command is not followed by team members, the managers who were

Span of Control (Span of Management)

How can a business define what is a reasonable span of control for a manager?

2.3 The Organizing Function

a manager supervises too few people. That manager may supervise each

What is likely to happen if employees are assigned responsibility for work tasks but are not given the needed authority?

2.3 The Organizing Function

A well-designed organization chart shows all of the following except

The hierarchy of the organization, from the highest level to the lowest level, is called the

Do you believe that a large business will operate more efficiently and effectively with more or fewer organizational units? Justify your answer.

If you were a supervisor, what would you do to make sure each employee is aware of his or her responsibilities and authority? What could you do to make your employees feel empowered to make d

2.3 The Organizing Function

Utilizing Employee Ideas

Do you think most company owners and top managers would sup- port the idea of smart office environments? Why or why not?

What do you believe makes this collaborative approach a success- ful way to develop new product ideas?

2.3 The Organizing Function

If you were an employee of a company that took this approach, would you volunteer to work on a product idea without a guaran- tee of being paid for your time? Explain.