1: Predictive Data Modeling

When the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) became a pandemic affecting all countries worldwide,

Predictive Modeling

What is Predictive Modeling?

Predictive Data Modeling

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Analytics professionals frequently feed predictive models with data from the following sources:


Parametric Models

Non-Parametric Models

Table 4.1: Comparision of parametric and non-parametric models

Predictive Modeling Categories

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Table 4.2: Comparison between Classification and Regression

Classification vs Regression example. In classification, the dotted line represents a linear boundary that separates the two classes, while in regression, the dotted line models the linear re



Predictive Modeling Tasks

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Predictive Modeling Methods

More advanced Predictive Modeling methods are used in more complex problems.

Time Series

Outlier Detection

A clustering example with four clusters based on two characteristics, income and spending score



1: Predictive Data Modeling

Data Transformation

The workflow of the predictive modeling process

Inferences or Conclusions

Formulation of the Predictive Model

Data Collection and Cleaning

The Predictive Modeling Process

1: Predictive Data Modeling

To create and train a model:

Practical Classification Example

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Teachable Machine

1: Predictive Data Modeling

New Image Project

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Once the training process is finished, you can test the model by giving it an image from the test dataset, either from the Positive class or the Negative class and evaluate the output.

Teachable Machine

1: Predictive Data Modeling

As you can see, the model correctly classified the image in the Positive class with 100% certainty,

To test and evaluate a model:

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Predictive Modeling tools

Benefits and Limitations of Predictive Modeling

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Table 4.3: Applications of Predictive Modeling

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Briefly explain what predictive modeling is, use online research and give an example.

Briefly explain how to get started in creating a predictive model.

Describe where predictive modeling can be applied in the real world.

1: Predictive Data Modeling

Perform online research to find examples of privacy and ethical concerns in predictive modeling. For example, can companies base their HR operations on prediction models using employees' heal

Imagine you want to build a classification model to classify images of cars, planes and ships. Describe this process step by step, from gathering the data to training the model.

You want to build a predictive model for traffic accidents, and you need data for your model. Search on the Saudi Open Data Platform (https://data.gov.sa) to find the correct datasets. How ma