Project You want to figure out which the preferred way for tourists to visit the KSA is. You have an excel file called "tourist-indicators.xlsx" which contains information about the number of tourists arriving in KSA by air, land and sea per month. 1 Open the file "tourist-indicators.xlsx". 2 Load the "17" sheet into a new DataFrame using the Pandas library. 3 Find out how many tourists arrived by air, land and sea for each month. 4 Compare the mean number of tourists arriving in KSA by air and by land for the months of January, February and March using the appropriate visualization technique. 5 What are the percentages of each arrival mode for the 3 months with the lowest total number of visitors? To answer the question, you need to create a new column in your DataFrame with the total number of visitors per month. 6 What kind of graph will be most helpful to answer this question? Justify your answer. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 142 2024-1446


You want to figure out which the most preferred way for tourists to visit the KSA is. You have an excel file called "tourist-indicators.xlsx" which contains information about the number of to

Wrap up 10 Now you have learned: > the steps of the data analysis process. > how to use Jupyter Notebook as a data analysis tool. > how to use Pandas library to create statistics. > the importance of data visualization. > how to to use matplotlib library to graphically represent data. > how to create bar charts and pie charts in Jupyter Notebook. KEY TERMS Attribute Data Cleaning Data Visualization DataFrame Descriptive Analysis Diagnostic Analysis Filtering Function Non-Graphical Analysis Predictive Analysis Graphical Analysis Prescriptive Analysis Grouping Indexing Method Exploratory Data Analysis Multivariate وزارة الت Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Programming Library Series Object Univariate 143


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