EXPANSION Units - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي

EXPANSION Units 9–12

كتاب النشاط

EXPANSION Units 9–12

كتاب النشاط
Find words in the reading that mean: 1. mysterious and frightening (paragraph1)
السيد ابو اسماعيل
(0) 0 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة
EXPANSION Units 9–12

Rewrite the sentences as conditionals. Follow the example 1. Khaled had a car accident because he answered his cell phone

شرح Rewrite the sentences as conditionals. Follow the example 1. Khaled had a car accident because he answered his cell phone حل Rewrite the sentences as conditionals. Follow the example 1. Khaled had a car accident because he answered his cell phone

Write sentences to speculate about the situations Use can't , could, couldn't, must 1. You hear a noise in your house early in the morning

شرح Write sentences to speculate about the situations Use can't , could, couldn't, must 1. You hear a noise in your house early in the morning حل Write sentences to speculate about the situations Use can't , could, couldn't, must 1. You hear a noise in your house early in the morning

Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses Remember to use the past perfect where necessary. When Detective Malcolm got to his apartment, he...... (1. notice) that s

شرح Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses Remember to use the past perfect where necessary. When Detective Malcolm got to his apartment, he...... (1. notice) that s حل Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses Remember to use the past perfect where necessary. When Detective Malcolm got to his apartment, he...... (1. notice) that s
EXPANSION Units 9–12

1 Qassim to Hameed: "I'll meet you at seven tomorrow

شرح 1 Qassim to Hameed: "I'll meet you at seven tomorrow حل 1 Qassim to Hameed: "I'll meet you at seven tomorrow

Imagine you make contact with extraterrestrial beings. Write down five questions that you would ask and the ETs' answers. Report the questions and answers to a partner

شرح Imagine you make contact with extraterrestrial beings. Write down five questions that you would ask and the ETs' answers. Report the questions and answers to a partner حل Imagine you make contact with extraterrestrial beings. Write down five questions that you would ask and the ETs' answers. Report the questions and answers to a partner

What should the person have done or said in the following situations Write your answers and compare them with a partner

شرح What should the person have done or said in the following situations Write your answers and compare them with a partner حل What should the person have done or said in the following situations Write your answers and compare them with a partner
EXPANSION Units 9–12

Read the title THE WAR OF THE WORLDS and write as many words as you can think of about it.

شرح Read the title THE WAR OF THE WORLDS and write as many words as you can think of about it. حل Read the title THE WAR OF THE WORLDS and write as many words as you can think of about it.
EXPANSION Units 9–12

Find words in the reading that mean: 1. mysterious and frightening (paragraph1)

شرح Find words in the reading that mean: 1. mysterious and frightening (paragraph1) حل Find words in the reading that mean: 1. mysterious and frightening (paragraph1)

Think about an interesting short story that you have read. Complete the organizer with information from the short story

شرح Think about an interesting short story that you have read. Complete the organizer with information from the short story حل Think about an interesting short story that you have read. Complete the organizer with information from the short story

Do you believe there is intelligent life in other galaxies? Write reasons for and against Discuss them with your classmates

EXPANSION Units 9–12

Could You Help Me Find the Reason?

شرح Could You Help Me Find the Reason?
EXPANSION Units 9–12

Find words and expressions in the chant that mean 1. to see, realize

شرح Find words and expressions in the chant that mean 1. to see, realize حل Find words and expressions in the chant that mean 1. to see, realize

Think about something you did that upset a friend of yours

شرح Think about something you did that upset a friend of yours حل Think about something you did that upset a friend of yours

Answer true or false 1. The young man is regretful about his past actions

شرح Answer true or false 1. The young man is regretful about his past actions حل Answer true or false 1. The young man is regretful about his past actions

In a group, tell each other when it is good to forgive, to plead, and to forsaken

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